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My desire in life

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posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by de Thor
I don't see how I fit into the picture that is society. Although I may be able to fake it, I have no desire to. I just don't "get" it. I don't get why people operate the way they do. They all seem wrapped up in this part of life that doesn't matter at all.

I don't aspire to obtain any occult knowledge about the world nor do I believe that I ever will. I just want to experience, to live, and to be free of society and all that it entails. I want to sit on some tropical island and watch the sun rise and fall as I listen to the birds chirp and the waves roll up onto the beach.

I just want to be.

Everybody wants to sit in tropical paradise and have attractive people hand them beverages all day, but even ackowleding we have to make a living we should be able to find a place in time to experience, just like Jimi Hendrix. I have found time to experience oh yes, but finding love in the world, such a most positive and beautiful thing as love, that has been much harder to find in the world than I had ever anticipated.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 01:19 AM
I know just how you feel and it makes it even harder having to exist within a society of people who are driven towards some end goal or reward. Unfortunately, we still have to eat to survive so unless you can figure out a way to acquire some land on a tropical island and just "be" you will be stuck scrapping and surviving with a bunch of wolves who are hungrier than you are.

Looking at the big picture and assuming reincarnation is true I am offering up my theory. It sounds as though you don't understand or fit in with this culture because you possibly have had past lives not of this earth realm or are originally from another planetary system. I believe the term is "starseeds."

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 01:29 AM
I just want my CAT...the little SOB...but he has me by the balls cuz he knows I love him....would just use the littter expensive one at 5am...rather than force me by....and he knows my weak points....jumping on my chest in bed and Meowing in this Soul Shattering Soulfull let him outside to do his buisness as the Damn CAT hates to S#!% in the HOUSE!

Even if I ignore him...he will throw a Kitty Temper Tantrum by scratching expensive furnature or keep running over my body until I give in. Then...if it is cold out....I have to wait for him to scratch on the door so I can let him in. I have to invest in one of those electronic opening CAT doors. Split Infinity

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by de Thor

The mere fact that you created this thread shows that you have a degree of compulsion and drive . You have replied more than once to various opinions in this thread , that shows a degree of need to follow something to an outcome !

If you truly want to just be , then why bother interacting on this forum ?

What about when you get hungry ? Do you not become motivated to quench your desire for food ?

Desire and ambition have a fine line and nobody can truly " just be " !

edit on 16-3-2012 by dawnprince because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2012 by dawnprince because: (no reason given)

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