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Archaeology discoveries that rewrote history

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
This one isn't a specific discovery per se, but has led to many;
Satellite imagery - GIS, infrared, ground penetrating radar, etc.

Has led to many new sites in Egypt being discovered, as well as paleo-channels of the Nile, ancient lake beds in the Sahara, mapping of the ocean floors, sub-glacial mountain ranges in the Arctic, and at least 200 sunken cities discovered across the Mediterranean, not to mention the number of Mesoamerican sites found in the Amazon or the Guatemalan jungle that lay hidden beneath the forest cover.

Just some links to show how profound satellite imagery has been in the field of archeology;

Google Archeology: Satellite Imagery is Helping Us Discover the Past
Lost Pyramids: Peering Beneath Egypt's Surface With Satellite Images
17 Lost Pyramids Discovered Using Infrared Satellite Imaging
A blog dedicated to Satellite imaging discoveries:
Archaeologist Uses Satellite Imagery To Explore Ancient Mexico
Space Archeologists Discover a Thousand Egyptian Tombs Hidden in Tanis
Satellites spot lost Guatemala Mayan temples

There's literally thousands of such headlines.

Very much yes, probably need to expand the part on dating techniques and add 'detection' technology

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by Blue Shift
The sneaky return of catastrophism (modified), spurred on by increased understanding and awareness of potential meteor/asteroid impacts, sea level changes created by rapid climate change, and tsunamis caused by crustal shifts.

Yes, punctuated castatrophism??? The thought you have above does have a name I believe - I'm sure one of the smart people here will come up with it.

You're probably thinking of "punctuated equilibrium," a theory Stephen Gould put forward about catastrophism and its effects on the evolution of species.

As far a rewriting history books, there's a thread here about the bronze "buckle" found in Alaska.

Not really confirmed yet, but I think that one has potential.

I realize you already said "peopling of the Americas," but this is more like the Viking thing than the PreClovis thing.

Anyway, it's one that should have been "kept hidden" from us, according to the fringe.


posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Harte

I'd like to see the 'play book' were all the stuff we aren't suppose to know about is listed - so that it doesn't accidentially get released....I mean how do you know what a pottery sherd from Atlantis is suppose to look like when you have never seen one or run any tests? lol

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:34 PM
And don't forget the discovery(ies) of dinosaurs!

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by celebration

Howdy, well yes but the finding of the dinosaurs are not strictly the work of archaeologists but those stuffy, media grabing, bigger grant obtaining, elitist paleontologists

Technically archaeology is:

The study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts.

While paleontology is

The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms.

However they overlap at times and it would probably be considered a sub claim of #11 - the discovery of geology and the fact the world wasn't 6,000 years old, according to the Bishop!

edit on 19/11/11 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
Technically archaeology is:

The study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts.

While paleontology is

The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms.

However they overlap at times


Yes, like the Neandertals and the H. Sapiens, sometimes a little cross-breeding can occur (on a very cold and lonely - and very dark - night.)

This results in a hybrid child, with the worst characteristics of each parent.

They're called PaleoAnthropologists.

Please accept my Paleoanthropology.


posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Harte

We speak not of them as they are not within our sight....

edit on 19/11/11 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

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