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Yes I Can Feel Them.

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posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:21 AM
Feeling or sensing upcoming Geophysical disturbances is it possible, can people sense things before they happen?

For some it is aches in the joints or pre-cognitive dreams, for others it may be headaches, or feeling slightly off balance. Many people these days are starting to notice that they have extra senses, or maybe a sense that was always there but just ignored. In the advent of today’s many earthquakes, super-storms, solar flares, and unexpected attacks people seem to be able to sense them in different ways, but rarely talk about them because of fear of ridicule.

Maybe we have started to rely too much on the weatherman, and instruments that are far less accurate than what we have already installed in our physical bodies. How many times have we thought about a certain person only to have the phone ring that very moment? Or grab an umbrella on a sunny day only to have it rain later, without even looking at the weather report? Or have said, my joints ache must be a storm brewing. Maybe even sensed something bad was going to happen and cancelled going out, only to find out later that something bad did happen and your intuition/senses saved you behind.

We all seem to have connections of some sort that are not physically quantifiable, but yet somewhat accurate, maybe the way to sharpen them is to start acknowledging them.

Please share a story about how you sense or have sensed storms, earthquakes, or disasters before they happened.
edit on 10-9-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:26 AM
Well, to tell you the truth, I'm always waiting for the next shoe to drop. I expect weird things to happen (towers toppling, friends dying, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, economic disaster) because these are the times we live in, right?

Nothing surprises me.


At all.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:33 AM

I believe it's much more than just anticipation, because things are always happening. My own personal experience is headaches/migraines before large storms and earthquakes, and it's very accurate thus far. It's a particular type of physical headache, not the same as stress induced. I have kept a journal of details, when and how they occur and this particular sense seems to be very accurate.

We have some very in tune people here on ATS.

Originally posted by MRuss
Well, to tell you the truth, I'm always waiting for the next shoe to drop. I expect weird things to happen (towers toppling, friends dying, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, economic disaster) because these are the times we live in, right?

Nothing surprises me.


At all.

edit on 10-9-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:55 AM
I am not totally confident in this yet as I've only just begun to explore it... but the waves of emotions that I am experiencing in the recent past don't seem to actually line up with or are justified based only on my personal individual experiences.

It's gotten to such a poignant level that I feel that the wave of anxiety that just hits me sometimes (or other emotions, even good ones) out of nowhere may be the feeling and synching with the collective emotions.

I've allowed myself to explore this to see if it bears any fruit and so far it is progressing smoothly and for the moment at least, has allowed a much smoother experience of riding out those waves. Some of the philosophical perspectives I hold even suggest that we are "filters"... and when we recognize that we have been tasked with processing this emotion. We can either amplify it by "making it our own" and causing more... or we can recognize it, acknowledge it, respect it, and then let it pass while focusing on turning Lead into Gold as it were... or convert it into positive emotion/energy.

The positive moments, I seek to amplify. This is my free will in that arena, and part of the "work" that we can each do individually in connection with the collective awareness/subconscious. It's why someone who never goes outside or interacts with anyone might be the most powerful emotional force on the planet, but someone visible and "preaching positive" while internally amplifying negative are ultimately a negative influence.

It's been an interesting wave/experiment to ride in exploring the Self.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 12:05 PM
I feel the earth move every morning, right after my first sip or two of coffee.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 12:13 PM
This is really interesting and a profound perspective. I would have never thought in a sense of filter, or amplification, so basically you are saying that we have a choice to filter/ignore, or receive/accept and amplify?

Originally posted by ErgoTheConfusion
Some of the philosophical perspectives I hold even suggest that we are "filters"... and when we recognize that we have been tasked with processing this emotion. We can either amplify it by "making it our own" and causing more... or we can recognize it, acknowledge it, respect it, and then let it pass while focusing on turning Lead into Gold as it were... or convert it into positive emotion/energy.

The positive moments, I seek to amplify. This is my free will in that arena, and part of the "work" that we can each do individually in connection with the collective awareness/subconscious. It's why someone who never goes outside or interacts with anyone might be the most powerful emotional force on the planet, but someone visible and "preaching positive" while internally amplifying negative are ultimately a negative influence.

It's been an interesting wave/experiment to ride in exploring the Self.

edit on 10-9-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
This is really interesting and a profound perspective. I would have never thought in a sense of filter, or amplification, so basically you are saying that we have a choice to filter/ignore, or receive/accept and amplify?

I'm saying that I'm exploring that concept and thus far, it has been seemingly helpful / "felt right". I don't know though.
Gotta get that out of the way, heh.

That's pretty close, yeah. I wouldn't say that ignoring would be the response though, as that's perhaps what we've been doing all along (thus the whole "Disconnected from Nature" aspect of Modern Western Life). So when tribes and cultures more connected to the planet say "The earth is hurting"... perhaps they are literally feeling those emotions. People like the Hopi would then have dedicated themselves to taking that hurt into themselves, feeling it, allowing it to be expressed and then pass on (just as our own anger).

If this is not done, the energy builds up from within the collective mind (of which the earth would be part) and just like when our own emotions aren't expressed or heard by others... we eventually blow our top or become ill, etc.

