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UK Has Fattest Women in Europe

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posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by The Sword

To you walking is exercise to me walking is like sitting down!

Do you think i get ripped by walking? Hilarious!

Hard work and dedication are the reasons why i look the way i do,not from walking 4 miles a day.

You will learn this when you plateau and then you will have to up your game to maintain any significant "QUALITY" (fat) weight loss!

Don't argue with me about weight loss, i am not being arrogant, i am a guy with 8% bodyfat which i maintain all year round, i think i know what i am talking about.

And for your information weight lifting does not necessarily mean you put weight on. I use heavy weights on a cut to restrict the amount of muscle i lose through a deficit created by diet and cardio activities.

If i didn't lift weights i would look more like a Kenyan marathon runner as apposed to a sprinter.

Read, muscle burns fat! A diet alone will turn you into fat burning nothingness setting you up for a fall. effort pays, fact!

That is all
edit on 26-11-2011 by tommyboytml because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2011 by tommyboytml because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2011 by tommyboytml because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by tommyboytml

Whatever you say, Tony Little!

You sound like a pro wrestler now with that talk.

"Mean Gene, the Hulkster has 26" pythons and 8% body fat, brother!"

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by The Sword

If you don't want to face the truth then that is fine by me and that is half the problem with the obesity crisis Britain faces, fact!

You probably ended up with your thyroid through a bad diet, or yo yo dieting or lack of exercise or all. Didn't you?

edit on 26-11-2011 by tommyboytml because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2011 by tommyboytml because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Redevilfan09

Australia's population is 22 million, not 15 million.

And had an obesity rate of 21.7% as of 2003.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:07 AM

Italians? Someow they nearly all look good whatever. French? Not bad. Brits? Here we come - the mongrel race - as in no ethnic features of our own. But somehow instantly recognisable - lumpy, pasty and totally without style. It's embarrassing - and I say that as a Brit.

Ah yes, the cynical, self-hating Brit. We clearly don't have enough around who share your outlook!

By the way, how can the British be mongrels but the French and Italians not? Clearly you've no insight into the genetic history of Europe.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by tommyboytml

Err no. It's genetic.

Go find a bridge that you can squat under.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by JudgeDeath
reply to post by wlasikiewicz

In the link it shows the stats for Rumanian women, you'd find more meat on a butchers pencil.

That's because the McDoomald and crappy preprocessed food didn't gain so much addicts in Romania as it did in the Western Europe, not to mention the US of A.
Romanians have a cult for food, maybe due to the fact that in the interval 1945-1989 food was scarce on their tables - another "benefit" from the socialist government. However, a Romanian woman spends an incredible amount of time in the kitchen, preparing the meals for the family and more and more husbands are helping them; a specific Romanian home cooked meal is not only much more natural than in most of the other European countries but tastes much better.
Besides, only in Romania you can still buy tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and all sorts of vegetables directly from the ones who grew them, right on their porch or on the road... and they are 100% natural.
From this point of view - at least from this one - Romania is (still) a paradise...

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by The Sword

You probably have genetic susceptibility but the environment you put yourself in caused this problem!

Everyone has a thyroid problem these days, go back 50 years and look at some pictures! It looks like nobody did then! Funny that isn't it.

Its also funny that nobody starving in Africa has a thyroid problem either isn't it!

Like i said face the fact!

humans in the PAST earn't there food through hard work and exercise! Its only up until recently that this has been unnecessary, your food is literally ready for you and most people do nothing to earn it apart from sit on there ass all day.

What makes YOU think that YOUR exempt?

What do you do for a living? Let me guess, you sit down all day...

edit on 26-11-2011 by tommyboytml because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by shansen

Besides, only in Romania you can still buy tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and all sorts of vegetables directly from the ones who grew them, right on their porch or on the road... and they are 100% natural.
From this point of view - at least from this one - Romania is (still) a paradise...

Even our so called farmers markets are often a con. That said, take a look in yer average British supermarket trolley. Chicken mcnuggets are the order of the day...

Why buy plain food when you can get it nicely pepped up with chemicals and bulk agents?
edit on 26-11-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Morg234[/i

By the way, how can the British be mongrels but the French and Italians not? Clearly you've no insight into the genetic history of Europe.

