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the revolution plan - activism in action

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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:10 PM
Ok people,
I have been listening to everyone in regards to their opinion on how to make change in the world we live in.
Obviously like most things everyone is different, but I believe we can use this to our advantage.
Please take the time to read this plan.. (Obviously it is open to suggestions but let’s not stray from the point and try not to get angry at each other because I’m sure they would prefer us fighting ourselves not them)

Firstly I think we need to agree on something. Can we not agree that our current system of government, authority and control is not working for the good of the people? We know that things are not heading for a good place, and eventually people are going to be broke with our current system of an economy.

Peaceful protest like the one we have seen in time square in not far of the mark, and i assume the majority of our freedom fighters are going to be doing this and they are helping make up the voice.
We need to camp out in the centre of as many cities as possible around the world.
If we can get a few thousand people in each city this can easily work.

Violence will only be tolerated if it is used on the freedom fighters first. The authorities have just as much right to use it as you do.

The main part of this exercise is to stop people buying products, paying taxes and supporting big business.
By doing this we can chop the economic head of the rich people that are enslaving us.
But we have to expect when we don’t pay taxes the government is going to try and stop us, so it is important that we have at least 1000 people in each city who are willing to fight and die if it is in self defence.
Remember just because the government says so doesn’t give authority the right to do anything to you.
The government is just a criminal organisation that has stood for a long time (so it seems normal), has more money and more people.
But reality is we can start our own government because we have even more people. One that seeks to treat everyone equal and this cannot happen when we live in a class system divided by money.

Food would be taken from shops if needed but hopefully we can get the support of farmers (another group of people being screwed by the system in place) who will bring supplies to keep freedom fighters alive. It would also be helpful to have people growing their own food in the city and everyone would need to help feed others, not just themselves

Weapons are not to much of an issue. Many people own guns but effective weapons can be easily made if people work together. Remember keep it simple:
-bows and arrows, cheap and effective.
-smoke bombs can be easily made.
-Molotov cocktails
-small bombs (grenades)
-armour can be made from hard metals and used like in ancient times..huddle together and work as a group so some can hold the armour and others can attack
-pepper spray can be made from hot chillies and alcohol in a simple spray bottle
-swords and knives obviously
-we could easily get horses (although I don’t condone using animals it is a possibility)
-tazers can be easily made from batteries
But remember its not the weapon its the way you use it. And if we have the numbers we can damn well do it with a stick!

The point of this revolution is simple
1. Stop funding and supporting the economy, cut it off and watch the rich people fall to our demands. Remember money is worthless is we the people don’t use it. We can easily work together and provide for ourselves.
2. Defend if needed. Violence is not the answer but if they intent to use it then we must to. Nothing will happen unless we can stand up for ourselves.
3. Bring in a new system of society where people work together in small communities. Providing for themselves and helping others.

People I understand that some of you think that violence is not the answer. But in our situation it is used on us everyday, and it is the way tptb choose to enforce their system of society. Violence is not part of this plan unless it is used on us first. The main part of this plan is to band together and stop funding the economy that has kept us down for too long.
I ask you not to post any deconstructive comments such as ‘violence is not going to work’ unless you have a better solution. I’m not saying its right but I am saying it is most likely necessary if we are to stand up for our rights. Because we will see that if this happens, they will most likely try and stop us violently.
Why support a system that Is willing to violently stop its own people from expressing their disgust over the obvious problems in our society.
That is not a government, that is not a proper system. That is hate and control.

“Poverty is the parents of revolution and crime.” – Aristotle
“Violence is the weapon of weak, non-violence that of the strong. “- Mahatma Gandhi….. We can fight the good fight, but the powers that be will violently seek to stop us. If they use violence, then we have no choice but to defend our non violent message.

