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A claim of more Mayan codices has been made

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:28 PM
Just about the time you think that hoaxes about 2012 are dying down there is another attempt at muddying the waters.

One of the ways that the bells and whistles should be going off for everyone is that Drunvalo Melchizedek is involved. Anyone, in this case Drunvalo, claiming to teach gods how to do things better is probably a bad source of info. Either that or Toth is an especially stupid god and who would hang out with a stupid god?

OK. I nearly peed my pants reading this section.

If that wasn’t enough, a treasure hunter contacted Melchizedek stating he had discovered seven more codices who wanted Melchizedek to help him get them back to the Maya. The treasure hunter professionally photographed the codices and sent them to Melchizedek on cd’s, who then forwarded them to the Itza Maya council. Upon confirmation that these codices were authentic, the Maya contacted Melchizedek to report how those 7 codices were “the essential pieces of information that we needed. This is how we go 4th dimensional.”

That takes the cake for being funny.

Don't miss reading all of the way to the bottom where acrobats from a Montreal entertainment group are important in all of this.

What a hoot!

edit on 16-11-2011 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:35 PM

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:59 PM
They mention the word heart in there a lot...We all know what they did with human hearts...I got a bad feeling about this...

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Are you worried they are going to start ripping peoples hearts out in 2012 like they did in that movie Apocalypto? Whats there to worry about?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:22 PM
So how long have those codices been sitting in the basement of the museum, undetected, just brushed into the corner, and then finally we are near 2012 and they magically just show up because someone has gone down and cleaned that basement out. Someone knew they were there, they were put there by someone, obviously.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Redevilfan09

Or like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom!

I sure hope not I like my heart.. even if it is cold and black like depths of space.

This makes me think those chinese organ thieves might involved in some way too!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Redevilfan09

I have (Seriously this time) wondered how much knowledge is in a basement hidden from our so called "unclean" eyes about our past, our origins, humanities purpose and future. Things science cannot explain. Things withheld to give others power. Makes me sad really to think this should be a Golden Age of humanity to light our future yet it still feels like we are left in the dark...
edit on 16-11-2011 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Hi Stereo

Archaelogists working recently in Guatemala have been steadilly un-earthing several hundred thousand Mayan ceramic pottery plates, jars and other painted artefacts which (thankfully !!!) copy out as much as 90% of what was originally painted on the lost bark codices

which record faithfully (and in durable ceramic too) much of the coded arcane-religious-scientific-astrological material of more than 2,000 Mayan sacred bark codices penned over centuries by Mayan priests (echoing what we now can read in the 4 known surviving Mayan Codices (e.g. the Dresden Codex) - these 4 precious Mayan documents which were miraculously saved from the notorious mass-burnings of Mayan Codices organised by Father Diego de Landa in 1562-1563.

We can assume that many more than 4 of these survivor- Mayan bark codices managed to escape the flames of Father de Landa and co. and were probably hidden by the Mayan priesthood in certain well hidden sacred caves etc. -

Exactly how many of these Bark Codices may still exist hidden away somewhere is not known - but if some do manage to surface, western scientists can easily run the necessary carbon dating etc. testing procedures to determine their authenticity.

But even if NO additional authentic ancient Mayan bark codices are ever found, we are beginning finally to be able to reconstruct from these Ceramic plate and jar art-paintings a good deal of the same information contained in those lost / burned / destroyed Mayan Codices - what the Roman Catholic church Padres back in 1562 decided to burn as 'the work of the Devil' -

So let's all be grateful that the Maya so carefully painted their plates and ceramic jars & utensils !!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Yeah your right. The thing is if these sorts of artifacts only come to the surface like these codices have, what else do they have down there, which could be just as important, that maybe they do not even know about.

Museums do tend to have exhibitions and other events as well, so it is understandable that things may get moved around or even put downstairs, but if these artifacts are so important and need to be researched, what the hell are they doing in a museum in the first place?

Who found them, where did they go, and how did they end up in a museum gathering dust? How long have they been there?
edit on 16-11-2011 by Redevilfan09 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:32 AM
When a fraud like Drunvalo is involved it tells me that this is a hoax. A find like this would have been astonishing news to the Mayan archaeological community. I believe the reason that this is being made up now is for Drunvalo to explain away his 2012 claims. He needs something at this time to explain away his 2012 failures and making up more rubbish is nothing new for Drunvalo. His clients certainly don't care if he makes up more junk. They pay his a lot of money to be lied to.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by stereologist

I agree about it being a fraud. I found this link from that story and it deals with the codices and the crystal skulls and reeks of fraud. Supposedly the 13 skulls were mentioned throughout the codies but no one has ever linked a skull to a dig. And from this article I lost count but there are more than twenty skulls being talked about. Its all fake.


