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Ancient Cities all Lined up to Astrology?

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posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 09:52 PM
Anyone have info on this, I saw this thing on TV about 3 Major Ancient Cities all being 144 degrees from each other at an angle, and that how they are layed out is a way they used to Measure the earth or something like this.

Anything about Ancient Astrology would probably be the best path to finding what I am also looking for.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 09:55 PM
Line up the piramids with the constellation directly above, I remember something about that...its been awhile.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 11:22 PM
Fascinating topic, Modest-M and a lot on ATS in the archives.
It's a minefield of speculation, pseudo-science and outright charlatanism bbut one has to sift, of course.
It's not made easier by the fact that, unless one is pretty knowledgeable in these areas, one is exposed to assertions about dates, cultures and where the stars/planets were "then" as opposed to "now", that one is not equipped to verify.
Nevertheless, I'd recommend either searching a single place e.g. Chichen Itza or going to one of the less loony chatrooms/message boards you'll find if you search on "astrological alignment ancient cities"
Good hunting

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 11:25 PM
In reality, of course, it's perfectly plausible that ancient peoples would align important religious structures to astronomical bodies. They were vitally important for everything from telling the time to sowing the crops.
We were navigating ships until not so very long ago on the same basis.
It's the suggestions concerning the "why" that are frequently objectionable.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 11:40 PM
Pyramids of Giza aligned with Orion's belt.

All the rest of the pyramids in Egypt can be a model of the universe.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 11:41 PM
Awsome Ill I knew someone would remember.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 11:42 PM
strange fact, the pyramids (as well as many other sites around the world) correspond to a date about 12,000 years ago (as in, that's when the stars looked exactly like that)

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 11:49 PM
12,000 years.

I heard about that too. I'm trying to recall what I saw. The Egyptians built Giza when Orion's bet was at its lowest height in the sky, closer to the horizon which was 12,000 years ago.

It's coming back to me but slowly.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 11:55 PM
The heavens have been our main calender and clock since first homosapien said "look sky keep pattern, me follow pattern with rock." Walla stone henge and piramids. ok not that easy but still...
Ancient sailors, merchents and herders all relied upon the sky as a great oracle. Whos to say anythings changed, after all dont most cultures say everything moves in a circle, or spiral.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 11:55 PM
The Russian geologist who did a spacial analysis for Cydonia on Mars indicated that the orientation of all the objects suspected of being structures corresponded to the location of objects (pyramids) on the Giza Plateau.

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 08:31 AM
To the ancients, everything was connected. Their beliefs were often practical ones, based on actual experience in living with nature. From practical experience, they knew that if you harvest too many herbs, not enough will grow back next year; and animals that depend on the plants may die. Kill too much of one kind of animal, and others may proliferate and destroy crops or food stores. The complex web of life is like a tapestry, in which all threads are interwoven; pull on one, and others unravel. When you live outside and depend upon the web of life as ancient peoples did, you make sure that web remains healthy so that it will continue to feed you and your family. Thus, ancient peoples sought to live in harmony with their environment. The stars and heavens were considered part of that tapestry of life. Ancient peoples believed that everything must be. Therefore, the ancients felt there had to be a connection between the heavens and the Earth.

The pyramids were laid out with star shafts and in a pattern similar to the belt stars of Orion, the constellation which symbolizes the most important Egyptian god, Osiris (Bauval and Hancock, The Mystery of the Sphinx). Temples were laid out according to the rising and setting of stars; and were often dedicated to the worship of the god or goddess whose will "worked" through that star to affect the affairs of men and nature on Earth.

Ancient mystery investigators Graham Hancock & Robert Bavual have used sophisticated software to realign the stars to given time periods. They have provided strong evidence that suggests that the alignment of the Sirius system and Orion�s Belt in 10,500 B.C. exactly aligns with the pyramids of Giza. The great pyramids of Egypt are built so closely aligned to the compass directions (North, South, East, West), that they baffle modern civil engineers as to how that much mass could be so precisely aligned. Shafts of the great pyramid are pointed to the culmination points (the highest point reached by objects in the sky) of stars such as Sirius and the belt stars of Orion.

Angkor Wat in Cambodia is precisely aligned to the star system Draco, as it appeared in 10,500 B.C.

The Maya of Mexico built observatories and had extremely precise calendars. Solstice markers were built millennia ago, such that parts of the stone structure are illuminated only on the equinox.

Ancient Greek temples were aligned to the rising and setting of specific stars. For example, the star Antares in Scorpio had the following temples aligned to it: ". . . the Heraeum at Argos, perhaps the oldest Greek temple in the cradle of Greek civilization, 1760 BC; the first Erectheum at Athens, 1070 BC; one at Corinth, 770 BC; early temple of Apollo at Delphi, rebuilt with this orientation in 630 BC; and one of the same date to Zeus at Aegina.

Giza Pyramids Information

Scientific Explanations Link

Sphinx Information

Angkor Wat Link

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 07:31 PM
An interesting link on the topic...

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 10:41 PM
I am convinced that Saddam is a marshin now.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 01:59 AM
How would you get the alligned without machines to help you. It would seem very hard to make them perfect to the degree. If any one knows how to do it tell me please.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:19 PM
the theory on tv was an outside source, that the lost civlization had the ablitly to travle outside the earth, or even possibley aliens. eh who knows.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 09:38 PM
How would you get the alligned without machines to help you. It would seem very hard to make them perfect to the degree. If any one knows how to do it tell me please. Posted by Ilovepizza

Actually, it *is* possible to have such precise alignment if you have a basic understanding of the basis of surveying (geometry, a bit of algebra, and decently precise instruments to measure distance and angles).

Many of Europes cities were very precisely laid out for various reasons (some for trade/transport of goods, and some for defensive reasons) using only early theodolites, tapes (chains), and very early telescopes, and basic geometry.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 10:18 PM
Yes it seems that the three main pyramids on Giza are lined up according to Orion's belt as it was positioned in Heaven about 1,000 BC. The ancient Egyptians called Orion "the Soul of Osiris" and this constallation was the first thing the Egyptian creator god Hu created. The last thing he created was the Sun. He did so by breathing. The sound of his breath spelled out the word Hu or Hu-Hu and gave this god his name. The Osiris myth bares much resemblance with the story of Jesus. They were both conceived by virgins. Their wisdom isn't that unlike. Osiris brought peace between Upper and Lower Egypt, and we know that the Messiah shall unite Israel and Judah. They both rode into the city on an animal. They were both killed by their own. They both became kings of the Unseen State (Hades/She'ol). They both got the title son of god. And they both rose up to heaven to sit by the right hand side of the king God. Further, the legend of Horus, the son of Osiris, bares striking resemblance with the story of the birth and future of the Millennium King, the overcoming son of Jesus. There are so many striking resemblances they just can't be passed unnoticed.

For info about ancient Egyptian religion and the Osiris myth:

And a great site on how the Book of the Dead correspond with celestial objects and constallations:


posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 10:29 PM
Mikro, your right

read that, it's a post I made a long time ago.

posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 10:53 PM
I wrote in my post that the pyramids are lined up according to the position of Orion's Belt in 1,000 BC. It's supposed to be 10,000 BC.


posted on Apr, 20 2003 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
Mikro, your right

read that, it's a post I made a long time ago.

Good article. Have you got some websites for a little more background? People should really know these things whether God or Satan is behind it... The similarities are stunning.


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