Send this plan to as many people as possible and lets hope we can get something organised. Use social media, drop flyers, tell everyone you know. If we can get enough people behind the idea, we can make this work.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:34 PM
Thank you for the post, The time is now. If enough pople get on board and flock to city centers the MSM will not be able to deny coverage. We must show TPTB that we will no longer stand by and let the people of this world be controlled by evil minded, self interested, phsycopaths that we call politicians, bankers, and corporate elite. Some think that this can be done without violence. That would be great, but in most cases evil regimes do not fall without some sort of violent response from the resistence. Most Americans have forgot the true purpose of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. It's not so that you can have recreationl firearms or so you can hunt. Although those are valid reasons to own a firearm. The true purpose of the Second Amendment is for us "We the People", to keep firearms and local malitias so that in the event that the government becomes too powerfull and there is a loss of power to the people, we can form together and take back what is rightfully ours. Our forefathers had a vision for this country. That vision was lost a long time ago. The question is, Can we get that vision back on track?. Hey OP, any thing i can do to help just let me know, thanks.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:38 PM
theres an extra force multiplier you left out.
infiltration and subversion.
how many of the ones with high tech goodies will switch sides if its, in fact, the "authorities" strike first?

the problem is command structure, and has always been a problem in regards to rebels, and their likes. they evolve command an control through the fight, but there has to be experience behind them.

police, miliatary, (hell firemen can organize people very well in a bad spot) would need to take the lead, the generals of the resistance per se. that is what draws positive morale, and should provide the backbone to any command structure. its not black and white, its shades of grey.

many on the inside have made a pledge to themselves and their "real" countrymen, and may move slowly, but can awaken others WITHIN their system to the truth of where this country is headed, and how nobody should want this for their children

the "elites" main, and seemingly only weakness is arrogance, and the belief that their soldiers will do what they say, no matter what the soldier feels is right. they put so much trust into the brainwashing methods to keep us in check, but i think you have a much greater amount of support from the service men and women than you think

even if it looks like its us against them, some of them are us, but they look like them
but thats only the start if you ACTUALLY want a calculated and well thought out resistance.

ragtag fighting forces can be effective, but not in a situation like this, there still arent as many of "us" as there are of "them" (force multipliers included) so we need tactics.

tactics get dificult with a very large group (though effective), this is why its an advantage for a smaller resistance force

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by usmc0311
Thank you for the post, The time is now. If enough pople get on board and flock to city centers the MSM will not be able to deny coverage. We must show TPTB that we will no longer stand by and let the people of this world be controlled by evil minded, self interested, phsycopaths that we call politicians, bankers, and corporate elite. Some think that this can be done without violence. That would be great, but in most cases evil regimes do not fall without some sort of violent response from the resistence. Most Americans have forgot the true purpose of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. It's not so that you can have recreationl firearms or so you can hunt. Although those are valid reasons to own a firearm. The true purpose of the Second Amendment is for us "We the People", to keep firearms and local malitias so that in the event that the government becomes too powerfull and there is a loss of power to the people, we can form together and take back what is rightfully ours. Our forefathers had a vision for this country. That vision was lost a long time ago. The question is, Can we get that vision back on track?. Hey OP, any thing i can do to help just let me know, thanks.

well the msm is irrelivant in this plan. so is most of the things we worry about today.
if we stop fueling the economy their money is wortless.which means they have no power.
its a no brainer really
your right, they will try and fight us. but we have the numbers
most of us are opening our eyes now and revolution is close

if you want to help.
tell as many people as possible.
spread the message.
plan the revolution in your local area so others can follow

its not going to be hard people. we built an enitre world with people power, we can damn well build it again.
edit on 20-9-2011 by UniverSoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Venomilk

this is a reverse order of command structure.
people will find their order from the fact they are defending those who cannot fight.

most of the police, army etc.. will not be getting paid if we stop fueling the economy so a lot of them will join our cause.
remember we are cutting the economys head off

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by UniverSoul

its too hard to imagine that they know the head of the economy has been cut off long ago? they know they wont get paid eventually, and want the others convinced they will, to wake up before the "revolution" can be destroyed. you know we are screwed in the longterm, you may be young, but you know that. a lot do.

this will be about protecting those who cant protect themselves. first it has to be actual protection, not just offense. how something looks nowadays is a huge factor, especially for "recruitment"

i know it gets tiring just having to watch, without being able to do anything about it, trust me. but the dominoes are already falling. as the goal comes closer into focus, and the need for that goal as well, people will be able to awaken themselves, and they will come to you.
edit on 20-9-2011 by Venomilk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

I must say, I'm impressed. Someone with an actual plan that is do-able. I'll be gone for a few days, but when I get back I'm going to throw some numbers out there so people can see that it really won't be as hard as they think.

Numbers dealing with how much money people can save by not paying their taxes. Remember, the more people that actually do it, the less chance the government has to do anything about it. How many of us are there vs. them? Think about it.

