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Sounds like fish really is brain food

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:35 PM

... But now, a study by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine claims that the more fish you eat, the better your brain will be.

In fact, what the study shows is that it may be possible to hold off the effects of Alzheimer’s disease by eating fish. Apparently, the omega-3 fatty acids in cold-water fish have a positive, long-term effect on brain cells. Just to be clear, we’re talking baked or broiled cold-water fish like halibut, mackerel, salmon, trout, and tuna, so this doesn’t give us a free license to go wild on fish fry night....

This sounds well enough, but have they not addressed the mercury load in the food chain for a reason? Or is it that the industry needs more fish-product consumers?

Sometimes I think I'm just being too cynical or suspicious (which comes with the turf - if you'll pardon the pun).

I know fish is a good food... but there are points worth mentioning about eating a lot of sea food that always seem to be missing from little snippets like this article.

I was wondering if any of you can tell me I shouldn't worry about the mercury (or corexit, or PCBs, or all the other garbage we've injected into the food chain?)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:38 PM
Eat farmed fish or do they add mercury to that?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

This sounds well enough, but have they not addressed the mercury load in the food chain for a reason? Or is it that the industry needs more fish-product consumers?

Mercury and Aluminum buildups in the brain have been loosely linked to Alzeimers. If there was truly a Mercury problem in fish, then the study would have shown opposite results wouldn't it?

I've never believed in the existence of dangerous mercury in fish, I think it is just a way to promote the farm-raised fish.

I do believe Aluminum and Plastic bottles, cans, plates, utensils, etc, are part of our neurological problems. I think we should all go back to reusable (not recyclable) glass and ceramics. It is much more "green" and much more healthy.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

As cynical as I am, it never occurred to me that the whole idea of making it seem like wild fish were "tainted" might be a ploy to push farm raised fish on us... Thanks!

They do use antibiotics, fungicidals, and hormones in those fish farms though..... more room for anxiety on my part I guess....

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Oh no! those poor fish... they are caught in nets and suffer so much at the hands of fishermen... then they have their heads torn off before being disemboweled...

oh no!!!


posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Well, it's not difficult to always suppose a deeper motive behind anything that advocates or discourages something or another. Likewise, it could be equally supposed that this is seafood industry propaganda.

Boy oh boy, it's lose-lose isn't it always?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

I eat a lot of seafood, as fish is a big part of the diet in my household..

..Yet, I'm still as thick as two planks.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 01:30 PM
Based on my observations, the japanese are very smart and I refer to their IQ too. They eat fish on a daily basis, sushi. And as it is raw, all the nutrients are still there.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 04:48 AM
The Seas are running out of fish.
so they tell us to eat more!!!


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