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Is Umami Killing You?

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:15 PM
Umami is MSG (mono-sodium-glutamate). Well, it isn't really. MSG, is a tastant, just like table salt (NaCl) is a tastant. You wouldn't eat salt in itself as it really wouldn't taste very nice, but you season your food with it, and it can taste great. This is similar to small amounts of MSG in food, which gives the taste of umami.
Umami, as you probably already know is the 5th taste.

MSG is in everything, from fast food to food at your local supermarket. First and foremost It's an additive to make food more addictive, so that you eat more. More food bought, more profit made.

The FDA sets no limit to the amount of MSG that can be added to your food. Hense the amount added has increased over the past 50 years.

MSG has been injected into new born lab rats, specifically to induce obesity. More importantly for diabetes study. It does this because it triples the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas.

Any wonder why obesity and diabetes have increased exponentially over the past 50 years?


Also, MSG is an excitotoxin. Glutamates, destroy nerve cells. Which is a major cause of alzheimers. Any wonder why there is an exponential increase in the development of the disease? By 2050, the US may have 14.3 million cases of the degenerative disease.

MSG is also proven to cause atherosclerosis, which is the hardening and furing of major arteries, with the accumulation of fats. Which can bring on sudden cardiac arrest.

All in all, I would say there's some pretty strong evidence as to MSG being nasty stuff indeed.
But hey, who cares if the people are progressively more ill and dying. As long as someone's making a lot of money in the process, that's a job well done.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:19 PM
Why am I suddenly having a craving for Chinese food?

No, MSG isn't very good for you, and I know several people that it effects severly when they eat something that has MSG in it. Thankfully, it has little or no effect on me (that I am aware of at least), but I do try to keep it to a minimum as I do with salt and other things of this nature....everything in moderation I say.
edit on 6-2-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:22 PM
What got me about this stuff, is when they started using it as a FERTILIZER. Seriously? You can spray it on fresh lettuce, so now I can't even make food fresh and get away from the stuff?

When you add this stuff to a source of sulphates, it makes me feel just gross.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:45 PM
I've been preaching this very thing for years...

One thing you should add to this conspiracy is that this isn't the first "go around" with MSG being put in just about everything... in the early 80's there was a huge backlash against it due to people's sensitivity to it (I am highly allergic to MSG and have to carry an epipen just in case of accidental ingestion) and it was removed from a great many food products which then carried a label saying "CONTAINS NO MSG"...

In the mid 90's after years of believing it had been nearly entirely removed from our food supply I ate a microwave meal that contained MSG and it was nearly fatal for me... I had to be rushed to the emergency room and by the time I got there and was shot up with a variety of antihistamines I was barely able to breath...

Ever since then I have to check every single label of everything I eat and buy the majority of foods I consume locally where I know there were no "Monsontolike" fertilizers used... purchase only meats from vendors I know for certain don't raise their livestock on anything that could be questionable... and avoid almost all "snack foods" because MSG isn't only labeled as "Monosodium Glutamate" it's also hidden under the name of "Natural Flavour" and things like that...

When you also factor in things like aspartame and sucralose the conspiracy becomes far more insidious...

Aspartame (aside from all of the other horrible things it does to your body) LITERALLY MAKES YOU HUNGRY (or at least feel as though you are)... when you are eating something such as a "Big Mac" that is loaded with "food crack" (MSG) and then wash it down with a "DIEt Coke" to "save calories" you are tricking your body into thinking it's starving... while then eating food you find to be "irresistible" even though without the "food crack" you'd think tastes like the crap it is...

This is all part of the plan to create nations of sick individuals that are in "dire need of health care" so that government officials can try to ram things down our throats like "national health care" by saying things such as "well no insurance will cover these pre-existing conditions... so instead of relying on those evil evil health insurance companies rely on the government instead because we're trustworthy"... even though it's the government that approved this crap in our food in the first place...

Think of it this way... the government and nearly all industry are nothing more than "Munchhausen By Proxy" mothers that are intentionally sickening their children (Us) so that they can swoop in and play the hero role...

If anyone doubts this that's fine... don't really care... you're more than welcome to keep yourself intentionally ignorant that's why God gives us freewill... but don't keep forcing me and others like me to pay the price for your intentional ignorance anymore...

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Originally posted by Aeons
What got me about this stuff, is when they started using it as a FERTILIZER. Seriously? You can spray it on fresh lettuce, so now I can't even make food fresh and get away from the stuff?

When you add this stuff to a source of sulphates, it makes me feel just gross.

That doesn't bother me at all. Look up Potassium Chloride. It is used in many salt products....and used as fertilizer by it's other name Potash. You probably eat it all the time....and btw, I have been working with Potash and other fertilizers every day for the last eight years with no harmful effects (at least not yet...)

edit on 6-2-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by isyeye

You don't mind msg being sprayed on even your fresh food? Really?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Don't get me wrong.....It's not something that I think is a good practice, but I wouldn't be overly concerned about it. I worry more about other things that are put into our antifreeze. I still haven't figured out why in the heck they put that into food when they KNOW that it accumulates in the body over time.

MSG to me is one of those things, like salt, that effects some people more than others. Some people have severe problems with MSG and some don't. I do think that food should be as nature as possible, whenever possible, and free of ALL additives, but unfortunately too many chemicals get into our food, and some are quite dangerous.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by isyeye

Thanks for sharing. I just checked the "Fit n' Active" fish sticks I ate. Thought is was great, 27% less fat than regular fish sticks, but....................less than 2% MSG.

I'll be looking here on out.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by isyeye
reply to post by Aeons

Don't get me wrong.....It's not something that I think is a good practice, but I wouldn't be overly concerned about it. I worry more about other things that are put into our antifreeze. I still haven't figured out why in the heck they put that into food when they KNOW that it accumulates in the body over time.

MSG to me is one of those things, like salt, that effects some people more than others. Some people have severe problems with MSG and some don't. I do think that food should be as nature as possible, whenever possible, and free of ALL additives, but unfortunately too many chemicals get into our food, and some are quite dangerous.

I know that you feel this way now, but I believe it takes time for MSG symptoms to appear. You might feel fine now but 10 years down the line it may start to affect you. Also, just because you're not obese doesn't mean your arteries Arnt feeling the effects of MSG, and furing up. Which will heighten the risk of heart attack or stroke in later life.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 11:05 PM
Excitotoxins: The taste that kills.

It is also cumulative, it builds up throughout your life, triggering what we now call natural ageing.

Oh, and it also inhibits the bodies repair mechanism for the Myelin sheath, an insulator basically, resulting in discharges into the nerves, which cause noise in the nerve signals, which puts all your vital processes out of sync, and leading, as with MS, leading to eventual total failure.

Get out while you can, and there's only one way to start:

Water Fasting.

This site has some really scary stories about what MSG and the hundreds of other names it goes by can do to you.

Battling the MSG Myth

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: isyeye

Potash is potassium carbonate. Potassium chloride is yer salt(sodium chloride) substitute.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: mrwiffler
Potash is generally potassium chloride....see below quote and link.

Potash refers to potassium compounds and potassium-bearing materials, the most common being potassium chloride (KCl).


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