Numbers also dealing with how many people will realistically be needed in cities around the country to stop an uprisisng on the part of the military and police forces that TPTB may choose to utilize against us. You will obviously need more people in New York City than you would in Omaha Nebraska for example.

When you look at it that way, it doesn't seem so imposing. Breaking it down like that will actually make the whole process seem very simple.

The shop owners who have the food to sell? They should give it to the people. They should distibute it in accordance to how much a family needs for a week or a month.The distribution centers who ship it to the stores? Do it for free. The farmers, wholesalers, processers, and everyone else involved in the entire process of getting food to the public need to work together to make this happen. We don't NEED money. At least not in the short term while we are changing our country back to something that actually works. We only think we need money because that's the way it has always been in our lives.

Look where it's gotten us.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by UniverSoul
reply to post by Venomilk

this is a reverse order of command structure.
people will find their order from the fact they are defending those who cannot fight.

most of the police, army etc.. will not be getting paid if we stop fueling the economy so a lot of them will join our cause.
remember we are cutting the economys head off

Everything you say is so anarchist. I know you think this is what it's come down to, but you are advocating hurting a lot of people along the way, ruining people's livelihoods. The police, firefighters, shopowners. It sounds like violent revolution to me.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

The shop owners who have the food to sell? They should give it to the people. They should distibute it in accordance to how much a family needs for a week or a month.The distribution centers who ship it to the stores? Do it for free. The farmers, wholesalers, processers, and everyone else involved in

No, they SHOULDN'T! It is not for you to decide these things. This is nothing but violent anarchism because you think people should do what you want. I cannot get behind people like you who run roughshod over every one else's free will to get what you want. In fact all communists believe that the ends justify the means.
edit on 21-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:04 AM
A violent revolution is one of the possible choices. But a revolution will not work just because its violent, it has to be POPULAR. And from taking part in a few protests this year, its clear that there's not enough cooperation from the people. The sh-- has not fully hit the fan. Citizens are still waiting, waiting for things to get back to normal, or waiting for someone else to fight for them. They are not yet fearful for their survival. Government aid for the poor is still plenty for now. But this will not be for long, as governments are collapsing all over the world, and the USA will not be an exception. Its only a matter of time.
When countries stop loaning us money thats when the people will rise. Nevertheless, its great to see that people like you are already getting prepared.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:18 AM
I just don't see our western societies on the brink of revolution. If we take a look at the arab spring, we have to remember that those in North Africa and the ME are revolting because their conditions are incomparable with ours. We don't suffer the dictatorial regimes, the secret police the torture that that countries in the ME and North Africa have had to put up with. Despite what you think of the governments in the West and their practices. The vast majority of the citizens don't want the massive social upheaval a revolution would bring. We seem to be comparing apples with oranges. Our situation in the west may appear to be on the decline, but we still are far richer and have far more freedoms than anywhere else in the world, why do you think so many want to come to our countries?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:14 PM
This idea is fatally naive for a number of reasons. First, in order to have any chance of successful change whatsoever you have to reach a critical mass of actively sympathetic people. TPTB have figured out how to keep the population divided by means of the 'two-party system'. Check out any remotely political thread here on ATS and you'll see it first hand. People have deluded themselvesz into believeing that the problems are with the current political leader/party/congress and if only THEIR party-of-choice can get elected then everything will be skittles-and-rainbows. And, of course, it never is. Because there is NO difference between the two parties or any of the politicians endorsed thereby. All are part of and controlled by the elite. And as long as the political polarization continues a critical mass of sympathetic population is unachievable.

Second, people have varying amounts of 'skin in the game'. Those of material means have alot more to lose and are going to be more reluctant to put what they have at-risk than some 20-something living in his parents basement. Likewise, people with familes will be similarly disinclined to put their kids at-risk.

As things generally worsen more people will find themselves willing to participate. But as things worsen resources become more dear for the masses thereby making the process harder. The idea that people that 'have' should just hand over what they have to fuel the 'revolution' is absurd. Would you? If you had anything?

Ask yourself some questions:

After the events of the recent past are you still banking with the large banks? The ones we 'bailed-out'? If so, why?

Are you still doing business with the large chains? (corporate America - McDonalds, Taco Bell, WalMart, Verizon, etc.) Why?

Have you prepped? Can you self-subsist in a SHTF scenario or will you become a predator?

Revolution starts at home.

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