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Where Did All The "Veteran" ATS Members Disappear To?

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 05:32 PM
they realized this site is now focused on quantity not quality. either that or a certain grumpy mod banned them.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by MysticPearl

It's a conspiracy! LOL...I don't know, either but yes I have noticed that as well. I kind of miss a couple of them but you know maybe they moved on to new and different things. After all, life is always about change and usually moving forward so take with you what you have learned from them and remember the best part of them on ATS. I know a couple were my reasons for liking this site and having the guts to actually put myself out there and post cuz lets face it, sometimes its intimidating....
And they were really respectful and nice and so I got some confidence. So, maybe try to be that way to the newer members and pass it on....

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:40 PM
For various reasons. I'm not exactly a verteran, but i left simply 'cause what drew me to the site was gone.
I'm back mostly out of boredom while I'm at a slow point right now.
Many of the more intelligent folks who I kept up with here moved on to other forums or got banned, or their jobs have made them to busy to deal with posters here. especially the ones who take time to reply to.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:17 PM
I know what you all mean - I miss them too although I signed on the first night I lurked so maybe haven't had as much opportunity to know who they all were. Once in awhile somebody pops in and leaves a link to their years old thread which already proved the current issue. One of the first nights I was on I read a hundreds of pages link from a thread on 9/11 which floored me and convinced me so that I've never gone there again because it seems so pointless to discuss a done deal. Also every once in awhile some old timer has popped in and left me a link which has been like gold in the ongoing quest to understand what's real and what's illusion on the web and other media. Some of those links came from people with very few posts and none of the glitz and some were from stellars. thanks to know who you are.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:58 PM
There are as many reasons as there are members for choosing to retreat from ATS, either fully or just from posting. Some are now just reading, some have moved on, some have retired an old persona or two, willingly or otherwise. As others have pointed out, ATS (forums in general) are cyclical and barring breaking news, the trends in the other forums may be running courses that have already been run, thus older members who have been through that song and dance don't see a need to re-hash the arguments unless there is new information or a perspective not presented before.

The archives are a valuable tool, I suppose if newer members took some time to peruse old threads in the forums/topics that interested them, they would very likely find that others have also been interested in and have asked the same or similar questions (but) as we know, people come here to discuss and not necessarily to read, which is in itself not so bad, 'eh? I mean, it is a discussion forum, after all.

Cheers to the new and the old.

edit on 22-10-2011 by vintagelace because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:35 PM
It is because when you obtain a certain "knowledge",you are escorted away to a secret location,never to be heard from again.

No,really,it's slow,nothing intriguing going on,same ol' same ol' rehashed stuff,thats all.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:38 PM
Meh, good riddance ... I hate those guys!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:51 PM
Sometimes real life takes over.

I only have a matter of weeks before I won't even be logging on anymore...At least for a few months. Maybe a year.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:00 AM
to answer your question

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 05:41 PM
It's much busier than before. Nothing ever gets resolved. Just after we finally get the last Billy Meier thread to disappear below the fold someone starts a new thread that says, "Hey! How about that Billy Meier guy!" or "Ain't Dr. Greer a swell guy?" and people just think: I've had it. Enough. I'm simply not going to put up that picture of Mothra again.

It's like watching a movie you like over and over again. Then one day you realize you've memorized every line of dialog in it. Or that Seinfeld episode. You already know how to say "Hello, Newman!" and you already know Kramer really does have a first name, and it's Cosmo. Yup, and George's girlfriend dies from too much, er, licking. And you better watch out for the Soup Nazi.

It just-gets-old.
edit on 10/23/2011 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by MysticPearl

VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep's reply says it all.

Many of the newer members are young know it alls, they have it all figured out, think they are way smarter and not willing to discuss or learn new things...........they are too busy downgrading and trolling other people with their immature and witty little remarks.

A proud heart and closed mind gathers no knowledge.

Also, while I embrace and am computer sauvy - I still read. Could read at a third grade level my first day of first grade. Have averaged thousands upon thousands of books - I don't watch TV very much, I would say that I read books and scour the internet for information.

Many (not all but a huge enough number) of youngsters yak endlessly on their cells (or text), watch TV, play with their Xboxes or ipods and don't read, don't do the research.............heavy research.

Now, along with life experiences (which is a real teacher) many younger readers come off as arrogant and too proud, too opinionated to really lend themself to serious discovery of what lies beyond.

Example, all the bashers about UFO's...................Even our mainstream scientists now say there are multiple (unknown) dimensions, multiverses and parallel universes that possibly and probably harbor intellegent life but because "you don't have a picture or can't see them........they don't exist".

Well got news for our own 3d natural Earth World, eagles can see way better than a human, a bear and shark can smell 1,000,000 better than a human and snakes can sense well as a shark can feel your heart beating a mile away.

