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ANNUNAKI CHROMOSOME # versus that of CroMag/Neanderthal versus that of Human/Homo sapiens

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

I admit I am over my head but birds are another species that has Chromosome understanding is modern birds evolved overtime from dinosaurs...this is a pretty big leap and fusion could be the answer so when you say no other species it seems that may not be right...of course it is a theory but certainly no bigger leap than you have taken when saying because our genes are different from apes that it must be proof of Annunaki tampering.

if these chromosomes were unlinked in the tetrapod ancestor, the inference would be chromosome fusion in the stem lineage of extant amphibians and ancestral chromosome retention in the lineage leading to chicken

I wish for some sort of contact some day and do not believe that it all stoped here but it does not help to present a theory as proof when all it a theory.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

Retards have one more chromosome, and that did not take genetic engineering, it just took bad breeding perhaps combined with gene degredation of which there are various causes; drug use, too much sex, oxygen deprivation at birth, brothers screwing sisters, etc...etc... The remarkable genetics we are gifted with is merely upheld as a form of energy carried by links of carbon and acids.

Think of dolphins having 2 less chromosomes as perhaps being too energetic, too much like a negative magnetic pole without enough positive to balance it out (example). People, I'm sorry I don't have a link, have found links to human genetics and the speed of light, earth frequencies, heartbeat freq', etc...etc...
and I know this is off subject, but of all species, human's hearts beat far too many times relative their average lifespans when compared to all other species on earth. All species aside from us have lifespans directly relative to their heartbeat rates!!!

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by omegazap
reply to post by BiggerPicture

Retards have one more chromosome..

Firstly.. what?

Secondly.. WHAT??????

Finally, Down Syndrome is a caused by an extra 21, not the absence of a 21. This is the only thing I can think you might mean.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by plube

Brother Nathaniel rocks. And yes I miss my pair of chromosones, winters in Kanata can be cold without my full coat of hair

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Furbs

Isn't Down's also known as trisomy 18? I could be wrong. I find it interesting how a lot of people who have children with down's find that what they initially think of a burden becomes their blessing

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:48 AM
yeah Downs is just an incidental trisomy or an extra chromosome copy, not a metacentric chromosomy or controlled doubling up of the genetic info on specifically 2 adjacent chromosomes into 1 chromosome (in order for successful hybridization/crossing), heck only 1% of trisomy 21 is an actual complete extra chromosome 21 copy anyway, and thats only when one parent happened to have a fused pair of chromosomes themselves but appeared normal so it went detected. Theoretically a whole race of down syndrome humans(!) could be bred to be carrying only a fused version of chromosomes 14 to a 21, and and an extra 21 but it would take bringing together two 1%s and exclusive inbreeding and selective culling for these "retards" with loss of some chromosome 14 genetic info that made them fully 'human' (reminds of gory movies about inbred family horror)

Birds' Z shuffling between chromosomes 4 and 10 is not fusion but fission and may yield single generation tetraploidys but fertility is barely 12% in such specimens, it is does not yield chromosomally divergent speciation as did the hominid to human did with metacentry exclusively in homo sapiens (not even h. erectus, cromag, nor neanderthal).

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:12 AM
If anyone wants some theory behind these statements I suggest a read of "Intervention Theory" by Lloyd Pye. He gives forth great evidence of how ancient aliens could have genetically engineered our species.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by BiggerPicture
All primates, apes, hominids, neanderthal:, cromags 48 (24 pairs)
Humans (Homo sapiens): 46 (23 pairs)

Maybe I missed it so I'm asking -

Anyone tell this naif that Cro-Magnon Man is Homo Sapiens Sapiens, just like us?

What a maroon, to quote the bunny.


posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 03:06 PM
oops i need to read ' The Good Earth' all over again

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Truthfreedom888
If anyone wants some theory behind these statements I suggest a read of "Intervention Theory" by Lloyd Pye. He gives forth great evidence of how ancient aliens could have genetically engineered our species.

I agree, Lloyd Pye says that the two convential theories, ie Darwin and the church, if either of them could 100% prove they were right, then they wouldn't be "SLUGGING IT OUT" for all these years.

The one other thing here is the "cover up", religion is the "cover up" for our hiden history, and also the "cabalistic academia" is the other culprit for covering up artifacts that prove the man was walking this earth for a lot longer than they tell us.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 04:51 PM

There is a natural evolutionary way:
reply to post by BiggerPicture

and that is

Chromosomes 2 and 3 just "fuse" into one

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 05:17 PM
Evolution is a lie.

Wake up sheeple.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by DissentFromDayOne
Evolution is a lie.

