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new wikileaks Report, Shock and Horror, u.s. troops assassinated children

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posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
I will say this. My brothers and sisters get called "hero" a lot. (thanks BTW)

Hero ? Why ? Do they walk around with Silver or Bronze Stars on their shirts ?
Being a disabled vet I find the label of " Hero " utterly absurd !

MSM has done a excellent job of telling the masses every swing D_ _ K in uniform is a " Hero or Warrior "
The only point I took from the vid was Mr Jarrar saying The people of Iraq want the United States GONE ! But the U.S gov could care less what the Iraq citizens want ( Minus the Million+ - we have killed ) Our alleged representatives make me wanna puke ! One more vote for Ron Paul. Leave Now !

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 04:00 PM
WTF? This is about Haditha? What the hell do you people think - trotting out the same tired old allegations makes a brand new instance? Can't find any more than the one case so ya gotta recycle or something?

I swear to God, some of you "peaceful" folks would make great "Christians" - or at least Inquisitors for the Grand Inquisition. How many times ya gonna burn the same witch?

Make sure your ropes are sound and those pokers are good and hot...

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Regardless of this being old news nenothtu, the outrage is still present. Events like these remain in peoples minds for a long time. that is why the MSM barely covers them anymore, because it makes the US look bad.

War is Hell. Certain soldiers (from all nations and wars) have committed war crimes, and they and the commanders deserve to be punished. To just sweep an event like this under the rug and play it off by branding it "collateral damage" or to say the journalists and academics who research the subject are prone to"investigative bias" is absurd. The US's bias in investigating their own is blatantly obvious.

The US has a terrible track record when it comes to admitting that mistakes and crimes were committed by agents of the US (i.e. soldiers, diplomats, contractors, etc). The soldiers who are responsible for this are guilty of murder. The evidence presented so far shows that they were handcuffed and shot execution style in the head, and afterwords covered up the evidence with an air strike.

This is a legitimate conspiracy perpetrated not by a well organized cabal, but by a group of trigger happy soldiers with nationalist attitudes. This conspiracy is only further deepened by the governments fear of having their already tarnished reputation becoming even more tarnished.

I support the troops, I have friends who are serving right now. But there is a huge difference between people who want to serve our country and murders who want to play on a killing field.

This crime reminds me so much of the My Lai massacre. The results of which will be the same when it comes to this event.
edit on 7-9-2011 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 05:51 PM
Some of you "people" here only half listen [or read etc] You miss the details like children being used to poison soldiers and gun placements in schools. Thats ok in you book right? War also requires propaganda to cast doubts on how things are done. The general population is not capable of understanding combat. Nor does it know jack about life and how things are done in other parts of the world. Reading about it on the internet does not make you a expert.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Raed Jarrar claims this cable confirms the incident but anyone that actually bothers to read the cable will see that he is lying. Some of these bloggers are so desperate to discredit the U.S that they end up discrediting themselves in the process.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by watchitburn
Pictures or it didn't happen.

You're a troll.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 06:56 PM
There will probably we a war crimes do I know this? It is in the cards....the illuminati new world order card game made by Steve Jackson and printed in 1995. This will just bring them steps closer to their new world order. They have all this planned out. Some of the cards that have come true....twin tower attacks, pentagon attack, bp oil spill, japan earthquake, nuclear accident, tsunami....there are a lot more....Next??? war crimes card??? You should be concerned because this card game has been predicting everything...the other cards in the deck...rapture, return of the messiah, lost city of atlantis being discovered, alien abduction/attack.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:00 PM
Pro-tip, hey insurgents, if you don't want innocent civilians to die, make sure you don't hide and fight from a house filled with them.
This is a war, act accordingly.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Exv8densez

Percentage of population that are Muslims

UK 2.7

US 0.8

Switzerland 4.3

Yeah....that sure sounds like the Western world is being overrun with 'Islamicism' LMAO!!!!

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:35 PM

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by SirMike

Originally posted by deadmessiah
Wow. A round of applause for our military, anyone?

I'll give it up.

Seriously, what do we have here ... we have an allegation found in a cable authored by Philip Alston, a UN official and thats about it. I am sure there will be a rush for a kangaroo court to round up the servicemen involved in this incident, but innocent unitl prove guilty is still a part of the UCMJ.

Whatever little confidence and respect you may personally have for the US armed forces as an institution I have even less for in the United Nations and all its functionaries. And as I have served in the US armed forces, I have a very level of respect for them.

