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Alan Colmes Mocks Santorum For Bringing Dead Son Home

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posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by LilithWon
This guy's baby dies and he brings it home and gives it to his other children to touch and feel and play with ...

Those are the words COLMES used. I'm sure no one 'played' with a dead baby. They didn't set up a little tea party and have him sitting at the table or anything .... jeeeeze ..... This is a close christian family who were mourning the loss of a child and they wanted their children to understand that their sibling was a REAL person .. not just some tissue that can be disposed of.

There wasn't anything wrong with what he did. It was how his family dealt with it.

Jeeeeeze .. the 'tolerance' of the left is bizzare. They scream that the world must 'tolerate' things like abortion because it's the parents right to murder their unborn child ... but they don't tolerate when a grieving family wishes to say 'goodbye' to a family member in a manner which hurts no one AND is actually how it has been done historically in pioneer-era America.


posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by The Old American

because showing your kids a dead baby makes you a great guy

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by peponastick
This is a set up for sympathy votes to avoid Ron Paul winning the caucusses. I'm sorry for Santorum and his family but the fact that this gets brought up the night before Iowa seems a little strange to me. Anyone who takes Alan Colmes seriously needs their head examined.

You calling this a "set up" is just as twisted as Alan Colmes comment about it.

This has nothing to do with Ron Paul...for you to think that a comment about Santorum's deceased child is a conspiracy against Ron Paul is twisted and sick thinking.

Not everything is about Ron Paul.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by The Old American
Alan Colmes Mocks Santorum For Bringing Dead Son Home

"Once they get a hold of the crazy things he's said and done like taking his two-hour old baby who died right after childbirth home and played with it for a couple of hours so his other children would know that the child was real," Democratic commentator Alan Colmes said on FOX News today.

I'm no Rick Santorum fan, but this is beyond disgusting of Alan Colmes, a political commentator whom I used to have a modicum of respect for, to make fun of the way Rick dealt with the death of his infant child. These talking heads that call themselves "news professionals" are nothing more than political hacks working for a medium of fear and hatred. He has apologized to Rick and his wife, but he should not have said those hateful, hurtful words in the first place. It's just a reflection of the industry he works in.

I am pretty sure Colmes is a tool for Fox Media. They need to pretend they are offering both party's sides to news so they hired Colmes, a man who obviously is low on personality and will spout the minimal amount of liberal diatribe needed to claim they are "Fair and Balanced". He is a joke to the democratic party or really to anyone. (Unless you look at him as a stand up comedian, where he started his career) The few times I watched his team show of Hannity and Colmes, I felt absolutely incredulous that Fox so blatently put this tool in a chair and allowed him to speak on camera. It was actually sad, because conservatives that watched that show probably believed Colmes's views and lack of intellect were par for the liberal course. I know my father did. Good old sly Fox.

All that being said, this was a last minute Iowa caucus manuever. Don't know the reason, but you don't really think this man comes up with his own scripts do you?

edit on 3-1-2012 by SunnyDee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by peponastick
This is a set up for sympathy votes to avoid Ron Paul winning the caucusses. I'm sorry for Santorum and his family but the fact that this gets brought up the night before Iowa seems a little strange to me. Anyone who takes Alan Colmes seriously needs their head examined.

No it isn't. It is a sad attempt by a Democrat hack to discredit any Republican candidate in any way possible. They did the same horrible things to Sarah Palin. Did they even bother to apologize to her?

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

No it isn't. It is a sad attempt by a Democrat hack to discredit any Republican candidate in any way possible. They did the same horrible things to Sarah Palin. Did they even bother to apologize to her?

Apologize for helping her get richer for doing NOTHING? How many jobs did she create? She sure made a lot of money getting her face on tv.

How about you explain to me why it is what you say and not what I say?

Where is the insult? What is not correct about what she said?
If you are going to cry about what she said, explain to us why.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by LilithWon

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
No it isn't. It is a sad attempt by a Democrat hack to discredit any Republican candidate in any way possible. They did the same horrible things to Sarah Palin. Did they even bother to apologize to her?

Apologize for helping her get richer for doing NOTHING? How many jobs did she create? She sure made a lot of money getting her face on tv.

1 - Apologize for dragging her through the mud and making false accusations/insinuations against her while letting Obama get off without even a second look at his lies and his own short comings.

2 - How much money she makes doing her schtick is none of your business. You should be happy that she found a niche and is making money legally and that she's not living off the American taxpayer.

3 - So what if she made money and her face is on TV? Lots of people make a living that way. She makes money giving motovational speeches to the far right conservatives. SO WHAT? The far left has it's version of the same, and yet those people don't get endless false accusations and insinuations hurled at them.

