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The 7 Colors and Their Relation to the Universe

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 12:57 AM
Is all physical reality made up of the same 7 colors, no matter what part of the universe you are in?
Along with sacred geometry, has color always been (and always will be) a helpful tool used as a means of communication and organization throughout the universe?

The 7 colors of the rainbow:

The 7 colors of the chakra system:

The Chakras:
1. Red - The Root Chakra
2. Orange - The Sacral Chakra
3. Yellow - The Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Green - The Heart Chakra
5. Blue - The Throat Chakra
6. Indigo - The Third Eye Chakra
7. Violet - The Crown Chakra

And even the 7 colors of the zodiac...

It takes one year to go through all 7 colors, and on a grander scale, 26,000 years (precession of the equinoxes) to go through all 7 colors. Each age of the zodiac has a unique energy/mood/color associated with it. When it comes to the ages, we are currently in the color of violet (Age of Pisces) and will shift into the color of indigo (Age of Aquarius).

We are approaching the Indigo/Blue color again for the first time in 26,000 years. Who knows what influence that color will have on the Earth in the years to come. With it brings the 'blue' skies of Aquarius (Air Sign) the 'Indigo' Children, and the 'Blue' Star Kachina of the Hopi Indians.

What does it take to go from Red to Violet, the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra, or the Age of Capricorn to the Age of Aquarius?... Time (Physical Reality)

What are your thoughts on the 7 colors and how they relate to Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Universe?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:06 AM
I think they are just that, colors. Any emotions or conceptions we tie into them are just that, conceptions. Besides that 7 colors are what we see, cats and many other animals see less or none at all. So could it be that their are actually more than 7 colors? I don't know. Anyways interesting thread

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:32 AM
Interesting question.

I have always believed that we are only experiencing a fraction of what the cosmos have on offer from a colour-perspective. Whether we are biologically limited in what we can perceive, or whether the full spectrum is not available on our planet due to solar-related constraints etc. is anybody's question.

But - I will always remember a dream I had as a little kid. I was on another planet - it was semi-dusk. I could see another large planet in close proximity to the one I was on, on the horizon, and there was a large lake in front of me. The wind rustled through tall grasses and reeds. And the colours - oh my - the colours were unbelievably spectacular. It filled my heart so much that I felt it would burst. I recognized the same tones as what we have here, but the colours were more vibrant, deeper - alive in the most important sense of the word. The realness of the dream and the sheer magnificence of the colours of that world was unbelievable and oh so tangible - I was actually a little daydreamer for several days thereafter and started to question our own perception of colour and reality.

I do believe that different entities would experience reality (and colour) differently according to their own evolutionary make-up, and that our vast universe would provide a much greater scope for colour other than the ones that we can identify - our little painting is a tiny part of the great art gallery.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Nurelic
Is all physical reality made up of the same 7 colors, no matter what part of the universe you are in?

There is no such thing as seven colors.
The colors you see are the different energy levels of photons, of which there are a INFINITE number. (ignoring quantum levels for the sake of simplifying this discussion)

The idea of "SEVEN" colors comes from Isaac Newton. As wikipedia says...

Newton originally (1672) named only five primary colours: red, yellow, green, blue and violet. Later he included orange and indigo, giving seven colours by analogy to the number of notes in a musical scale.

But thats only a useful agreement on naming. It in no way reflects the actual status of the number of colours.
You can have as many or as few as you like.

oh, and all that new age stuff you posted has no relevence to any of it either.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by shimmeringsilver73

But - I will always remember a dream I had as a little kid. I was on another planet - it was semi-dusk. I could see another large planet in close proximity to the one I was on, on the horizon, and there was a large lake in front of me. The wind rustled through tall grasses and reeds. And the colours - oh my - the colours were unbelievably spectacular. It filled my heart so much that I felt it would burst. I recognized the same tones as what we have here, but the colours were more vibrant, deeper - alive in the most important sense of the word. The realness of the dream and the sheer magnificence of the colours of that world was unbelievable and oh so tangible - I was actually a little daydreamer for several days thereafter and started to question our own perception of colour and reality.

Very cool. Can you imagine being able to go back to that dream world whenever you want? Sounds like it would be an awesome place to visit. Did it look kinda like this in any way?...

Sure would be cool to have lucid dreams every night and create fantastic fantasy worlds to dwell on and explore.
edit on 7-11-2011 by Nurelic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by alfa1

I simply put 7 as there are 7 distinct color variations. Of course there are tons of different hues, shades, and tones.

The "new age stuff" that I put in was to add a little more deeper thought into what colors represent and show some current views people have of them. So yes, there is relevence.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX

If you spent some time playing with your chakras and you would not be saying that..

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

I haven't been able to go back to that place, despite trying my utmost. But the memory is still very vivid.

The colours were rather shades of deep-purple and blues...

More like this one - no sand though, only lots of tall grasses around the water body (almost like a wetland), and the cliffs in the distance were a bit hazier (softer). Nevertheless, the artist did a pretty good job on this one (hmmm, I'm obviously not the only person with this picture in my head):

Purple alien landscape

Edit to note: I have absolutely NO idea what is going on here... earlier on your post url linked me to an image of a red-orange alien scenery. I did a Google image search, found the blue planet image as per my post link. When I decided to check out your awesome image again (the red/orange one) - up comes my purple landscape image!
Time for more coffee...
edit on 7/11/2011 by shimmeringsilver73 because: Funny linky things happening

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
I think they are just that, colors. Any emotions or conceptions we tie into them are just that, conceptions. Besides that 7 colors are what we see, cats and many other animals see less or none at all. So could it be that their are actually more than 7 colors? I don't know. Anyways interesting thread

Actually, the OP is on to something. Color is not "just" color. It is a frequency that falls within our visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. When something "appears" as a color in our physical world, it simply means that it can reflect that particular wavelength in the visible spectrum. White can reflect all of them, whereas black reflects none, and so on.