Thus why it could be that we seem to be seeing such a sharp increase in depression, anger, etc... as we are starting to regain this connection, but we have spent soooo long not *hearing* it or assuming it was just our own individual "petty" emotions and trying to "get over them" rather than deal with them. In the case of global emotion, we simply have to treat it like we would if a friend comes to us hurting even if you don't understand why they are hurting or if they can't or won't explain.

There are potential ancient religious metaphors there... for example in the story of Jesus it would be him taking all the pain that we were ignoring into himself and filtering and turning it into a positive direction... providing hope, etc. Thus why Humans were to "Tend the Garden of Eden"... to listen and respond like a good friend who is "there in the mix of it with you". Not just plant things.

Like I said... as I allow myself to explore it a great many things start to fall into place and it has provided helpful ideas to try myself in navigating the waves in my own personal state. This could be why there are so many here right now... because there is so much that needs to be filtered and turned into positive unifying supportive emotions/feelings and break the cycle of fear. Basically "We're putting our best people on the job... but it's a hard one and we have to distribute the work!"


edit on 10-9-2011 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 01:44 PM
I am feeling proper lousy today. Headache since last night and a desperation to 'leave' the world. I feel lonely and totally out of sync, like I am a stranger in the world. My family are the world to me but I feel like I'm no help.

I remember hearing somewhere that the negative feelings are what brings each of us to new awareness. Maybe these are the feelings which lead us to question the system we live under and so something positive results, we wake up so to speak.

My problem is motivating myself when it seems that little changes. The world is reeling under the pressure of .....
My very soul screams for freedom, fairness, peace, love. I look around and so many individuals are feeling this way yet ridicule what I say and refuse to acknowledge that it is something we are all sharing. People blame the little problems in there life or blame their feelings on others.

So many of the people around me are losing themselves in drink. It's always the same they complain about money yet waste it non lots of booze, cigs, quick fixes like fast food, anything for instant gratification. I'm tired of it. As an artist once put it 'the drugs don't work, they just make it worse'. People will not change whilst they are in denial and believe that they will be happy if they can just change him/her, pay this, have that. Life doesn't work like that.

People need something to work towards. I feel a mass campaign is the only thing which will get the message across but how does one get the message across effectively? What will it take? I don't want to set myself ablaze in front of the town hall but I have considered it.

Are these my feelings that I'm having or is it something I am sensitive to in others? I don't know. For myself, I want nothing, nothing at all. I just want to help people to realise that we can change this world by changing ourselves, what drives us. We can't change others but we can show them what is real and what is not.

The constructs of this reality we create and we can destroy, once united in our desire to care for humanity, our home 'earth' and the creatures we share home with.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 04:49 PM
Threegirls that was really deep, thank you for sharing that with us.

I don't think we need to go that far, in setting ourselves ablaze, but I feel your passion. A famous person once said.

Mahatma Gandhi said: "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Originally posted by Threegirls

People need something to work towards. I feel a mass campaign is the only thing which will get the message across but how does one get the message across effectively? What will it take? I don't want to set myself ablaze in front of the town hall but I have considered it.

Are these my feelings that I'm having or is it something I am sensitive to in others? I don't know. For myself, I want nothing, nothing at all. I just want to help people to realise that we can change this world by changing ourselves, what drives us. We can't change others but we can show them what is real and what is not.

The constructs of this reality we create and we can destroy, once united in our desire to care for humanity, our home 'earth' and the creatures we share home with.

edit on 10-9-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:58 AM
Back on topic.

My alarm bells are going off.

I have been sensing something major geophysical activity both above and underground. I have been getting all my extra senses, so to speak, going off at the same time. I can't remember when I have had all them acting like this.

Here are a few of my so call alarms, increased tinnitus, vibrations in my lower back area, cloudiness in my mental faculties, upset digestive system, feverish or elevate body temp at more frequent intervals, and lastly an increase in my nervous system activity. Some people will say I am coming down with something or am sick already, but I rarely get sick.

I am not sure what is going on, but it is like someone turned up the volume. I am hoping that these extra senses are wrong, but thus far they are accurate.

Anyone else feeling anything recently?
edit on 11-9-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:17 PM
On Sunday 8-24-2014 at around 7 am I started to feel dizzy and light headed, moments later I started asking if anyone else had felt that, my co-workers said feel what and I said the ground moved as if we just had an earthquake. They all thought I was crazy. This morning at work they asked me if I had like ESP cause Sunday California had an earthquake about 5 hours after I asked if anyone else felt the ground move. I felt the same thing on 7-21-2014 when I was in Daytona Beach, Florida , just to find out there was an earthquake in Fiji, and again on 7-29-2014 in Elmwood, Illinois, just to find out that there had been an earthquake in Oklahoma and in Mexico. Is it just a coincidence or am I really feeling these earthquakes before they even happen?

I know I have extra senses, cause I have dreams of things that have not yet happened. I also get messages in my dreams from the other side, you can think I'm crazy I don't care, but the message from my dad saved my mom's life. I get feelings when something bad is about to happen. I've had these extra senses since I was a little girl. But lately things are happening that I can't explain.

edit on 26-8-2014 by pjb1975 because: I wasn't done and I hit the wrong button.

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: pjb1975

Thanks for sharing. Most people have these abilities unfortunately they ignored, deny, scoff at, and just flat out don't believe there is anything else other than their 5 senses.

Most people are waking up to what's becoming a global wake-up call.

If people ignore the volume will just get louder and louder until they acknowledge.



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