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The Fate Of Humanity Was Sealed On July 16th 1945

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posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:06 PM
All throughout recorded human history humanity has suffered through and overcame so many conflicts and so many wars.No matter how terrible and destructive they may have been,no matter how many cities were decimated,no matter how many people were killed we have always been able to withstand them,overcome them and survive...

But then something happened that forever altered the destiny of humanity and nothing has ever been the same since.A supremely critical moment has sealed our fate.We reached a point of no return and theres no going back and now theres nowhere to run and theres nowhere to hide from what we have done...

The fate of the human race was sealed on july 16th 1945 in new mexico,when the first atomic bomb was detonated and we decided it for ourselves.The beginning of the atomic age and that nuclear abomination we made,that hellish frankenstein monster we designed has since given birth to so many monsterous children who will rise and destroy their creators in the end...

We have become our own avenging angels of death,we have given ourselves the ability to kill so many millions of people in an instant and the vast majority live in denial of the fact,living day to day in blissful ignorance,a self induced trance half asleep,not even really caring or thinking about what we have actually done...

Someday sooner or later we will get what we asked for.We will receive what we deserve for our thoughtlessness and arrogance like never before,an incomprehensibly horrible price will be payed for our incessant nuclear arms race and the massive amounts of nuclear weapons,the arsenals of mega death,that resulted from it...

We always have to find out things the hard way.We have conjured an atomic wind and we will inevitably reap its nuclear whirlwind,a world wide conflagration of unimaginable proportions will be unleashed...

The united states, russia, china, france, israel, england, pakistan, india and north korea all have the ability to destroy the human race and render the earth unsuitable for human life and one or any combination of them and or some evil hell bent group of people will set off an unstoppable chain of events that will ultimately lead to the extinction of most of humanity and those who may survive through it will then pray for death to release them...
edit on 9-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by blocula
The united states, russia, china, france, israel, england, pakistan and india all have the ability to destroy the human race and render the earth unsuitable for human life and one or any combination of them and or some evil hell bent group of people will set off an unstoppable chain of events that will lead to the extinction of most of the humanity and those that may survive will pray for death to release them...

Chemical and Biological weapons can easily do the same, not just nuclear warfare. And the other two have been around a lot longer.

Besides, we control our own destiny...Not history.
edit on 2/9/2012 by Juston because: Clarity

edit on 2/9/2012 by Juston because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by blocula

It is rather #ing insane isn't it? Look at the DSM journal on mental illnesses and come to find that it wasn't nutters talking about being Jesus or seeing pink elephants in the sky, it was the very people we were told to trust.

Take amazing discoveries in science and energy production, and what do you do? You optimize them and put them into weapon format, what else? Right?

It's the same concept as Palestine and Israel "Oh well they did this so we do this" and so on, and on, and on. It's an addiction, a cycle that I will be damned if it is not broken soon.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:27 PM
Just a flashback to the Cold War era, everybody knew and feared this same thing. Novels were written, movies were made, bomb shelters were erected.
You rediscovered the wheel, ho hum.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by blocula
I beg to differ the threat of nuke war and the fate of humanity was the day Russia tested their first bomb. For the US thought they where the only ones to have such a weapon, when the , then USSR tested their bombs the race was on, and now how to end it with out the use of them is the key, if all would say it is madness to even consider the use of one ever again, but then what madness would their be with out the threat of the use of them?

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Juston
There never was and never will be any disease or biological weapon thats able to annihilate millons of people in an instant like nuclear weapons are all too capable of doing...

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:37 PM
I wonder if severe enough earthquakes or solar flares can set them off

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:49 PM
I disagree. Nukes have/will prevent many wars. And no country is stupid enough to use them.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by isaac7777
That would be wonderful if that was the case, but this world we live in is full of, to put it bluntly killers and ones willing to use WMD's. One nation, or leader is all it would take. Wonder how many suite case nukes are out there, do we even know or how many nations are working on them? Would Iran use it or a rouge gruop , China on one of its country's to end strife and blame some other nation or group, sounds nuts does it not? But then is the would not nuts now?

edit on 9-2-2012 by bekod because: editting

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:38 PM
"The world's first nuclear explosion was proof of Project Y's success". - Narrator in a US government film

Successful test? Yes. But was it a good idea? Probably not.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:53 PM
Not really.

