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Pivotal Point in waking up my family to the world...

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:49 PM
Hi fellow atsers,

I just wanted to share my success story with you all and am hoping to hear similar success stories.

Since the 2008 Election I have been a strong supporter of Ron Paul, I am former military and a member of the Veterans for Ron Paul. I also work for a major defense contractor as an Aerospace Engineer of which my company does not have a vested interest in Ron Paul's views.

I have never really taken a real political stance on any issues until 2008 when I was becoming more aware of the corruption that has infiltrated our government. It is almost sickening to see that elections have turned into an entertainment industry, you can clearly see the act and scripted answers that were coming out of these politicians mouth's. Same old politics as usual..... In 2008 when I first saw Ron Paul and he answered Rudy Gulliani and tore him a new one and made them feel intellectually inadequate, that was a turning point in my life. I realized that there was a hope for our country, there was one last statesman that truly believed in the way our country was founded......Believed in the Constitution that I swore to defend.... It was enlightening to say the least.

I realized that I was far more aware than my family was as I had traveled all over the world and saw viewpoints on our country from the following countries: Poland, Taiwan, England, Lithuania, Greece, France and many more. Being in the industry I am in yes I get to talk to some pretty intelligent people and we go in depth about politics. The same trend kept emerging, and that was..... How ignorant the American people are to what is really going on in the world.

So to me seeing how enlightening it was to see a politician telling the truth about what was happening and actually caring for our country and securing our borders, securing our financial freedom by investing in America and her constitution!

I immediately began feeding my relatives information about him, little by little. I knew that my family would not be able to handle it all at once. Slowly since 2008, I can honestly say now that I have converted all of my family from hardcore democrats (That would never leave the partyu due to core beliefs) to Hardcore Liberty Ron Paul republicans. It took some convincing but it actually happened.

My family is now registered republicans waiting to vote in the Republican primary for none other than Ron Paul!!!

Hope to hear of other stories were others have converted their families. My family was actually really quite disturbed at first about the media, but when it was pointed out to them and they saw it first hand and I proved that Internet is the only last free press left on earth....well they were speechless.... They honestly believed CNN and FOX lol

Let's hear yours!!


posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:55 PM
thats awesome, most may not agree with everything RP says but they can't deny that he is an honest and principled man.

He also motivates the young people to be aware, politically active and, trying to do something to shape their futures.

I see nothing wrong with that.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
thats awesome, most may not agree with everything RP says but they can't deny that he is an honest and principled man.

He also motivates the young people to be aware, politically active and, trying to do something to shape their futures.

I see nothing wrong with that.

Something that is great because he is causing people to become aware again....

Curing their apathy, there is nothing like seeing the look on someones face when it hits them....

Just the other day one of my friends was over and he literally became sick piecing everything

We truly live in great times.....

The US is definitely going to make the history books for all the wrong reasons if we continue.....being aware of this and admitting it is another thing..... America just has to realize there has to be radical change, that radical change is Ron Paul.

To Peace!



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