That's just in our own world.

You breathe in air yet you can't see it.

Personally, I've been seriously researching for over 38 years and some of the garbage newer people are posting is clearly still back at a medieval mindset and that goes for not only Muslims but the Fundamental Christians as well.

Than you have your party prejudice voters, people who vote just like mommy and daddy without watching the Senate and Congressional Channel or keeping track of how their state reps are voting.

Also you now since the Reagan era have Conservatives without Conscience (See the book so named by John W. Dean.

Bottom many of you that argue day in and day out with my posts actually are well read and reseach?

Most newer ATS members in my observation are service to self (which the Reagan era promoted), arrogant and not well read.

It's like trying to explain algebra to a sheep.

Again, most young people simply don't find curling up in a corner reading something significant interesting...........they watch dancing with the stars, reality shows, read twilight or harry potter, vampires and zombies (for god sake, I had morgue duty for a year..........once you're dead - your dead).

And many younger people for whatever reason have closed themselves off to the possibilities of what is not only out there but within us......our true potential.

We need more people that are willing to think outside the box, be kinder and less attacking and open minded.

I'de also like to see a book review / discussion section.

I've just bought a phenomenal book (pricey had to really budget it in at $40.00) but it's quite a read, called, "The Resonant Factor" by Dennis Whiteman. This one may take me a while to get through.

Also, I suggest to our young readers out there,

"The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley,
"The Book of The Damned' by Charles Fort,
"Political Ponerology" by Andrew M. Lobaczewski
"The End of America" and "Give Me Liberty" by Naomi Wolf
"UFOs I & II" both by Richard m. Dolan *(for you skeptics out there)
"Hostile Take Over" by David Sirota
"Corporatism" by Jeffrey Grupp
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast
"Conservatives Without Conscience" by John W. Dean
"Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class - And What We Can Do about It" by Thom Hartmann
"Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and StickYou with the Bill)" by David Clay Johnson
"Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat Everybody Else" by David Clay Johnson
Any book by Jim Marrs

For starters....................many people that post on ATS are drinking down that corporate koolaid and not doing the heavy duty research................the younger ones are not well read.

Yes they may have fancy college degrees but that is parrot get a A when you are able to recite back exactly what the system wants you to and not think for yourself.

We're never going to figure our way out of this box if our younger ones refuse to take the torch.
edit on 8-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by cerebralassassins

And the administration that signed off on this...............GWB should have been brought up on charges of torture and breaking the Geneva Convention America signed on April 18, 1988.

America is now know as going back on her word............WE ARE THE TERRORIST and the young people don't even realize it. They've been indoctrinated so well most (not all) don't even see that 9/11 was a false flag operation, designed to manipulate the people into yet another war.

War and torture are wrong.

What to me is scary is that picture you presented sent shivers down my guess is most young people seeing that think nothing of it, they've become desensitized, apathetic and service to self.

My question is what direction is humanity going...........we are at a crucial fork in the "The Chaous Point" by Ervin Laszlo.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
It's much busier than before. Nothing ever gets resolved. Just after we finally get the last Billy Meier thread to disappear below the fold someone starts a new thread that says, "Hey! How about that Billy Meier guy!" or "Ain't Dr. Greer a swell guy?" and people just think: I've had it. Enough. I'm simply not going to put up that picture of Mothra again.

It's like watching a movie you like over and over again. Then one day you realize you've memorized every line of dialog in it. Or that Seinfeld episode. You already know how to say "Hello, Newman!" and you already know Kramer really does have a first name, and it's Cosmo. Yup, and George's girlfriend dies from too much, er, licking. And you better watch out for the Soup Nazi.

It just-gets-old.
edit on 10/23/2011 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

And what Anok said.
Not that I'm a really old member or that I have started any worthwhile threads, but I have been in the same debates/discussions over and over in "new" threads that have been previously discussed ad nauseum. There also seems to be a lot of know it all attitudes now where newer members come to push their beliefs instead of having discussions and learning from each other - and it's done in a more personally insulting manner nowadays instead of the respect that usually was shown to each other "back then".

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:21 PM
I lurked from about Feb 09' Joined in october, so I wouldn't call myself a 'veteran' but i'll agree, lately i'm noticing posts from people who have joined this year and have THOUSANDS of posts! I prefer quality, not quantity! and theres a massive increase in troll posts, particularly in Fragile Earth. Although you notice when they are new, they have posts 'OMG so many earthquakes' then, 6 months down the track, THEY are the ones telling the new posters to calm down and research before writing useless threads. Ahh its funny to watch.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by kdog1982
It is because when you obtain a certain "knowledge",you are escorted away to a secret location,never to be heard from again.

I now have this theme stuck in my head.

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