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Worrying Observation about this generations children

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
reply to post by Power_Semi

Yes, Power,

I am worried about these kids too.

Because they are so into tech that they are not into human relationships.

Here is what will happen eventually - there will be no human relationships.

End of humans.

I noticed yesterday that I subconsciously prefer technology over human relationships I was sitting in church watching the television screen behind my pastor when he was right in front of me. I also notice that I will often check my phone for messages even when I'm in a conversation with someone. It's kind of sad- i think this is the reason people are becoming lonelier...less human interaction.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:26 PM
Im 27, seems as I get older, the world seems more orwellian 1984ish, if not worse. Facial fecognition, extreme data farms and complex databases that could be parsed with highly complex aligorithims were not on the table in the world that orwell imagined, yet here we are.

looking back, i think the glory days and golden years have long since passed, and are not comming back. We have witnessed the peak and end of a society created by our fathers.

SnF for a thought provoking thread.

edit on 28-11-2011 by sicksonezer0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:53 PM
Yes, when it all comes crashing down a lot of kids will be lost when mommy and daddy are not there to bail them out. What will they do without all those electronic gadgets. And heaven forbid they have to make a hard decision.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Thank you for making this thread, very insightful.

I think that this fuels the need, even more to teach the youth the golden rule - War is not natural, it has been perpetuated through mankind's existence by two or more groups of powerful men who sacrifice their people under the guise of nationalism in order to retain their power.

Our youth are being born into this world of chaos. But we need to realize that this is chaos is part of a transition. Though blue prints for this War have been outlined for the past 50-100 years --- No matter how meticulous their plans are, they cannot change metaphysics, only work around it.

The hundred monkey syndrome is a perfect example. Human beings specifically belong to a network of consciousness - and we are all feeling the pain echoing from Earth. No matter if you are born into it or if you can remember a time that was more peaceful -

From a redwood tree which has been in this world longer than our grandparents, the tree would surely state: This is only temporary.

In our lifetime, we'll see things getting a lot rockier. But the bright side is, they'll never achieve their goal. And optimistically I think your children will be alive to see them fail.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:12 PM
Ive had two occasions in my daughters life to try to explain evil--9/11 was the first time and she was 5 years old
the second occasion was at 10 when a little girl just her age in the next town was snatched off the street and raped beaten and tossed naked out of a car by a stranger. It wasnt any easier then. They say "8 is the new 12" and it sure seems that way-my 8 year old cousin is more knowledgeable about sex than I was at 13-it makes me sick

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

As sad as it might be, I think that war is natural and a part of human nature. It has been thousands of years since there was not wars/conflicts occuring. We mainly hear about the war on terror, but in truth, there are hundreds of wars/conflicts occuring today. I think it's just a pipe dream to believe we can achieve the impossible state of world peace.

This was before my time, but most of us are probably aware of the Duck and Cover protocol during the Cold War where students were to hide under their desk in the event of a nuclear attack. In my opinion, seeing/hearing about the war on terror everyday on TV (where it doesn't seem real since it's "so far away" like everything else on TV) is better than preparing for nuclear attacks by having drills in school. My point is that it's not only this generation who are exposed to this.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by aprilc1

As the world grows and changes, so, I suppose, do its generations. There is definitely a desensitization going on with children as to the quite serious nature of violence and other such themes, wanton or necessary, but when events like 9.11 take place, tragic as they are, step do need to be taken to ensure that the very future generations we speak of are able to prevent and protect themselves against such tragedies or at least survive in and even rise above such situations. But it is also essential that we do realise there is far more to the world than the death, horror, destruction, and crimes against existence itself though it may seem that is all that pervades.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:26 PM
my problem many 18yrs males can change a tire...or do an oil change....

I'm 41...a gen-x'er.

I have an 20yrs old son...thankfully i've taught how to fend for himself..and do "manly things"

Still battling with him on the "just suck it up" stuff.

His friends on the other hand...completely useless..all of them.

If there was ever a disaster..or "end of the world type event..." us old guys would rule...this next generation is completely hopeless.

these young men have to get my son to go with them to put air in their tires....not kidding!!!!!!!

