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Watch out, there's now a Dental Big Brother...

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:31 AM
Routinely as far back as I can remember, there have been dental screenings in elementary schools. All 3 of my children have had them and I remember as a child having them as well.

I remember coming into class on dental screening day and seeing that little blue plaque finding tablet, a toothbrush and a little mirror on my desk and being very excited knowing we'd get out of doing school work for a morning!

So last week they had the screening at my 2 youngest children's school. Nothing came home with them, so I assumed everything was fine. I'm never worried about these screenings as luckily we have full dental coverage and my children are at the dentist twice yearly for checkups. Our latest had been just 4 months ago and the kids weren't due for another 2 months.

Fast forward to yesterday when I pulled a letter out of my mailbox. The heading on the envelope was "Public Health Department" and was addressed to me. I was thinking what on earth would the public health department have to send to me?! I opened it and was greeted with two pieces of paper. The first states:

"Dear Parent/Guardian: During a regular dental screening, our staff found that your child has a dental problem which needs treatment by a dentist as soon as possible. The Board of Health is required by law to ensure that children receive necessary treatment."

The letter goes on to say:

"I am required by The Health Promotion and Protection Act (1990) to determine what action you have taken."

Then there is a space for the dentist I take him to to sign and date showing that I have actually taken my child to the dentist.

I got on the phone to the dental office and asked the hygienist to pull his chart and see if perhaps I'd missed them telling me about a cavity, or an area of concern the dentist took note of. There is nothing at all. His last checkup was perfect other than the usual "brush better/longer". I made an appointment for this morning to have this checked on...but the stubborn part of me wanted to ignore the letter and see just exactly what would happen if I don't get it signed and returned.

I can't pinpoint exactly why this letter ticks me off...perhaps it's because I DO make the time and effort to have my children seen by the dentist regularly, perhaps it's because this letter is basically telling me that I'm such a crappy parent that I can't be trusted to ensure my children are taken care of...or maybe I just spend too much time on ATS and the conspiracies are started to sink in LOL.

I am trying to be fair and understand that there are parents out there that probably don't take care of their kids' dental it ignorance(as in not understanding the importance of dental health), lack of money or just plain uncaring...and those children can and will benefit from this type of system. But damn it...i'm not one of them and I resent the implication that I wouldn't follow up on this! I think a card or quick note home in regards to a possible issue would suffice.

One of the assistants in my particular dental office happens to also be a long time friend and I was complaining to her about this. She told me not to take offense that it is standard procedure for these letters to be sent out. But I still just can't get over it. When did the government decide that we're not fit to oversee our children's healthcare? Or am I just looking into this too much and being to sensitive?


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Michelle129th

I am thinking that this is a way for them to get more information on people....because if your dentist didn't have to sign the paperwork....they wouldn't know which dentist.....each child goes to....

It is obvious to me that you are an excellent parent...and I would be insulted too.

It is another (invasion of privacy) and I find it to be very uncomfortable....sure they give their reasons.....but I always ask myself...what are the hidden agendas?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:04 AM
My kid's dental care consisted of showing them my teeth and telling them that if they did not brush their teeth they would look like mine. They've never had a cavity. They can't do anything to you for not filling out paperwork. I never did and never got into any trouble.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:12 AM
Is your water treated with fluoride? If so, then the government is already involved with the community's dental health. I'd be more pissed about fluoride in the water supply then some paper your can have your family dentist sign off on. I bet the people checking your kids have little experience compared to your family dentist, if so, why believe what they have to say. On top of these issues, many people can't afford the dentist, regardless if the kids teeth are rotten or not. Ever go to a dentist that excepts welfare? They are blood thirsty sadists! I'd rather pull my own tooth.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Michelle129th

"Dear Parent/Guardian: During a regular dental screening, our staff found that your child has a dental problem which needs treatment by a dentist as soon as possible. The Board of Health is required by law to ensure that children receive necessary treatment."

There was no phone number on the letter for you to call and ask what the dental problem was? This is the part that had me upset, as it seems like a form letter, that is way too open for interpretation.

Then there is a space for the dentist I take him to to sign and date showing that I have actually taken my child to the dentist.

Unless the board of health could give me an answer as to what they found wrong, there is no way I would have even scheduled an appointment.

You are lucky enough to have dental insurance. What about the parents who don't? I know I would want a specific answer before I called and scheduled an appointment.

I made an appointment for this morning to have this checked on...but the stubborn part of me wanted to ignore the letter and see just exactly what would happen if I don't get it signed and returned.

To have what checked on?

You did exactly what they wanted you to do, which was take your child to the dentist. You know you are already doing what you are supposed to be doing in regards to your childs dental health, so perhaps that is what pisses you off.