Hey Morg I'll give you a clue. I can spot a bunch of Italians and certain other ethnicities. Heck I can even differentiate between a Ugandan and a Kenyan. But Brits, being more of a hotch potch don't have such a distinction. Just saying the way it is - all the genetic history in the world doesn't make it otherwise.
edit on 26-11-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by tommyboytml
reply to post by The Sword

To you walking is exercise to me walking is like sitting down!

Do you think i get ripped by walking? Hilarious!

Most people aren't trying to get ripped, they are just trying to get healthy.

Hard work and dedication are the reasons why i look the way i do,not from walking 4 miles a day.

You sure it wasn't Steroids? You are one angry guy.

Don't argue with me about weight loss, i am not being arrogant, i am a guy with 8% bodyfat which i maintain all year round, i think i know what i am talking about.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 09:59 AM
It's everything to do with the dramatic change in habits and diet since the 1960s. More and more commercial foods on the market; type of fats, high sodium, sugar, gluten (too much bread)........lack of exercise (possibly due to working longer hours), depression etc.

The way we were taught in school of the food pyramid is so wrong. In the 1950's and 1960's we were taught to always eat our greens, In fact when choosing our fresh produce (fruit & vegies), this is how we should be choosing:

1. Black/Blue 2. Purple 3. Red 4. Orange 5. Yellow (cut out any corn foods) 6. Green

We don't need any white fruits or vegies in our diet except pears and apples are different.

Always stick with mostly LOW GI:

Instead of using white rice, use brown rice or better still, barley.

Cut out completely all commercialised and processed foods/drinks. Perhaps have this once a month as a luxury. Darker the bread the better (go for the dark ryes), you only need no more than 2 slices a day.

Cost seems to control the shopping trolley these days rather than goodness.

When dishing up sinner, use bread and butter plates rather than dinner plates. 4 small meals a day is better than 3 meals or 2 large meals. Never eat after 7pm. It's more preferable to eat the heaviest meal at lunch.

edit on 26-11-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5

Cost seems to control the shopping trolley these days rather than goodness.

A colleague of mine kindly brought in some left over 'chicken' for my dog.
I was horrified to think she had been feeding it to her child. It was that pressed together gunk - that stuff that often says 'formed from' on the pack.
These days it is all about convenience and price.
I would rather buy some genuine free range chicken, have a tiny bit and treat it like the luxury that chicken once was and fill up with staples and veg in season. People these days have lost the plot.
Just look at the growth in supermarket ready/convenience meals.
edit on 26-11-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:13 AM
I grew up in England (1981-1998). A huge percentage (mostly female) of people, in my area at least, took the bus and walked everywhere. When I came to America, people would get in there trucks and drive to the local corner store (two or three blocks), I was obviously quite baffled by this.

That isn't the problem in the UK though. First of all. Brits in general drink alot of beer. I think in the case of women, it may also be sugarey alcopops too. I remember as a kid there would always be alot of men at the pub, during the day, unemployed laborers, the nights would be the employed. The women would go out on weekends, but I think we have eclipsed that point. The women my age talk about going out drinking at least three times a week. I know I am generalizing here, these are just observations.

Also, when I lived in the UK there were two Macdonalds in my area, there was also a whimpy, that turned into a BK, but noone ever went there! So to get to either of these MacD's I had to walk, get on a bus for atleast 40 minutes, then walk some more. This is no longer the case. They built a huge complex full of fast-food places and chinese buffets. Also, a crap loads of Macdonalds, subways and KFC's. Then, these pseudo pubs that serve fake home cooked meals, basically warmed up frozen food. On that same note, it is very difficult to find a pub that serves a nice home cooked Sunday dinner. The crux of the British diet.

Thirdly, ASDA, now jointly owned by Walmart, has started stocking "American foods" Mountain Dew, Dortios, Oreo cookies.

Things have changed tremendously over there. We used to have meat markets and fruit grocers. Now all we have are Macdonalds and cell phone stores. No wonder everyone is getting fat! I can tell you for sure that they are too. I remeber fat old men, but never large young ladies.