If we are going to survive as a species will need to control the solar system and spread to the stars. To do that we will need to harness fission, fusion and probably things still considered pseudoscience.

July 16th 1945 was a rung on a ladder, nothing more or less.

Any time we climb another rung there is potential to fall but we've managed so far.

If we stopped technologically in a pre-nuclear state the eventual outcome is extinction anyway. Better to keep striving than take the stagnation till extinction route.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:55 PM
Kids, sorry, we thought we needed these arms to survive when all we needed was diplomacy. We messed up. Clean it up.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:17 PM
J. Robert Oppenheimer famous mindset after the first atomic blast, "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" Agreed that the world Is an unstable place at the moment, let just hope for everyone that the idiots of this earth don't use them! Personally why be fearful if it is to come, although I sincerely hope not!!!

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
Kids, sorry, we thought we needed these arms to survive when all we needed was diplomacy. We messed up. Clean it up.

Diplomacy always leads to war.

Neville Chamberlain is proof of that for all of posterity.

Diplomacy equals concessions. Concessions equal weakness. Weakness invites attack.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by bekod
Russia never once has bombed any city of any country anywhere with nuclear weapons,but the united states has,two times and what goes around comes around and even though the majority of people living in the united states have been lulled into a false sense of security by thinking and believing that they are militarily invincible,they are actually living within the calm before the super storm.Because no country is an island unto itself and some day sooner or later the people of the united states will be in for one hell of a rude awakening.The sights and sounds of mushroom clouds on the horizon and that inevitability will in rapid succession usher in the cataclysmic extinction of most of the human race and the survivors will wish they were never born...

edit on 9-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by bekod

That is a good point, but nukes will prevent wars between superpowers, who are for the most part, responsible. I dont see China ever using a group, but I do see a rogue nation like Iran using one.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 09:22 PM
Right now russia and the united states have between them over 30,000 nuclear weapons and those weapons are many,many times more powerful than those dropped on japan during ww-2...

Those amounts are nothing but evil megalomania and complete insanity...

The united states is the only country to station land based nuclear weapons outside of its borders and both russia and the united states maintain around 2,500 nuclear weapons that are always kept on "hair-trigger" alert,ready to launch at a moment's notice...

Most of humanity is in denial and blissfully unaware of just how powerful and savage modern nuclear weapons actually are and most people dont truly understand just how close we are to killing ourselves off and have been for over 50 years now...

Everyday that flys by is a day closer to self inflicted nuclear disaster and every step we take is a step closer to our apocalypse...

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter
Heres how "insanely" powerful a modern nuclear weapon is...

The little boy bomb dropped on hiroshima had an explosive yeild of 15 kilotons...

The russian tsar bomba had an explosive yeild of 50 megatons...

The russian tsar bomba was purposefully downgraded from its original 100 megaton yeild to reduce fallout...

50 megatons equals 50,000 kilotons...

The russian bombs explosive yeild was 3,300 times as powerful as the bomb dropped on hiroshima....

The russian bomb was fully capable of a yeild 6,600 times as powerful as the bomb dropped on hiroshoma and would completely destroy new york city and kill millions of people in a relative instant...

What the hell have we done to ourselves?

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by blocula
so you are for the non use of US nukes in ww2 how many lives did they save yes save 500,000 1.5 million or 3 million or more we shall never know, Why? The use of them ended the war, when Russia tested there nuke a hole new kind of war was staged, a could war, that too has passed, lets keep it that way, no nation should have them nor no nation should try to seek them out. WMD's should be banned, let war be man to man face to face see how many wars we would have then, missiles and bullets took the face to face out of war, lets bring it back.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by blocula
well it is just not them that have them nukes other nations do too here is a 2009 UK article

edit on 10-2-2012 by bekod because: editting

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