The stubborn part of me would have made sure there was really a need to schedule an appointment based on what the board of health found before even calling my dentist and having a chart pulled.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by caladonea I never even thought about that aspect of it! They will now have the information on which dentist I take my kids to. That could definitely be an ulterior motive. Why not just send the letter informing me...why have to take it a step further and have the dentist sign off. Very interesting idea

MichiganSwampBuck, you bet our water is treated...I should get into a conversation with that when I phone public health later in regards to this....Also, I can guarantee that the person doing the screening..while may have experience definitely doesn't have the proper tools. I guess if there is an obvious huge gaping hole in one's tooth he could spot it..but what about the cavities that aren't showing that need xrays to see..they don't have that machinery so can't very well be doing a thorough exam for sure. Which means this exam/screening is not going to be as good as the one I've just had done a few months ago.

Supine..there was a phone number but by the time I got the letter out of the mailbox the office was closed...good old govt and their 4:00 pm closing time...I plan on calling this morning to see what information they can provide for me. I, and the hygienist I spoke with at my own dental office were both shocked that it was so vague and unclear. She asked if they at least mentioned a tooth, or area of the mouth...but nope, nothing. I mean, if I didn't have coverage and had to pay out of my pocket to take my child in to find out it was something that wasn't urgent...let's say better brushing habits...i'd be FUMING. The only reason I booked the appt is because I do have coverage and it's not a concern, but i'm picturing and feeling for parents across the city getting these letters yesterday and having to decide if they're feeding the kids this week or having a "possible" dental issue checked in to. I think the average exam alone without xrays is in the $50 range....that is a lot of money to put out for just a possibility with an exam that wasn't even thorough. I will call them this morning and ask if they are going to cover the exam fee if it turns out there is no concern


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:48 AM
Well, lo and behold....took my son to the dentist and NOTHING was found. No concerns, no cavities. Even took $72 worth of xrays to be sure.

I called the hygienist that sent this letter and hopefully made his day bad! I asked who was going to pay the money for the xrays now that nothing was found...or were they just so inept that paperwork got switched and they sent to the wrong kid. He informed me that their concern was some recession on his bottom gums...and that normally before the letter would be received by a parent they would make a point to phone and let the parent know exactly what the issue was. He, however, had been called out of the office for several days to attend personal business and didn't get a chance to phone me.

Firstly...your personal business is not my problem. If I leave my work for any reason, there is someone to fill in to take over my someone else should've phoned. Secondly, why not just write the concern on the letter you sent. My child's name and the date are handwritten on the letter, so at some point as it crossed your desk you had pen in hand...

I then asked what would happen in the case of me not sending the letter back..."would you call Children's Aid on me?" (i'm in Canada btw). He laughed and said technically yes....Not specifically in my case as it was not an overt case of a parent not caring for their child's dental health. But, if they saw a child with obvious dental issues they would send out 2 letters. A third would be sent out registered so they knew you received it. At that point if there was still no communication they would phone the authorities. But again...he was quick to inform me that my case was not even close to needing those tactics. Well that's nice...but how am I to know that without that very informative phone call home?? Had I spent the $72 in lieu of paying a bill, or feeding my children, or whatever, your apology for personal problems is not going to cut it for me.

Then, i'm sure, to try to appease me he said he was glad I called because it was generally the parents that DID care and were taking care of their child's dental health that called and were pissed he was not concerned about my son at this point. He told me he wanted to send out that letter for his own "peace of mind" that it was being followed up on. He then informed me that he had made a note in my son's "file" (now they have a file on him?) and because it wasn't of great concern that I didn't even have to return the dentist signed paperwork. I told him "well...for MY peace of mind, i'm sending you the signed letter and you can stick it in my son's FILE so there will be no questions in the future about whether or not I had followed up just in case a "personal problem" comes up and someone else takes a look at his FILE"

To my dentist's credit he added a little note to the letter stating that nothing (underlined) was found and that his regularly scheduled checkup was in 2 months.

Half a day off work, child pulled out of school and $72 in xrays. I should send the damn letter registered mail back to them..."just to be sure you got it"

Just on a side note how's this for creepy. When I called him the hygienist asked which school I was calling about. I said "blah blah blah public school" and he responded nearly immediately with "oh you're calling about Ryan..." I literally almost choked on my coffee!! I know i'm spending far too much time on ATS when that made me completely paranoid LOL. I'm sure they either subscribe to call display or Ryan was the only one that was sent a letter..but it did freak me out and disconcert me for about 30 seconds.

Be careful and be sure to brush your kids' teeth or they'll come get you!


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Michelle129th

Good job on checking this whole scam out.

If I were you, I would also call back and talk to the supervisor of this guy, the one who sent the letter to you.

You did the right thing, and he should be made to feel a little bit of discomfort for the way this was all handled.

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