I'm not a Sarah Palin fan, but the hyporisy in how she was covered compared to how Obama was covered is pretty dang obvious. I don't know if it's because she's far right or if it's because she's a woman. The press also treated Hillary pretty badly during the 2008 run compared to how they treated Obama.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:03 PM
"I am pretty sure Colmes is a tool"

Agreed. I know Rick Santorum personally. You could never meet a nicer person. I do not agree with all of his politcal views, but I fail to see what his dead child has to do with this election. I don't care who raises an issue like this or what political party they belong to, this is just a cheap shot. I would like to call it something else, but, I don't want my post removed. Sure Colmes apologized, take it for what it is worth. To me it is worth less than a bottle of urine. Colmes took his shot, pleased his audience and assured his popularity, so what's an apology worth from him? He should have nothing to apologize for, because he shouldn't have made the comment in the first place.
edit on 3-1-2012 by JIMC5499 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:04 PM
Not a fan of either Santorum or Colmes his sister in law is hot tho but that is beside the point.

There are some things you don't do and he did cross the line but hey he's a liberal don't mean nothing.

Now if that had been a "right wing" commentator all hell would be breaking loose.

The next time you hear the lefties say the rights have no heart or soul remember this because it was wrong on so many levels the loss of a loved one and "mocking" it is just pathetic.
edit on 3-1-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:22 PM
You guys can attempt to paint this as a partisan issue, but in reality there are no innocent sides.

This is a matter of morality and free speech - not partisan politics. It's really, really sad how some people will take any opportunity whatsoever to exploit a situation for perceived political gain (there really is none here on ATS).

Anyway, I think this is really a non issue. There are plenty of important things to discuss without getting involved in a name calling match.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
Funny how many in this thread condemning this man for his words pop up in other threads defending free speech.

Sure, it may have been a horrible thing to say - but the man lives in a country where free speech is still advertised as being in place. Do you really think he should suffer for exercising his God given right?

In my experience, the best way to handle something like this is to ignore it. Just like when you were 7 and getting taunted on the school yard; if you ignore them they will go away. I doubt the Santorum Team are stupid, if they didn't want this news to spread they would have ignored it..

So to me, it's kind of hypocritical to condemn a man and spread the words you are condemning him for all at the same time. It's rather counter productive, if you are truly offended by his speech.

I agree with others that this isn't necessarily unwanted or unwelcome in the Santorum camp.

Condemning Colmes for his hateful and hurtful words != saying he doesn't have the right to say it. But as the saying goes, "Your right to swing your fist ends at the other man's nose." There are consequences to exercising our rights whenever we feel like it. The consequence in this case should be unemployment.


posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
You guys can attempt to paint this as a partisan issue, but in reality there are no innocent sides.

This is a matter of morality and free speech - not partisan politics. It's really, really sad how some people will take any opportunity whatsoever to exploit a situation for perceived political gain (there really is none here on ATS).

Anyway, I think this is really a non issue. There are plenty of important things to discuss without getting involved in a name calling match.

I do not see much of a name calling match doing on. People from all walks of life have displayed their utter disdain for such commentary utilizing the shroud of political commentary. Good on them!

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by LilithWon ...I see two nuts but no broken laws or violations of any kind.

Broken laws or violations? How about ethics, morals and etiquette? How about basic human decency?

This is a disgusting ad hominem attack that targets and affects his family, it has got nothing to do about his politics, which is in fact the only thing we should bother with. We have as much to say about what politicians do in the privacy of their own homes as they do with ours, which shouldn't be anything.

Regarding free speech, Colmes can say whatever he likes. But free speech does also include taking the consequenses and being responsible for what's said.
edit on 4/1/12 by Droogie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by The Old American

He wasn't swinging fists, he was spitting words. One causes actual harm, the other does not.

I'm not defending his words, only saying it's not important. Rick Santorum is a big boy and doesn't need help defending himself.

If you really want to rally against it, the most effective way would be to stop watching Fox News. Somehow I think people are going to whine and cry about this and just continue to tune in.

I already stopped supporting Fox News by viewing it, long ago.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 10:25 AM
Wow, I hadn't actually seen the clip. :-/ Ugh.

So, Colmes has never been to a funeral? I mean, because, I know that I've seen people hugging and kissing their dead, embalmed loved ones - who've been dead for several days - and are in the casket...

There are many support services specifically for parents of stillborn or dead babies. One that I think is amazing is: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.

Totally uncalled for, and will probably benefit Santorum in the long run because there are many people who have lost a dear loved one or child and had a hard time parting.

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