IMPORTANT NEWS: an update on the crystal skull journey with Hunbatz Men

Greetings DiAnn

These days nothing ever moves in a straight line. When you’re dealing with shamanic energies, ancient relics, and 26,000 year old prophecies any attempt to get linear becomes counterproductive. That being said, many things have changed since the Spirit of Ma’at posted the preliminary announcement for Hunbatz Men’s Crystal Skull pilgrimage. Because of this, we feel that it is important for us to clarify a few things.

As events unfold it now seems that Hunbatz Men will be the only Elder present at the ceremonial gatherings; he will be supported in his efforts by skull guardians who have volunteered to travel with him, and whose wish to heal Mother Earth has called them to be part of this experience.

We understand that several Mayan Elders from the council will meet Hunbatz Men for the 11/11/11 Gateway Ceremony in Los Angeles.

There is more:

If it was our understanding the Thirteen Original Crystal Skulls would be hand-carried across the U.S., we were mistaken. Out of the thirteen skulls that are part of this trip, we have been told that three of them are ancient – Hunbatz Men will carry the Tibetan, Nagaku; Nagaku’s brother, Kin Batz, also from Tibet, will be there too, along with an ancient Peruvian Skull. The rest of the skulls are ‘personal skulls’ belonging to the selected individuals who have been chosen to travel with Hunbatz and hold space for the work at hand, at each ceremony. Lion Fire will also be present with two authenticated ancient skulls from Mongolia.

We hope that our effort to clarify things will help you decide whether or not you wish to participate. In the end, we would like to remind everyone that it is the purpose of this journey that matters – and while many adjustments have had to be made, we trust that the Elders, and the Spirits that are watching over this historic and unprecedented event, know exactly what they’re doing.

From Our Hearts to Yours,

Here at the Spirit of Ma'at

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.

Source from the codice site:

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Actually it is more than likely a Hoax. But I still think there is stuff like this hidden. I mean why did the Catholic church burn all the codices to begin with? What was such a threat to them? They left the Indian texts like the Hindu Vedas alone... I am sure a few remained stashed away from the Spanish, I mean there were plenty of cities that were not completely plundered. Not to mention even the dead sea scrolls survived so there may be a bit of truth to this but buried under a heap of nonsense lol

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by abeverage

The codices were destroyed to subjugate the population. It is a time honored method of conquering a population. The Ptolemies tried another scheme which was to allow the population to continue with what they were doing.

There might be something out there to find, but it is unlikely for a museum in the US to have large numbers of Mayan codices. There might be a few documents out there that were kept as souvenirs. It is not likely that codices are to be discovered in ruins. The area is tropical and wet and decay is likely. Fabrics are uncommon in unearthed tombs let alone other organic materials.

Despite the unlikely nature of organics lasting I do hope that some day more can be learned of this impressive civilization.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Sigismundus

I have a collection of Looney Tunes glasses that were being given away by Arby's back in the 1980's. Bugs bunny, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester the cat. etc.. They are all carefully wrapped in news papers and tucked away in a heavy cardboard box. They are in the back of the basement where we keep things we dont need on a regular basis. I wonder what a future civilization would think of them if they were unearthed some day long from now? What kind of story do you think they would think the glasses were trying to tell ? Obviously every bit of art on a vase, pottery, glass or dish is not there to reveal something other than beauty. Some yes, but not all.

PS I didnt see the beauty of the Looney Tunes glasses but my Hubby does, so......

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by karen61057

Hi Karen--

I think you missed the point of my post, but here goes....

Now, admittedly, nearly half of the ancient Mayan stone and fired ceramic pottery inscriptions are NOT particularly 'scientific' or astrological etc. - many contain rather mundane images and phrases which are nonetheless carefully inscribed with phrases such as e.g. 'this jar is part of the possessions of King Kukh Balam' or e.g. 'this plate is sacred to the god Ah Pekku, forming part of his offering treasury...'

But many others (especially all the 'inscribed stone bowls' ) contain authentic astrological and religious snatchets of the specific type of ritual language found painted on the surviving Codices, which bear witness to a much larger collection of Mayan priestly actiivity.

These Mayan pained bowls and jars are often marked out in sections - so when photographed according to their divisions (which can be achieved by photographing a section, then turning the jar and photogrpahing the adjacent section marked off by Vertical lines etc then again turned and photographed, turned and photographed etc. ) they then can be set out in printed books into flat readible columns - where suddenly lo, and behold (Shock and Awe !!!!) they begin to start to really look just like e.g. the Paris or the Grolier or the Madrid or the Dresden Codices - and are thus a great source of data for archaeologists to study.

I cannot see how any of this has to do specifically with Elmer Fudd - or any of the Looney Toonies. Perhaps you have never actually seen any of these inscribed & painted Mayan stone jars say from the 11th century CE?