Wake up sheeple.

Excuse my "ignorance", but how does someone read this whole post, and then come up with "Evolution is a lie"?
Wow.. I must be an evolved sheep.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by boncho

Originally posted by rigel4
reply to post by boncho

So the OP says it's ET genetic Engineering and the Professor
is telling us that the fused pair of Chromosomes are Evolutionary.

Why do i get the feeling that the ET theory is the most far out one?


The real question would be... Why do we have evidence of so many other hominid species? Were they just an "oops" during the genetic engineering experiments?


Homo – immediate ancestors of modern humans
Homo habilis†
Homo rudolfensis†
Homo ergaster†
Homo georgicus†
Homo erectus†
Homo cepranensis†
Homo antecessor†
Homo heidelbergensis†
Homo rhodesiensis†
Homo neanderthalensis†
Homo sapiens
Homo sapiens idaltu†
Archaic Homo sapiens (Cro-magnon)†
Homo floresiensis†

edit on 26-3-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

Good question...Maybe that is exactly what they are?

Is it possible that these could of been past failures during the process of "perfecting" their genetic modifications?

Whose to say these E.T are perfect,it is quite possible it was a trial by error experiment for them as it would be for us today to undertake such a complicated venture.

Just one possibility if we are to entertain the intervention theory.

Personally, I am a believer that ancient man was genetically altered or even possibly created 150-200,000 years ago.

I do not know if it was "Alien" in the nuts & bolts space craft sense or some form of as of yet unknown,advanced otherworldly intelligence...All I know is I believe there is a lot we are not aware of,much to learn,discover and experience.

Alien does not need to automatically be presumed to be extraterrestrial in nature..Unfortunately that has become the default,presumptuous explanation for the majority of believers.I do not know what exactly this "intelligence" could be but I remain open minded to it's existence and potential.

This intelligence could of merely sped up the natural evolution of the pre-existing humanoid species on the planet...So,both can be theoretically possible...Natural evolution and genetic modification.intervention. IMHO.

I also find fault with the popularly held explanation for the origins of the different races be physically diverse.
Living further away or closer to the equator just does not make sense to me,intuitively & intellectually I feel that explanation to be obtuse and overtly simplistic not to mention it still leaves much to be desired in fully explaining the finer details and intricacies.

One day we may have all the definitive answers to the haunting questions and mysteries we desire,until then I will remain open to any and every possibility.

There still remains too many unsatisfactory answers given by science that I personally find fault in.

edit on 28-3-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:05 PM
Although i disagree with the completeness of the evolutionary line (let's not forget it is, after all, the THEORY of evolution), i don't think its helpful to compare the number of chromosomes (your dolphin example) as evidence of difference.

For example, humans and chimps share over 90% of the same DNA, and we seem pretty similar, yet humans and bananas share over 50% and they are two VERY different things.

DNA/Chromosomes, genes et al, are encoding protocols. So, just because a string of numbers is similar to another string of numbers doesn't mean that they share any meaning at all.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

problem solved, huh?

the good thing about this is that you can recreate your all of the components are could conduct this experiment in a laboratory to see if what you say is true.

it would seem to me inappropriate to ever speak on this topic again unless you first reproduce it with similar results.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by BiggerPicture

problem solved, huh?

the good thing about this is that you can recreate your all of the components are could conduct this experiment in a laboratory to see if what you say is true.

it would seem to me inappropriate to ever speak on this topic again unless you first reproduce it with similar results.

i really want to see your offspring you produce with a female chimp and then I want to see its children.

until then...

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by omegazap
reply to post by BiggerPicture

People, I'm sorry I don't have a link, have found links to human genetics and the speed of light, earth frequencies, heartbeat freq', etc...etc...
and I know this is off subject, but of all species, human's hearts beat far too many times relative their average lifespans when compared to all other species on earth. All species aside from us have lifespans directly relative to their heartbeat rates!!!

indeed, intriguing.

which of the hominids TALKED??

to me all the anomolies possessed only by homo sapiens but not the predessesors (ie, the fused 2&3, the Rh- blood, the heartbeat, the webbed fingerspaces, speech, belief, what else??)

it all just adds up to more than just happenchance random 'evolution'!

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 08:57 PM
yes, yes, yes. i'am with you 100 %, nice job.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: relentlesss
yes, yes, yes. i'am with you 100 %, nice job.

You resurrected a 3 year old thread just to add that? Whatever floats your boat, I guess. Before blindly agreeing 100% with the absurd claims made in this thread, you may want to get a basic understanding of evolution and biology. Or believe the ignorant claims. Your choice.

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