I think the role of the male has been diminished.....female roles are moving along fine. 17yrs old daughter can change a tire..light a camp-fire and, and use booster-cables
edit on 28-11-2011 by wrathchild because: sexism

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:48 PM
You raise a very good point OP.
It would also somewhat explain troubled youth.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:01 PM
Yes Children are living in a world of technology and developing relationships with machinery rather than people.

As a Teacher I incorporate computers and smart boards but do not rely on them. I am happiest in a classroom when Students are asking questions and wanting to explore. They often give me the impression they are bored with mainstream subjects and indicate to me they want to explore subjects that are not on offer.

I try to stimulate their intellect by introducing them to short clips I make myself and steer them towards news outlets beyond the monopolised newspapers. They often love it - even when the news is above their level of understanding they will indicate a desire to read the article to know what is happening. This is when I am in my element.

Children - they are going to be on their own one day - as an adult they will become independent and live their life without a parent or guardian guiding them towards decisions. I hope the Children will decide that war is useless and fear must be eradicated and that the society we gave them must be repaired and healed.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:19 PM
OKAY I HAVE NEVER READ 1984.....But in the last 4 days, every where I read or people I speak to, the book keeps coming up! Do you think I should read it?? LOL

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by wrathchild 17yrs old daughter can change a tire..light a camp-fire and, and use booster-cables
edit on 28-11-2011 by wrathchild because: sexism

My father says that Im a better *man* than my younger sad is that? I love my brother though, but yeah, he just hasn't got a clue....

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by dillweed
reply to post by SuperiorEd
Thanks, Ed. Your quote from Confucious is brilliant. America should be such a place where this could occur but, there is such a thing as evil in the world. ATS's motto reminds me that there is still hope for mankind, and that altruism is still something to be admired. I have to believe that todays children will not be fooled as easily as we were and that they will demand the truth. After all, we are evolving, aren't we?

Right. I think the oblivious nature of most will end up being a real asset in the future. Nothing spells change more than being caught off guard. It is an error to keep false security.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

Well put.

Certainly psychologists and sociologists have informed the globalists that the

old frog in the bucket method is the best way to achieve many kinds of social change.

Couple that with NOT LETTING ANY CRISIS go to waste . . . particularly those engineered for the purpose . . . and there's a great squeeze play technique set up.

1 . . . slow incremental change on the one hand . . .

2. . . . body slamming dramatic change in fits and starts on the other . . .

Working in concert they get most everyone wholesale. One sets the stage . . . the other burns the house down in a variety of ways.

Folks are left in a stupor, mind numbed, immobilized, pliable objects in the globalist machine.

And that's merely those not tagged as "useless eaters" slated for genocidal extermination.

GOD ALONE is our defense.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Amanda5


I require students to ask questions. AT least the last 15 min in a "Daily life question" time in intro to psych.

The questions have to relate to psychology.

And, I answer questions candidly, forthrightly, vulnerably--mercifully with humor most of the time.

And my answers can quickly include role playing.

The students report my class is their most interesting.

Seems like most profs read from the book or their equally boring notes. Sheesh!

Of course . . . the PTB have transformed the educational system into a machine training human robots for their bastardized Marxist/monopolistic capitalist hybrid system.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Your response stokes the fire in my Spirit to continue.

I consider myself to be gently nudging the boundaries as I know that sweeping changes only outrage those who are comfortable with their controlling positions. I am also painfully aware of the internal politics and tread carefully - with only the Students as my focus. I can live my life any old way I choose - I choose to try to bring about change. The Students will demand change soon - I can see it and I will be there to help in any way I can.

Thank you - your words have come at a very appropriate time.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:54 PM
More people are killed per year on average in the US from bee/wasp stings than from domestic terrorism.

Think about how much more we are inundated with "War on Terror" propaganda vs. public service announcements about bee/wasp awareness. Infinitely more. Not in line with the numbers.

Nothing short of brainwashing/conditioning -- total fear mongering.

Don't even get me started on auto accident fatality numbers...
edit on 11/28/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by wrathchild

You hit a nerve.
Since we are talking age, I am 55 years old. I used to throw a paper route before AND after school.
I can just visualize the stampede of 18 year olds OUT of this post.....
This generation is the first that I can recall, where controlled thought has really been put to the test. Who looks to mom and dad for "reality" anymore? No, mom and dad don't know #.
This generation prides itself on not really knowing #, and believing that they don't really need to.