Also, we must not forget all the hndreds of massive 'inscribed stone monuments' including Grave sites which also echo and copy out much of the columned information in the same fashion as the Codices, sometimes glyph for glyph, like those found in the surviving bark Codices e.g. the Dresden or the Paris or the Madrid Codex.

Recently several ancient Mayan sites have turned up disintegrating lumps of plaster & painted flakes, mostly in the more elaborate 'royal' tombs - tattered remains of codices (not unlike the Dead Sea Scroll fragments !) where the organic material has rotted - but a few lumps are still semi preserved, giving Archaeologists of the future something to work on - perhaps they might one day be able to recover some information from these ancient fragments.

Here's a LINK for you to check out so you can see a little of what I mean -

I think we are a long way from anything resembling modern day Looney Tunes characters which were desgned primarily as mindless entertainment for children (and some would say also for Americans, who are sometimes said to think like mindless children, especially nowadays) but certainly not for modern day priests.

The oldest Maya codices have been found in the form of mortuary offerings at places such as Uaxactun, Guaytán in San Agustín Acasaguastlán, Nebaj in El Quiché in Guatemala, Altun Ha in Belize and at Copán in present-day Honduras.

The 6 fragmentary Mayan FigTree Bark Codices discovered in these recent excavations date to the Early Classic (Uaxactún / Altun Ha) but several dozen other Codices and Fragments of longer works have been rotted away beyond any coherent deciphement.

So the more durable examples of Mayan pottery currently being unearthed may well be the salvation for much of the coded and religious/astrological information that was once inscribed on them - to say nothing of the more than 1,500 other Fig Tree Bark Codices that were burned wholesale in bonfires by the Roman Catholic Church (courtesy of mindless Spanish priests such as Father de Landa and his ilk ) in the 16th century as 'the Work of the Devil' ...

Clear as mud, or do you need more Exempla?

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 11:28 AM
Drunvalo and his entourage of hoaxers announced the finding of all sorts of codices and the woo clan went wild for a few days.

Now weeks later there is deafening silence.

Does anyone still think that Drunvalo is truthful? This would have been a stupendous find were it real, but it was a hoax.

This should be a lesson to all that Drunvalo and other hoaxers should not be trusted.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
reply to post by stereologist

Actually it is more than likely a Hoax.

Yep. That one's a hoax (or fraud) -- no such scrolls exist.

I mean why did the Catholic church burn all the codices to begin with?

When they took over a country, they burned "pagan" statues and temples and books as well.

They left the Indian texts like the Hindu Vedas alone...

They never conquered India. So India's kept all its literature.

I am sure a few remained stashed away from the Spanish, I mean there were plenty of cities that were not completely plundered.

In fact, afterwards, there was a whole industry where they produced these fake books because once someone got back to Spain with them, others said "cool!" and offered lots of money. So the Spaniards in the New World kept the Indians busy for a time making fakes. The people doing this were illiterate and the scrolls are gibberish, but someone got rich from it.

Just as when they got to Jerusalem, there was a sudden industry that rose to sell people "pieces of the True Cross of Jesus" for a lot of money.

If this had been real, the MUSEUM would have annunced it and there'd be a stampede of scholars publishing on it as well as lots and lots of pictures online

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Indellkoffer

Thanks for the incite. I hadn't thought about the cottage industries that arose as people wanted religious relics.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 12:41 PM
Interesting stuff. Sorry about the timewave topic thingy stereo...sometimes I like to be onery like that and push buttone/pull levers...that being said.

Much of this stuff is faked/hoaxed. The crystal skulls are basically all fake. The mitchell-hedgins skull is a known fraud but for some reason people keep ignoring that. It was not found in in South America, it was bought from an art seller...I forget which one (Christies?)...but they have receipts and paperwork to prove it...long story...but...once you look into stinks of fraud. is a real crystal skull...but made in the 18th or 19th century...somewhere in Europe...not in South America.

The Dresden codex is as close as the doomsday sayers can come up with for a Mayan basically shows a great serpent spewing water...supposedly a great flood that ends the world. I am not overly familiar with the other codices, but the point being, the Mayans never prophesied or predicted anything with their calendar...their Baktuns just roll over...the fact they stopped re-writing what was already written should be self explanatory...time is a wheel to them...what came before will come again...nothing says the wheel ever stops the idea that "the world ends" is rubbish...and there is a very good chance the interpretations and translations are horribly off....when you factor in Julian and Gregorian errors and mistakes...there is little chance that 12/21/2012 means anything accept another start of winter...

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Damrod

I believe that the crystal skull was traced to quartz from Madagascar.

It is really incredible how isotope ratios can be used to track materials. I recall reading about a musket ball found on an Oregon beach was connected to a mine that closed in 1804 in Missouri. That ball is believed to reveal the location of the Pacific Ocean camp of Lewis and Clark.


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