Last time I was there, it was hard to find food to eat. The fruit and veges are wonderful and fresh, but very expensive. It's much cheaper to buy ready-cooked food. The beverage selection for children is atrocious. Either heavily sugared, heavily saccarined or loaded with food color. There are sweets, crisps (potato chips) , frozen french fries and frozen pizza in every house, but not a lick of fresh fruit.

I am not unsuprised by this at all. I was a curvy teenager (looking back, not even close to being fat!) but all the other girls were so lanky compared to me. Most of those girls have surpassed me in size and I live in suburban America!

Hope I didn't offend anyone, this is just what I see from my perspective. A change in habits and lifestyle really. The UK has become "Americanized" I,m pretty P-O-ed about it myself and Brits should be too.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by mutantgenius

You are so right on this mutantgenius.
OK I am 61. I have seen a loss of cooking skills from my grandmother down to the present day. In Morrisons (a UK 'cheaper' supermarket), you can even buy a pack of ready made mashed potato.
People had better get a grip and get a grip soon. Hard times are coming.
Ironically they say that during and after World War 2, people were healthier on rations than they had ever been.
edit on 26-11-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by mutantgenius

Most people pay $5.00 to $8.00 for one meal at Maccas or KFC. For that amount I can actually feed my whole family of 4 for $2.00 each and thats home cooked meals. Last week there was a special for 2 small chooks for $6.00. One chook with roasted potatoes and steamed vegies cost less than $10.00 for all 4. I don't know whats wrong with people. Preparation for a chicken roast/vegies is only 5 mins. If I went to KFC I'd have to spend $28.00 to feed all 4.
edit on 26-11-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by antonia

Most people aren't trying to get ripped, they are just trying to get healthy.

Healthy body fat

Men 10-15%
Women 15-20%

Walking alone will not sustain a healthy body composition unless your genetically gifted! We are built to move and exercise.

Walking will also not strengthen your heart and it will not exercise your lungs!

Walking will not make you insulin sensitive, harder exercise will! I would go out on a limb and say most obesity problems are caused by insulin resistance, which eventually leads to diabetes, thyroid problems and other metabolic disorders!

Just like everything else, use it or lose it. Like i said humans were made to move, if you wanna sit on your ass and let your body turn into an inefficient waste zone then by all means do so.

Insulin resistance, obesity and exercise!

Weight training and insulin sensitivity

The efficacy of a high intensity exercise protocol, involving only 250 kcal of work each week, to substantially improve insulin action in young sedentary subjects is remarkable.

This novel time-efficient training paradigm can be used as a strategy to reduce metabolic risk factors in young and middle aged sedentary populations who otherwise would not adhere to time consuming traditional aerobic exercise regimes.

High intensity training, cure for insulin resistance!

You sure it wasn't Steroids? You are one angry guy.

I don't take steroids. And no i am not angry, just bored of fat people blaming a self induced thyroid problem through years of self harm and self induced insulin resistance all because they couldn't get of there arse and do something.

edit on 26-11-2011 by tommyboytml because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2011 by tommyboytml because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:40 AM
fat used to be a status symbol, and sort of still remains one

have this silly discussion in darfur, for example, and there are less enthusiastic opinions

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by mutantgenius

Spot on, you're absolutely right, it is easier and cheaper for people to buy ready made meals than buy the ingredients and cook it themselves. While that is the case we will continue to see obesity rates climb.

The only solution is for science to find a way to tell the body that it should not store the fat. It's more of a problem than many are willing to admit and it is only going to get worse. Forget war or disease, obesity will be the big killer.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by tommyboytml
reply to post by antonia

Healthy body fat

Men 10-15%
Women 15-20%

Walking alone will not sustain a healthy body composition unless your genetically gifted! We are built to move and exercise.

Walking will also not strengthen your heart and it will not exercise your lungs!

Walking will not make you insulin sensitive, harder exercise will! I would go out on a limb and say most obesity problems are caused by insulin resistance, which eventually leads to diabetes, thyroid problems and other metabolic disorders!

Which is why one should avoid sugar and excess carbs. That should take care of insulin resistance.

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