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Sick Judge completly out of touch

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posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:12 AM
A judge has just sentenced 2 sick pervs who raped an 11 year old to less than 4 years in prison, the reason stated she was a willing participant and that she looked older than 11 more 14, at what point do we say enough is enough the law states statutory rape under 13 a minimum of 10 - 13 years. I really feel for the family and feel that if this had been my child i would have jumped over the rail and probably killed the judge on the spot. At least the CPS is already considering appealing this sentence as too lenient, but ffs Judges live in la la land.


Mods, sorry listed in wrong cat, can you please move to the most appropraite
edit on 15/09/2011 by FFS4000 because: listed in wrong category

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:18 AM
Please tell me he actually wears that wig when he's on the bench... that will complete his total package of insanity....

These stories are spread too far and wide, absurd long sentences for minor drug possession charges and extremely low sentences for major felonies. My neighbor lost his 14yr old daughter to H, the guy who gave it to her got less than 4 years, the dad wanted to strangle the judge and got thrown out of the court room.

How much more are you going to put up with folks?

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:22 AM
Have to tell ya in the hood 11 isn't anything out of the norm. having a kid at 12 doesn't get any questions asked 2-3 by 17 isn't out of the ordanary. 8th grade writing class teaches kids how to fill out state and federal forms for aid. Get used to it

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Yes, all crown court judges wear wigs while sat in court.

And to FFS4000,

Totally weird judgement. Doesn't really make sense from any side - if they were guilty, should be long sentences for rape of a minor. On the other hand, if he thought they were pretty much innocent then a suspended sentence would have been in order. This is actually neither one thing nor the other and when taken alongside his actual comments on summing up it leaves you scratching your head..........

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:37 AM
lol? wear a wig??? what year is this again?

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

1805 my good Sir. We have just been triumphant at Trafalgar against the poisoned midget Napoleon. I can't chat for long though, i have a pressing engagement at Tyburn watching a hanging followed by a trip to the Gentlemans Outfitters for a new waistcoat and powdered wig!

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 09:47 AM
And the lesson today is "Never expect justice or protection from the cops and judiciary."

If you're ever in the position of being a victim of such a crime or knowing someone who is, My advice would be to not even bother ringing the cops, just get your mates round and have a lynching.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:37 AM
With all that's coming at us about how high level authorities stage, orchestrate, or are in some way connected to children and porn has anyone though that these judges are giving away easy sentences because they are in fact pedophiles themselves. Think about the draw of power. A person that sees him or herself fit to judge and punish all those put before him/her is a power most cannot even imagine.

"power tends to corrupt, and
Absolute power corrupt absolutely" Lord Acton 1887

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by mikellmikell
Have to tell ya in the hood 11 isn't anything out of the norm. having a kid at 12 doesn't get any questions asked 2-3 by 17 isn't out of the ordanary. 8th grade writing class teaches kids how to fill out state and federal forms for aid. Get used to it

How bout we don't get used to it and instead try turning the "hood" into a "neighborhood" you know, a nice one. Showing 8th graders how to fill state and fed forms for aid is part of the problem. It's encouraging them to continue doing what they're doing because they learned how to ask the government to fix their problems at such a young age. Nothing to worry bout!

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by FFS4000

In an insane society . . . as Erich Fromm said in


only the insane are sane.

The judges are merely doing what their colleagues and bosses order and enjoy doing themselves.

Reportedly the initiation rights into the top ruling levels of the elites are even more horrific and murderous.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by FFS4000

well, most of the black robed nazi's in this country can't be fired so they can rule how ever they want. I think if they are willing to pass these lenient sentences the rapist/killer/whatever should have to live with the judge and babysit his or her kids for a year. same with the defense attorneys that rack u[ the fees at our expense, who ever they get off for a violent crime should be under house arrest at the attorneys house. sounds fair to me, over and over the liberal judges turn child rapers and killers lose on society so they can do it again. a better solution would be to take them out back and shoot them in the head, and especially when we catch them red handed like the killer that burned that family to death in Conn. nothing will happen to him, he will live a long life at our expense eating and reading and watching tv. I think if you rape a kid, or kill a kid or anyone in cold blood they should kill you the same way.

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