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For nearly a decade, I've been a member of ATS and nothing happens.

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posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 05:40 PM
For nearly a decade, I've been a member of ATS with a coupled different IDs. My first ID was AnonymousPoster4. Back then there was this huge interactive game going on here where you had to find "Rings" hidden within the site. It's was great. (Wish they did it again). Anyways, I ended up without a computer for a while and when I finally got one back, I had forgotten my password. So I created this one. SIDE NOTE: My internet persona EVERWHERE else, is killahbri. I tried registering with that name, but it said I had to choose another name for some stupid reason. Anyways,.... After being here for so long, and seeing the same old UFOs this, and UFOs that, aliens this, and aliens that,..... "oh the worlds gonna end on this date" kinda threads over and over again for almost a DECADE, I've come to the conclusion that nothing will ever happen.

It's seems like it's a waiting game that never ends. It's continuous. A big circle of nothing. But yet we sit here anxiously awaiting "it" to happen. Well folks, have yourselves an epiphany, and come to the realization that you are pretty much waisting your time. It's never going to happen. Whatever it is that makes you come here awaiting the news the "it" (whatever the "it" is to you), it's just never going to come. It's just not.

Look at it like this. However long you been here, concider it a "study" of something you have been searching for answers for, in whatever particular subject you come here for. The answers never came, and they never will.

Study over.

Like if I want to research why something happens, and I spend a lifetime trying to figure out why it happens, and then I come to the realization that I'm now 67 years old(example), and I never even came close to solving it, and see that I just wasted my whole life on nothing.

This isn't a "stop coming to ATS" thread, it's just an eye opener. It's never going to happen. Christ, they been talking about the end of the world for thousands of years....... thousands.


When a UFO lands on the White House lawn, I'll be back. Until then..... PTFO!
edit on 14-9-2011 by BrnBdry because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by BrnBdry

While I'll admit that there have been a few and far between threads on here that have appeared interesting, in general I'd probably agree with you, one or two stand out for me but apart from that the rest are pretty much garbage.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 05:49 PM
i have to agree in part.. but with the exception of a few excellent threads ive come across here..

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 05:54 PM
Couldn't agree more!

I do believe that that world is exactly how it seems, random life (us) living on a planet, no-one cares about us, there is life out there, but they dont know about us and we dont know about them...

The government isnt planning on killing us all and god is just a day dream.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 05:58 PM
Well don't be so quick to go just yet, because now it's for real.

Economic collapse is imminent.

The Middle-East is fragile as never before. (Turkey-Egypt vs. Israel, US vs. Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Emerging China, North Korea, etc...)

And I also have this feeling that something alien related is gonna happen soon. How soon I don't know.

Check back a few times. You don't have to be hooked.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by BrnBdry
It's seems like it's a waiting game that never ends. It's continuous. A big circle of nothing. But yet we sit here anxiously awaiting "it" to happen.

Well to be fair history could of told you that.... but then, the only thing we've ever learned from history is that no-ones ever learnt anything from history.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:01 PM
but at the same time i have learnt alot from frequenting this site.. it is quite a good source for information and breaking stories.
And with ufos, government coverups, illuminati etc if these guys are as good as it is often claimed then we will never get definitive proof of anything unless they want us to.

what this site is good at is giving you little clues and bits of evidence that make a bigger picture.. its just a shame you have to sift through mountains of junk just to find those little bits..

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by BrnBdry

ten years to catch on. bless your heart, better than 15. but seriously, my nephew who turned me on to this site finally realized too much time spent wrapped up maybes and could-be's what making him different and he said adios after 3 years. i've been here a short time but the site is probably much different than before, i've read many ATS veterans wax poetic for better days. i think now it only takes a month to see many trends and repeat types of posts.

what i'm sad for re ATS is the cover-all Mod/Owner(s) Don't Do List that prevents people who do want to get something going from doing so. then again, if i owned a site, i wouldn't want lawyers and WashDC up my bum for someone starting some whacky action in my sand box, either.

"The sun'll come out tomorrow - bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow There'll be sun!.."