But, if the kids are clueless, the parents are to blame. That doesn't speak well for "us" does it?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Power_Semi

...terrorists, man made global warming, economic collapse, etc, etc - all could be used to mould the behaviour of a society formed from the next generation.

I think the elite has always shaped society based on generations of children.

Look at the following chart I made and notice how the boys of the 'Greatest Generation' went to fight in World War I at the age of 17 in 1914 and then their sons went to fight in World War II also at the age of 17 in 1939. It's really quite frightening.

The Generations are lettered according to Generation X born in 1972. Going backwards, let us say then that the Baby-Boomers are 'W', the War Generation are 'V' and the Greatest Generation are 'U' and previous generations are T, S, R, etc. It's based on each generation having their first child at the average age of 25 (in those days but no longer true for Generation X).

Year R S T U
1897 75 50 25 BORN
1898 76 51 26 1
1899 77 52 27 2
1900 78 53 28 3
1901 79 54 29 4
1902 80 55 30 5
1903 81 56 31 6
1904 82 57 32 7
1905 83 58 33 8
1906 84 59 34 9
1907 85 60 35 10
1908 86 61 36 11
1909 87 62 37 12
1910 88 63 38 13
1911 89 64 39 14
1912 90 65 40 15
1913 91 66 41 16

1914 92 67 42 17
1915 93 68 43 18
1916 94 69 44 19
1917 95 70 45 20
1918 96 71 46 21

1919 97 72 47 22
1920 98 73 48 23
1921 99 74 49 24
1922 100 75 50 25

Year S T U V
1922 75 50 25 BORN
1923 76 51 26 1
1924 77 52 27 2
1925 78 53 28 3
1926 79 54 29 4
1927 80 55 30 5
1928 81 56 31 6
1929 82 57 32 7
1930 83 58 33 8
1931 84 59 34 9
1932 85 60 35 10
1933 86 61 36 11
1934 87 62 37 12
1935 88 63 38 13
1936 89 64 39 14
1937 90 65 40 15
1938 91 66 41 16

1939 92 67 42 17
1940 93 68 43 18
1941 94 69 44 19
1942 95 70 45 20
1943 96 71 46 21
1944 97 72 47 22
1945 98 73 48 23

1946 99 74 49 24
1947 100 75 50 25

The 'Computer Generation' or Generation 'Y' have indeed been brought up in a world of endless war and have been de-sensitised to violence with violent computer games and tv shows like 'CSI' (which incidently has flooded the European market). They are also used to a changing language since text messages and the likes of 'Twitter' have forced them to abbreviate words. This may seem irrelevant to Generation X-ers who know the original language and accept abbreviations merely as a useful tool, but to Generation Y (and later, Z) the English language is already radically changing.

The most frightening aspect of this to me is the way Generation Z will view older generations. In 20 years, when Generation Z are the adults running society and Generation X are ready to retire and burden the society with their pensions and health bills, it will be very easy to show Generation Z images and videos of Generation X partying, getting drunk, taking drugs, smoking, getting fat on fast food, spending precious money on tattoos and ridiculously expensive designer products, etc., alongside images of people dying of starvation in Africa and of the planet being polluted... and how easy will it be to convince Generation Z that Generation X are a bunch of sick old fools who don't deserve to be paid for?

And instead of retirement, we will be forced to take the 'Demise Pill' for the 'good' of society...

I have a lot more to add about the manipulation of the generations.. you've made me think that maybe I should put it all in a thread as it's not talked about enough and it's certainly relevant for everyone to see exactly how the elite are manipulating us.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:21 PM
Yes, this is all premeditated.

These children being raised in the past 10 years have no choice but to be brainwashed and negatively influenced by governments and media. This no new news and has been happening for many many years.

It's a damn shame, and its going to take a long time to revive these kids sense of self and awareness to the corruption and mind control in today's society.

I know, if the human race still exists in 100 years from now, kids will be reading their history books on the great era of control and manipulation and be talking among themselves

"how did people not see this? Where they really that blind?"

And once again, the people of the past will appear to be idiots who just followed orders, as it has been for hundreds of years.


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