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Are there TWO New World Orders???

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posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:26 AM
Just a couple of years ago, Gordon Brown announced, a "New Financial World Order" and Obama has even said the classic, New World Order." So now we've got layers that no one is addressing. This demands analysis...

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:32 AM
There are.
The one we talk about is the OLD world order. It is not new. They have been around for over 150 years, in the background pulling the strings. They are the old world order, they are the elite ruling class controlling us, enslaving us, and we're none the wiser. Their final stage of plans are you know, chips, and all that. which i dont see happening because they've mastered the art of psychology. And control the masses with it, fear.

The second NWO is one that we need. Because face it, we do need one. We've been trapped in the old world orders cycle of duality for far too long. Wars upon wars, useless and only for profit and gaining resources for the elite. I think this one will only come to light after the first one attempts to complete the plan. This one will also only come around if certain things happen, like people put aside their religious differences

Read 'confessions of an economic hitman'. It explains a lot about how the world works my friend
edit on 22/1/12 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by Futurcrat1

Two New World Orders would imply two factions battling to impose their own version on the world? Which could be possible.

I would say only one plan could come to fruition as a New World Order by definition is a global phenomenon. An ideology injected into everyone all over the planet. There would be no room for two as it wouldn't work.

Perhaps they were just talking about different areas of the NWO as a whole? It's bound to be compartmentalised into departments if it comes, everything always is.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by AzureSky

Thanks for that!!

Its unsettling, isn't it, when we hear these off-hand comments worked into speeches.

I remember on that TV series, the West Wing, how they said something in one episode that spoke volumes given the 9/11 and Iraq War debacle was a big real-life topic at the time...

And anyway, in the episode, someone said about how messages can be instilled in speeches to get a point across to somebody elsewhere. Some enemy, I think it was....

Seems the TWO world orders really are "operative", as the Mason's phase it.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Futurcrat1
reply to post by AzureSky

Thanks for that!!

Its unsettling, isn't it, when we hear these off-hand comments worked into speeches.

I remember on that TV series, the West Wing, how they said something in one episode that spoke volumes given the 9/11 and Iraq War debacle was a big real-life topic at the time...

And anyway, in the episode, someone said about how messages can be instilled in speeches to get a point across to somebody elsewhere. Some enemy, I think it was....

Seems the TWO world orders really are "operative", as the Mason's phase it.

The history is there. The old world order in control today is the same as the last 150 - 2000 years. I believe the torch has been passed down through the last couple thousand years.

I tie it in with religion as well, as i see it as a way to control the masses.

The masses will never fight back as they are so divided, and americans and the western nations are comfortable, even though we are comfortable, we are still slaves to our corporate masters. Gay, straight, christian, muslim, thin, fat, etc etc etc. all to keep us divided. It's worked hasn't it? they've taken full advantage of the planet (especially 3rd world countries, economic hitmen), and most of us are blind to it.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Grifter81

I see it this way, that the TWO variations are basically one and the same. Just different aspects, given the decrease of the value of money is such a household conversation now, as they've got us in our pockets...

I always remember watching the BBC News one day, and this one time they were all in a fuss as Bin Laden had issued a threat...

Now the threat had a one-liner how near the end, how "we'd feel in it our homes..."

Now nothing happen, of course, but such an odd phase seems to have ironically bore fruit from the very people who sought to protect us from him...

Hence further validation of Brown's remark of "the New FINANCIAL World Order..."

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Futurcrat1

those are just two aspects of the Fourth Reich

there is also the Technological, Commerce, Bio-science (etc) parts of this NWO

for more insights, see:

the first link is predictions for numberous nations for 2012

the latter is how the empire juggernaught operates

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by AzureSky

There's a large quantity of NWO stuff on the 'net now, and I do consider it rare when its not implicated with the other old chestnut we privately love to read, The Illuminati...

Many people forget David Icke's remark, one that he's said many times before when you look at him on Youtube. But he openly, and casually says, how his calling the elite as 'the illuminati' is just what he calls them...

So it doesn't mean that what they're called, but its definately added to their mythos in the grand scheme of N.W.O agendas...

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Wow, thank you for that!!!

You might like the book, The Rise of the Fouth Reich by Jim Marrs...

As we all know, he argues his points well.

A good read, so check it out!

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by Futurcrat1

The elites in charge for 110+ years . . . some say 400 years . . .

have deliberately muddied the waters in a vast charade and shell game . . .

Have no doubt . . .

they have been engineering the

Biblically predicted global satanic tyrannical government spoken of in Revelation and other prophetic books of The Bible.

They are very close to springing it full force and overtly onto the world stage.

Individual freedoms have been shredded at an increasing pace.

The basic structure outlined in The Bible is essentially in place under the table and increasingly overtly on the world stage.

The stage is set for the chip ID/Mark of The Beast without which folks will not be able to buy or sell . . . just as predicted 2000 years ago.

The stage is set for a world dictator . . . satan incarnate . . . just as predicted 2000 years ago.

The stage is set for a world political system . . . just as predicted 2000 years ago.

The stage is set for and mostly essentially already has . . . a world economic system . . . about to come out with a global currency to replace the shredded dollar . . . more or less as predicted 2000 years ago.

The labels and factions, components of all that have been muddied, changed occasionally, whitewashed, clouded, relabeled, etc. to avoid premature awareness on the part of the brain numbed sheeple and thereby hinder the progress of such evils.