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:06 PM
The main purpose of this site isn't so we can be informed of "it," it's to gain knowledge about conspiracies, and really just to gain knowledge about alternative ideas and facts not put out by the mainstream.
People shouldn't come here to learn about "a big event" that is far from certain. But it is an entertaining side effect

I do think some big events are going to happen in the near future, BUT that isn't what brought me here and it isn't why I stay.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Jepic
Well don't be so quick to go just yet, because now it's for real.

Economic collapse is imminent.

The Middle-East is fragile as never before. (Turkey-Egypt vs. Israel, US vs. Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Emerging China, North Korea, etc...)

And I also have this feeling that something alien related is gonna happen soon. How soon I don't know.

Check back a few times. You don't have to be hooked.

All this "stuff" you say is going on.... Economic collapse imminent! Middle East about to explode! Aliens!
Are all stuff that has been on the brink of explosion forever, and many times before. Although I will say 2011 is definitely more unusual than the last 30yrs have been.

I laughed when I read the OP's title.... and thought, yeah don't wait for anything just live life learning. People onl hear just shouldn't hold there breath or be on edge until "it" happens.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:13 PM
What are you looking to see happen during your membership here on ATS?

If your waiting for the end of the world, an alien invasion, hell to freeze over, etc.... I would say don't hold your breath.

But there are happenings going on everyday that I have benefited from greatly since my joining ATS. Now my interest may differ from yours, I tend to find myself reading alternative news, Breaking news, Fragile earth, and the likes. In which case, ATS is a better place than any to find unbiased information from multiple news sources.

Enjoy the prophecies and countless UFO video's that are posted, but you have to take it with a grain of salt. There are many more wackadoos and attention seekers out there, than those that know the truth. But if I can catch a glimpse of that truth here at ATS, before it is wiped from the interwebz, than my time spent here is a sucess.

It happens, keep up your live feed and enjoy!

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by BrnBdry

ATS...Job Done!

All the inciteful and finger-on-pulse members are banned and we are left
with the line-towers and the inane threads(with a few exceptions).
We are all being corralled within the Gate, and me, I am getting
pretty tired of it, and I'm here less than a year.

A site I can recommend BrnBdry for real truth (on some things) is

and its forums

We are never too old to learn (or unlearn).

I feel something big is afoot, in the real world.

Is it better to know, or to not know?
That is ever the question, eh?

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:19 PM
I have found a community of seekers and human explorers like me. That´s mi IT.
And you know what?? always is something happening . We live in a changing world. Not in an static one.
edit on 14-9-2011 by greenCo because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2011 by greenCo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by BrnBdry

Well done mate , I totally agree with you. And i'll be honest I am looking for it too but I know it's just a waiting a false waiting . I have also been a lurker on here for a long time and it just seems like its a new thread that pops up it's arguing about whose wrong or right and then nothing is obtained. Going around in circles all the time it drives me crazy I guess it's time to say goodbye too and if "it" does happen well, as they say...I'll eat my hat!!

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:27 PM
I joined this site some months past (May I think), and it has been exactly what I needed it to be, that is, where I found exactly what I was looking for. This website has a TON of useful info on it, and ive barely scratched the surface. That being said, its recognized that as a conspiracy site, there are going to be many on here. With the popularity of 2012 and such being shoved at us so much, it isnt a wonder to me that many of the 'prophesies' have turned out to be false. My point is that there are a billion (exaggeration - or is it?) different ideas about the end of the world, most of them are bound to be false/wrong.

Dont give up this wealth of knowledge because of that!

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by SadButTrue

Originally posted by Jepic
Well don't be so quick to go just yet, because now it's for real.

Economic collapse is imminent.

The Middle-East is fragile as never before. (Turkey-Egypt vs. Israel, US vs. Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Emerging China, North Korea, etc...)

And I also have this feeling that something alien related is gonna happen soon. How soon I don't know.

Check back a few times. You don't have to be hooked.

All this "stuff" you say is going on.... Economic collapse imminent! Middle East about to explode! Aliens!
Are all stuff that has been on the brink of explosion forever, and many times before. Although I will say 2011 is definitely more unusual than the last 30yrs have been.

I laughed when I read the OP's title.... and thought, yeah don't wait for anything just live life learning. People onl hear just shouldn't hold there breath or be on edge until "it" happens.

The difference is now it's backed up by evidence. Turn on the news. It's there and very real.

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