First off, I shall begin by how Helen stated that the Anti-christ would be born by a harlot.
So true.
For Hitler was born by a whore, who slept supposedly with a Rothschilde, and regardless, she was deemed a mistress of the said employeer, whether the
he was the father of Hitler or not.
Now, I do not see how Christians can deny, that Pope Pious XII, and Pacelli working with Hitler created the "Anti-Christ."
Hell hitler even claimed that the 3rd Riech was to last 1000 years.
The Nazis were Evil, and Hitler was the "Anti-Christ" spoken of.
And while no Jesus is coming, for he's DEAD, this Evil needs to be recognized, lest it resurface long from now.
In fact, it is blatantly obvious that never before and probably never again has the world or will the world see such Evil.
I bet the Christians who wrote Revelations would have sat back and said to themselves (Well #t the Anti-christ is supposed to be the son of Satan but
I wouldn't be surprised though if Germany AND France, now that they are such close "buds", will end up falling into another "Nazis" regiem.
But can it ever be as dark as before? Probably not, the zealous fervor that caused the Germans to spread and try and burn away the old world and
replace it with a genetically created "Master Race", probably couldn't get far before it was put down.
America is the Light, and we no longer live in a world where we can sit by and WAIT for the Evil to make its move.
Too much is at stake, now we need to destroy them before they grow too powerful. Starting by liberating Iraq.
(Back to main topic though).
How can you Christians DENY that the Anti-Christ has already Come?
Nothing can be more evil than Hitler, it matters not if you are a slave, if you are knowledgeable. The Jews showed that. But when someone wants to
bury the old and breed a master race, superhumans whom would be lead by a government that was all powerful, that is "THE BEAST" and it not only
acted as a Beast in all ways, sexual and physical, but it also was a beast among souls.
Furthermore Hitler believed all mankind were animals, and thus "Beasts"...
Surely a sensible Christian couldn't deny, the anti-christ came, and has gone.
Praise be to America. (Sponsored fully by Freemasonry lol). (just had to throw that in there, that leaves for good speculation hah!).