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#Occupy Copenhagen... when? Who?

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posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 02:41 AM
From across the Atlantic we sit here and marvel a bit. It's good to finally see someone stand up against the oppression and exploitation that the rich have controlled those less fortunate with.

Even though the crisis has not put the middle-class in Denmark in distress yet, I sense that a lot of people are beginning to wake up and understanding that greed is no longer the way of the world. We need to unite.

Therefore I call for someone, anyone who has the same sympathies as the #Occupy in the states, to give word, when do you need our voice? Where do you need it?

I bet that if we managed to put something peaceful and passive together we could rally people from Sweden as well.

Danes... we need not let our American brothers and sisters stand alone. The situation in Europe is equally as bad, but we are being lied to. You have the right to say no with a booming voice.
You have the right to peacefully and passively protest in the major cities to tell the rest of the world, that what is going on is not ok.

Im looking forward to seeing an #Occupy Copenhagen thread.....!!

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by flice

Danes... we need not let our American brothers and sisters stand alone.

Thank you.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 11:12 AM
Hey Flice, you part of Occupy Copenhagen? If so, we might know eachother :p

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