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Changing society through love,compassion and words

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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 09:39 PM
I have set up a web site here: The Open Letters 2011
I have also set up a you tube; an event to spead this message of peace and love.

American's for change:
Americans For Change
I really feel we can change society through love, compassion and words.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 09:50 PM
I will also set up a blog talk show. I will come back an post that link. If you have any thoughts on my sites post here.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:00 PM
You go ahead and hang out talking peace and love while the world falls apart around you.

As beautiful as those concepts are, they simply don't work in a fallen world. Not without redemption first.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Awen24

Well at least I am trying to change my society. Everyone has their own unique ways of trying to change things. The people inspire me the most are those who taught the same principles.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Awen24
You go ahead and hang out talking peace and love while the world falls apart around you.

As beautiful as those concepts are, they simply don't work in a fallen world. Not without redemption first.

How would you know what works and what doesn't work?

Have you seen any successful models of a world or is it just the one we have here? I mean outside of fairy tales...and what is this about redemption? Are you charging for something? Is there a price you think we have to pay for being born? How do you even know what this poster has gone through, witnessed, done? They may be redeemed many times over. You think Jesus died for nothing? We are already saved. Love is always the answer. Love is the only answer.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
I have set up a web site here: The Open Letters 2011
I have also set up a you tube; an event to spead this message of peace and love.

American's for change:
Americans For Change
I really feel we can change society through love, compassion and words.

Peace doesn't sell. There are no shows on peace, no stories how two conflicting parties made peace. Plenty enough of how one annihilated the other and ran off with the spoils. I guess the quiet time between those uprisings is what we accept for PEACE.

Where is the LOVE?

And we are stingy with the love.

Maybe this is all resulting in the world we see around us, you know, the one everyone complains about. I think the one way we have not tried is tolerance acceptance and love in every instance where it is not absolutely asinine to take that approach.... for now. We have a lot of fixing to do and I agree....

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 05:37 PM
I was just pondering that compassion seems to be a lost value in society today. Everyone is acid tongued about EVERYTHING, it seems. When did American society become so cruel (about stuff that doesn't even what someone is wearing.) I think people think they're cool or smart when they start acting like 12 year olds, criticizing and demeaning everyone in their sight.....

Great Project!

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:01 PM
ane excellent article for similar topic maybe found here (unfortunately written in greek)...

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