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Home fit for a hero? While £1m homes go to asylum seekers, a soldier who lost three limbs serving h

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by TheLoneArcher
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

All the emergency and armed services are volunteer services, and they know the risks yes. I tell you one thing though, when the time finally comes that you truly need them, guess what, they will be there for you, risking life and limb to keep you safe.

Protect me from what?
The big bad arab terrorists or the pirate somalians?
All wars have been orchestrated, soldiers fight in made up scripted wars.
If soldiers are dumb enough to put their life and limb on the line, for something scripted then hey more power to em!

Soldiers aren't even , fighting the enemy, theyre just killing other innocent people, german troops in WW2 were innocent, when the allies went in, invaded them and, killed innocent germans, yet we see these goons being paraded and praised for what?..killing people.
And the thing was, was that both sides were funded by the same source.

The time will never come when the military saves someone, that's a paradox, war is there for population control and senseless killing.
Plus who are they saving me from anyway?
All i see are dumb patriots who can't see past their countries flag, fighting for no real reason.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

Nobody is arguing with you on the fact that war is bad.
As for the Germans, yes many were drafted into fight during WW2, how many innocent Germans willingly ran death camps and executed hundreds of innocent villagers in Europe or shot captured Allied soldiers. Damn, I work in Germany and have, in the past, spoken with ex SS soldiers who said they were proud of what they did. So don't give me any of thet BS regarding innocent German soldiers.

Edit: Although I work in Bavaria, I live in France. In the next Village to where I live, the Germans turned up one day, rounded up all the males between 14 and 60, hearded them into a church, locked the doors, threw grenades though the windows and burned the church down. Why? Because the resistance shot a soldier in the forest and the villagers would not tell them who did it. Now, how innocent was that???

Armies are not there just to fight. Okay, let's wait for the next big natural disaster to hit your town. When you are buried under the rubble with no hope to free yourself, who will you need? Will you condem the soldier that carefully extracts your broken body from the wreckage of your home?

Let me tell you something. You can call me a killer, a murderer or a rapist, just because I wore a uniform. But, if I was to hear you calling for help from the wreckage, yes, I would still save you. It is my duty. We don't just kill, we try to preserve life where possible too.

You can hate me if you want, but if you call for help, I will still come.
edit on 6/9/2011 by TheLoneArcher because: Added Text

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by TheLoneArcher
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

Nobody is arguing with you on the fact that war is bad.
As for the Germans, yes many were drafted into fight during WW2, how many innocent Germans willingly ran death camps and executed hundreds of innocent villagers in Europe or shot captured Allied soldiers. Damn, I work in Germany and have, in the past, spoken with ex SS soldiers who said they were proud of what they did. So don't give me any of thet BS regarding innocent German soldiers.

Edit: Although I work in Bavaria, I live in France. In the next Village to where I live, the Germans turned up one day, rounded up all the males between 14 and 60, hearded them into a church, locked the doors, threw grenades though the windows and burned the church down. Why? Because the resistance shot a soldier in the forest and the villagers would not tell them who did it. Now, how innocent was that???

Armies are not there just to fight. Okay, let's wait for the next big natural disaster to hit your town. When you are buried under the rubble with no hope to free yourself, who will you need? Will you condem the soldier that carefully extracts your broken body from the wreckage of your home?

Let me tell you something. You can call me a killer, a murderer or a rapist, just because I wore a uniform. But, if I was to hear you calling for help from the wreckage, yes, I would still save you. It is my duty. We don't just kill, we try to preserve life where possible too.

You can hate me if you want, but if you call for help, I will still come.
edit on 6/9/2011 by TheLoneArcher because: Added Text

No, no i don't hate soldiers, just the innocent killing.
But why become a soldier, if you know everything is scripted?
If you know both sides are being funded by the same source?
If you know the people who run the country are corrupt.

Edit: Although I work in Bavaria, I live in France. In the next Village to where I live, the Germans turned up one day, rounded up all the males between 14 and 60, hearded them into a church, locked the doors, threw grenades though the windows and burned the church down. Why? Because the resistance shot a soldier in the forest and the villagers would not tell them who did it. Now, how innocent was that???

Did this happen in WW2?
So you fought in WW2?

Well thanks for the help if i ever need it, preciate it!

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

No. I am not quite that old, yet. No, I had the opportunity to talk with WW2 veterans a few years ago.
Yes, we know that the government is corrupt. Virtually all of them are. However, it is more than just serving a government. There are good and bad sides to ever career. I know it is difficult for me to explain and more so for you to understand.

For some, it is a calling. Yes, we have to fight and kill and yes I have done both, the first time to ensure that those who want to be British, remained so. That is one example where I would gladly fight again. That was a fight for people's freedom. War is one of the most terrible blights humankind can engage in, and I will be the first to admit it. But soldiers can bring relief and comfort for those in need and I was very proud to be able to fulfill that role too.

The poor chap to whom the OP refers to was conducting a role that he believed in, like so many before him. Perhaps he was misguided, perhaps not. But he did it nevertheless, because he truly believed in what he did. He paid a high price for that. All the OP is trying to illustrate is that fact that the governemnt he served has thrown him on the rubbish tip. That, I feel, is a crime.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by TheLoneArcher

i agree with you 100%

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by monkofmimir

this makes me mad on all kind of levels.

First of all its bad enough our soldiers are sent trapesing round the world constantly to meddle in the affairs of other countries in the name of oil. They should be here at home ready to defend this country. During the riots several MP's even admitted that if they couldn't control the riots they had no option to call in the military because there wern't enough soldiers in the uk.

Secondly anyone who signs up to defend this country has most certainly my enternal respect and thanks and if they are injured such as this poor gentleman has they should be provided for by the state for as long as is needed.

Thirdly the Mail are a damn biggoted news organisation and they use things like this to push there political agendas.

Fourthly £1.2 million 7 bedroom house, thats just london being overpriced if there asylum seeker they won't have many conections to specific parts of the country so why house them in the most expensive part!

Fithly Assylum seekers are so unfairly abused in oh so many ways, firstly theres alot of corruption and abuse inflicted on many of them when they first arrive, then if they are granted assylum they are usually unable to work but given barely enough money to live on.

Well said...

The issue's of housing are complex....i.e. all of the above , and not enough affordable housing being built for years, even keyworkers finding it hard to get accommodation (and no not due to Asylum seekers)....

Another emotive post from EvanB, sourced from the And Again, an extremely simplistic view..Jeez, why do you think they put the word Asylum Seeker in the headline?...I'm surprised they didn't somehow link it to child abuse so they could use it as an excuse to remind us about babyp or Milly dowler...emotive BS...

Some links on the truth about asylum seekers which I'm sure you may not want to read....

This is a good one, you would never see the DM print this...
"The asylum seekers who survive on £10 a week"

The Joseph Rowntree trust (No not liberal lefty's) research on Asylum Seekers & Homlessness

Asylum-seekers hit by huge rise in homelessness

edit on 24-9-2011 by slinkey10 because: to add links...

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