Frequency makes up our entire universe...everything is vibrating. So it can be said that the universe is one big song of musical vibration, in which some of that vibration can be seen.

There is only one spectrum that we can detect with our naked eye....all the others are invisible as of now. It would be interesting though, if we were to be able to see all the others.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

heh heh, yeah I linked that 1st pic then found that purple landscape pic soon after and had to edit my post to replace the link with that one because the purple one looked way more like how you described it.

Yeah that must have been a little weird. You were probably thinking, "uh... wait a second... huh??"

Man I'd love to swim in that lake... with the view of that planet the whole time... wow.

Hey so have you ever had a lucid dream before?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

the universe is actually composed of 5 fundamental forces which like the 7 colors
are merely the product/result of the interaction of Light and Darkness [or black and white if you prefer]

the crystal links link does looks informative S&F

reply to post by alfa1

reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX

see above
there are more than enough scientific studies showing how color can affect moods

haven't you ever gotten the blues?
seen red?
turned green with envy?
turned yellow and run?

edit on 7-11-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

this might help you get back there

Astral projection/Clairvoyance by means of the Tattwa(tattva) symbols.

from my old thread here:
you should also be able to transport yourself by willing/desiring it in a lucid dream

oh and to the OP as well Xi-An is in china don't think they have electric purple skies though
edit on 7-11-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: added comment

edit on 7-11-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: okd not od

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 12:17 PM
Despit the vain attempt of someone to dismiss the fundamental significance of the seven colours (yes - everyone knows there are an infinite number of colours, but seven different types can be distinguished by the human eye, that's the point), this number IS highly significant esoterically because - take a deep breath - it is the number of Sephiroth of Construction in the cosmic blueprint that Kabbalists call the "Tree of Life" (Otz Chiim). For example. their manifestations are:
1. the seven notes of the diatonic musical scale below the octave.
2. the seven compactified dimensions predicted by M-theory.
3. the seven unit imaginary octonions that many physicists suspect form the mathematical language of superstring theory.
4. the seven Yang meridians and the seven Yin meridians in acupuncture.
5. the seven lattice systems in crystallography.
6. the seven different layers of human skin.
7. the seven planes of consciousness.
8. the seven types of diatonic musical scale (including the Pythagorean scale).

More about the significance of the number seven and its geometrical symbol - the heptagon - can be found at:

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Gseven

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
I think they are just that, colors. Any emotions or conceptions we tie into them are just that, conceptions. Besides that 7 colors are what we see, cats and many other animals see less or none at all. So could it be that their are actually more than 7 colors? I don't know. Anyways interesting thread

Actually, the OP is on to something. Color is not "just" color. It is a frequency that falls within our visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. When something "appears" as a color in our physical world, it simply means that it can reflect that particular wavelength in the visible spectrum. White can reflect all of them, whereas black reflects none, and so on.

Frequency makes up our entire universe...everything is vibrating. So it can be said that the universe is one big song of musical vibration, in which some of that vibration can be seen.

There is only one spectrum that we can detect with our naked eye....all the others are invisible as of now. It would be interesting though, if we were to be able to see all the others.

As I was reading down the thread, I was going to post the color, frequency correlation. We have never seen the vast amounts of spectrums and frequency. You are correct, we are only attuned to our frequency, octave as it were.

Move up a set of octaves experience different frequencies and range of colors like in Shim's dream! Very cool!

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

Phew! Thought I lost a marble there... great minds think alike... What are the chances? – of the millions of Google images returned for the search-term “alien landscape”, we chose the same one?

Lucid dream? Oh yes – all the time! Lucid dreaming is as much a part of my life as what standard dreaming is. The trigger often will be that I find myself in an “unhappy situation” in my dream-state - I would then come to the realization that I do not have to be subjected to this “situation” and will then consciously “will” another better scenario. It makes for a really awesome experience.

reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Thanks - will give it a try!

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Nurelic

Very interesting observation. How do you think this would apply to the "Seven Ray" theories of the ascended master's teachings?

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:19 AM
I studied and got my certification in the aurasoma color care system. Aura Soma They teach that certain colors reflect who you are and you are the color you choose. It is very enlightening to see how the color I randomly chose really reflect my core constitution. Click on the website and click the reading to have yours done. In principal there are 3 primary colors: Blue, Yellow and Red. Then there are you secondary colors: Green, Orange and Purple. Then there are your tetiary colors: Turquoise, Olive, gold, coral, violet and magenta. The secondary and tetiary colors all have the primary colors as their base in metaphysical definitions.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Light & Darkness, or Positive & Negative, or 1 & 0, just like a computer. Thats because we are living inside of one.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Eosmundi
reply to post by Nurelic

Very interesting observation. How do you think this would apply to the "Seven Ray" theories of the ascended master's teachings?

I think it relates to an even bigger cycle of time and is linked with the supposed "7 Root Races of Mankind"

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Firefly_
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Light & Darkness, or Positive & Negative, or 1 & 0, just like a computer. Thats because we are living inside of one.

Whoa... kinda like the chicken and the egg...
What came first? The computer or the user?

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