To the ancients, everything was connected. Their beliefs were often practical ones, based on actual experience in living with nature. From practical
experience, they knew that if you harvest too many herbs, not enough will grow back next year; and animals that depend on the plants may die. Kill
too much of one kind of animal, and others may proliferate and destroy crops or food stores. The complex web of life is like a tapestry, in which all
threads are interwoven; pull on one, and others unravel. When you live outside and depend upon the web of life as ancient peoples did, you make sure
that web remains healthy so that it will continue to feed you and your family. Thus, ancient peoples sought to live in harmony with their environment.
The stars and heavens were considered part of that tapestry of life. Ancient peoples believed that everything must be. Therefore, the ancients felt
there had to be a connection between the heavens and the Earth.
The pyramids were laid out with star shafts and in a pattern similar to the belt stars of Orion, the constellation which symbolizes the most important
Egyptian god, Osiris (Bauval and Hancock, The Mystery of the Sphinx). Temples were laid out according to the rising and setting of stars; and were
often dedicated to the worship of the god or goddess whose will "worked" through that star to affect the affairs of men and nature on Earth.
Ancient mystery investigators Graham Hancock & Robert Bavual have used sophisticated software to realign the stars to given time periods. They have
provided strong evidence that suggests that the alignment of the Sirius system and Orion�s Belt in 10,500 B.C. exactly aligns with the pyramids of
Giza. The great pyramids of Egypt are built so closely aligned to the compass directions (North, South, East, West), that they baffle modern civil
engineers as to how that much mass could be so precisely aligned. Shafts of the great pyramid are pointed to the culmination points (the highest point
reached by objects in the sky) of stars such as Sirius and the belt stars of Orion.
Angkor Wat in Cambodia is precisely aligned to the star system Draco, as it appeared in 10,500 B.C.
The Maya of Mexico built observatories and had extremely precise calendars. Solstice markers were built millennia ago, such that parts of the stone
structure are illuminated only on the equinox.
Ancient Greek temples were aligned to the rising and setting of specific stars. For example, the star Antares in Scorpio had the following temples
aligned to it: ". . . the Heraeum at Argos, perhaps the oldest Greek temple in the cradle of Greek civilization, 1760 BC; the first Erectheum at
Athens, 1070 BC; one at Corinth, 770 BC; early temple of Apollo at Delphi, rebuilt with this orientation in 630 BC; and one of the same date to Zeus
at Aegina.
Giza Pyramids Information
Scientific Explanations Link
Sphinx Information
Angkor Wat Link