Convince me with a trial not with some crude agitprop from the UK Gaurdian.

wow talk about double standards....when UN speculation that a middle eastern country has WMD, you go to war and invade the country. But speculation about US troops killing the innocent? you have no faith in the UN. lol..

Like another poster have said, this is some sick sh*t but I am not surprised. When soldiers are expected to put their life on the line, they do some stupid sh*t cause they are afraid. Got to let it out somehow.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:00 PM
may their souls rest in peace......


posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by hangedman13
Some of you "people" here only half listen [or read etc] You miss the details like children being used to poison soldiers and gun placements in schools. Thats ok in you book right? War also requires propaganda to cast doubts on how things are done. The general population is not capable of understanding combat. Nor does it know jack about life and how things are done in other parts of the world. Reading about it on the internet does not make you a expert.

but at what point is it ok to execute POWs? especially if they were children? Like you said, war (in fact EVERYTHING) is about propaganda, what makes you think that the children have a full understanding of what they are doing? What makes you think that you know everything about combat/how do you know you are not part of the propaganda? All I can say is EXECUTING (not killing during combat) of anyone, especially children is WRONG. Hope that it is wrong in your books as well.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:10 PM
i don't feel bad about it. the way i see it, if you don't want your men, women and children killed, then don't eff with the United States.

let that be lesson to ya next time you feel like bombing something that belongs to us. we'll come over there and whip your sorry arses all day long.

case closed.
edit on 7-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:19 PM
I was told in Vietnam children did get killed under these circumstances. That when a child is a child and they come running up to see the American GI's they will normally move their arms and do not hold them straight down their sides. The N.V.'s would take children and put grenades on them and rig them that when they raised their arms to be picked up by the big GI's they would pull the pins on a couple of grenades that had been strapped on them rigged to go off. This was common practice I've been told. I do not know how it is today if they still use children to kill GI"s but I would not put it past them.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:25 PM
If this report is accurate this is what happens in wars from both sides.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:26 PM
The U.S.after World War 2 does not put up with attacks and excuses.However some U.S.soldiers do some awful things.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by hangedman13
Some of you "people" here only half listen [or read etc] You miss the details like children being used to poison soldiers and gun placements in schools. Thats ok in you book right? War also requires propaganda to cast doubts on how things are done. The general population is not capable of understanding combat. Nor does it know jack about life and how things are done in other parts of the world. Reading about it on the internet does not make you a expert.

i prolly only half read what you said but i'm gonna respond anyway.

the people in my life? they don't tend to eff with me too much. when i'm at the skatepark? people tend to give me a wide berth. know why? 'cause they think i'm half crazy and are not entirely sure what my response will be.

i think the United States should be the same way. any enemy of the United States should half pissing themselves even thinking about doing us harm.

hell, i think the motto on the American flag should read: if you eff with us, we will come to where ever you are, with our alien technology, and kill you, your momma, your daddy, all your kids, your first and second cousins. then we'll stay in your country and kill the next generation too. after that, we'll make you a colony of the United States. maybe.

so what if some kids got killed. so what if some women got killed. then leave us the hell alone and we wont have to kill your kids and your women. i guess that sounds harsh...but it prolly don't sound too harsh to those people who lost family on 9/11. it prolly don't sound harsh to people who lost family in other incidents, either.

just leave us alone, and we'll leave you all alone.
edit on 7-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:37 PM
The U.S. is technically at WAR.
In War, people die. It isn't military vs the perfect battle people think it should be.

It is waged like chess. The pawns do the battle, eliminating what they have to, to get to the goal. Victory.

I agree that children, bound and executed make for a spineless strategy. Tragic. Epically.

But the soldiers aren't trained to catch butterflies and give them as gifts to the opposing forces. They are trained to kill.

If an opposing nation came to your country, innocents would die. Do die. Did die.

Your military personnel will kill, to protect you. Without them, you would be vulnerable and whine about the government not doing enough to protect you. There is no fine line. It is War. Whether it is right or wrong, it is still on going. People won't stop shooting at your soldiers because you think the war is wrong.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:47 PM
When will people realize that all the significant military groups of the world are nothing more than murder cults. They are in the business of killing people in large numbers and they do it well. They are brainwashed group of killers and can, (in their own minds), justify anything they do in the field to a noble cause.

None of the worlds militaries are striving for world peace. If there was world peace, they would be out of a job.

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