Nevertheless, the basic outline as written 2000 years ago is being followed faithfully. Satan is a rebel. However, he will still end up doing exactly as God said he would.

And the ET's/fallen angels are playing their rolls as predicted in the Bible and the Book of Enoch, as well.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:32 AM
The New World Order seems to be, at this stage, purely Spiritual, given the utter corruption-- or lack thereof, in the morals and judgement of many leaders in the world, and up till very recent times...

The sad thing from the Spiritual perspective is they've damned us all on account of not ousting them, OR even attempting to. So it could be argued well that we're guilty-for-knowing their wrongs. An "accessory" to crime.

And thus we're dragged down with them despite our struggles to maintain sense of our own little lives....

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:38 AM
I have often wondered this as well.

I understand this has been going on for hundreds and thousands of years. Where things get a little confusing for me is the founding fathers. They even mention a new world. I tend to interpret this as this group of people were tired of being oppressed, for whatever their individual personal reasons were. They all banded together as their individual reasons may have been different, their ultimate goal was the same. A New World, what would become the United States. This New World was their escape of oppression from their English rulers. To me, this is a GOOD New World. I know our founding fathers were not perfect and they had their own views, and some I do not agree with but they were able to put aside their differences to create a new country or a new world.

I have been confused because when I hear the New World term I know it has multiple meanings. Now, was our founding fathers trying to create a new country to implement their New World Order for the benefit of the people or were they creating it for ultimate goal of ruling and oppressing the people. Or, were our founding fathers on the path of the people, and there is/was another outside group infiltrating and undermine the founding fathers. I tend to also interpret this as I have understood and seen that our founding fathers were for the most part on the level and had good intentions for all the people in the new world.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:58 AM
I think we are stuck in between the passing of power from one generation to the next. The availability of technology in the ordinary person hands is what this struggle for power is all about. The old order ruled for many generations with Sword, pencil, paper, typewriters and basic radios. Now this new generation has cell phones, GPS and airplanes.

The old is jealous and bitter. Thus why all the bitter hype about the internet in the 80ies, 90ies. When facets of control are lost the old PTB wanted to re-acquire new methods of control. This new generation of controllers is at odds with many aspects of the old orders. Barrack came out of nowhere to win an election that every one thought was being handed to Hilary.

This classic Greek drama of democrat vs republicans mirrors the divide between the old PTB and the new PTB. They work together on some issues and are opposed on others. It's a failed system in both respects.

We now have an offer we can refuse(in respect to the old orders not giving us any choice). We now have choices other than the powers that be. Seeing these new choices and empowering them with human intellect, charisma and personnel investment of time is what the struggle of 2012 is all about.


posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Andrew303

Typed with passion, my friend.

"2012" became a thing that entered my consciousness back in 2008, oddly. A time, in hindsight, when Bush was ousted and Obama really did come from no where and rise to the top... (curiously being questioned on where he really DID come from in the process!!!)

2012 really will be a year to embrace, but only, I suspect, if people are ready and willing to embrace the idea of change-- as well as change within themselves...

edit on 22-1-2012 by Futurcrat1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 09:29 AM
There is only 1 New World Order.

Only 1 group has the technology to point and click to decide who resides on this planet.

If you have the means to kill every single person who gets a Wells Fargo mortgage within 6 months of them getting their home....Wells Fargo would notice their insane losses....and pay the ransom to whomever wielded the technology keeping them from making money.

Information and the new directed energy weapons have made someone....a God.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 09:29 AM
double post....ignore.
edit on 22-1-2012 by Pervius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 09:38 AM
How about this one-- that the novelty of the NWO is the gimmick thats suitably distracted many from engaging in actual political debate on the new world order that naturally transpires in accord with policy changes and the like...

And in support of that, how's it gonna be contrused by apologists when Scotland gets her long-overdue independance?

And as an Englishman saying that, hopefully--- and finally--- the ordinary people would've decided something!

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 10:01 AM
Yes and no.

First, there is the overall master plan to cause the world to be as one in most financial, economic and social ways. That plan must include a lot of wiggle room for the vast spread of cultures and societies around the world to be accomodated as comfortably as possible.

Each area of human endeavor wants a piece of the action with the big players being governments, mega-industries and financial institutions. Some of which work hand-in-hand to bend the on-going situation to their way.

Probably, it will take the leveling effect of another gigantic world war to "more easily" bring the NWO to fruition with one final mix of one or another being top dog. Place your bets.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

I'll get the ball rolling on that one...

My bet--- or rather my humble opinion--- is that in such a global war catastrophe, or the aftermath of which, we'll see the forging of a new nation or two, and any others that endure, may be merged to care for displaced peoples in the event of their total breakdown of all structure..

i.e; in Europe, I'd say...

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:46 AM
Sounds like most people agree that the NWO is an old group, working on an old plan... it would only be new in the case of their eventual overt success. Others have said we need a new New Order, and I thoroughly agree. It seems inevitability points toward either "regression" into a more tribal humanity, or "progression" into a unified technocracy. Either way, the manipulation and the dogmatism of the old new order has seemingly always existed, and could still in either scenario. The following blog is I think a good allegory, and subtly illustrates the nature of the old new order still in place, and the emergent, beneficial new order - actually the most ancient "order" - empowered by the internet.

Through the Lens of the Observer: The Capitalist Mindset; A Disease of the Collective Mind

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