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Jewish 'settlers' prepared for Palestinian onslaught - Statehood vote set for Spetember 20th

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posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:03 PM
Jewish 'settlers' prepared for Palestinian onslaught

The Israeli army has been busy training local security teams in the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria (Jewish settlements) for a possible onslaught of violent Palestinian demonstrators.

Israel fears that following the Palestinian Authority's September 20 bid at the United Nations to secure recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank"), Palestinian mobs will march on any Jews they see as "invaders" in that new state.

In fact, that is precisely what Palestinian leaders are telling the public to do.

"The appeal to the UN is a battle for all Palestinians, and in order to succeed, it needs millions to pour into streets," Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo told the Associated Press following a Palestinian Authority vote endorsing a mass protest march on Israel.

Rabbo and other Palestinian leaders insist the protests will be peaceful, but Israeli officials noted that more often than not the Palestinians' definition of "peaceful" does not match Israel's.

And even if the intention truly was for a peaceful march, the Israelis say that having tens or hundreds of thousands of Palestinians march on Israeli civilian neighborhoods is a situation that can quickly spiral out of control.

While Jerusalem is certain to be a primary target of such a march, it is pretty heavily barricaded from the north and east, the directions from which the Palestinian protestors would be coming.

But the Jewish settlements make much softer targets.

That's why the IDF, which will preoccupied defending the northern neighborhoods of Jerusalem and the portion of the "Green Line" separating the Tel Aviv metropolitan area from the West Bank, is busy preparing the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria to defend themselves.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:06 PM
To make matters worse Palestinian leaders are calling for massive protests and are insisting the protests will be peaceful, but if we use history as our guide I can see this turning ugly very fast.

The waiting game has begun...


Peaceful end result? Non peaceful end result?

What would happen if the vote in the UN fails to gather the supposed support the Palestinians claim? Will that be an end to the 2 state question? Would that open the door for all out war once and for all?

Since Palestinians are taking this to the UN, do you think Israel should take hamas to the UN regarding their charter to havethat forcefully changed?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
To make matters worse Palestinian leaders are calling for massive protests and are insisting the protests will be peaceful, but if we use history as our guide I can see this turning ugly very fast.

The waiting game has begun...


Peaceful end result? Non peaceful end result?

What would happen if the vote in the UN fails to gather the supposed support the Palestinians claim? Will that be an end to the 2 state question? Would that open the door for all out war once and for all?

Since Palestinians are taking this to the UN, do you think Israel should take hamas to the UN regarding their charter to havethat forcefully changed?

Add two other factors... Obama just came out publicly asking the Palestinians to delay the vote and give more time. He has to be kidding....less than 3 weeks from a date we've all known was coming for months??

Well, no doubt as to America's weakness on this one now, in case anyone had wondered. Then...What day is it the Turkish Warships are supposed to be escorting that Aid Convoy into Gaza? It couldn't be around the 20th could it??

I think it's going to get real ugly when the Palestinians try and simply crate their state right over the existing borders. If they get their vote and they hit the streets....Both sides will be one stupid move away from open conflict on the spot...and Israel's neighbors may just feel justified in supporting a U.N. vote on the statehood. This doesn't have an upside I can see, can you? S/F.....and I'd give the MSM one too if they'd just mention this in more than a passing, dismissive way.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:17 PM
I think that no matter which way the UN vote goes, there will not be a peaceful resolution here. That whole area is a powder keg - Israel, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Palestine, Iran. September 20 is just the spark to set the whole thing off.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:20 PM
Something just doesn't sit right with this...

Seems like something is heating up.... Just keep a close eye on this one.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by InnerPeace2012
Something just doesn't sit right with this...

Seems like something is heating up.... Just keep a close eye on this one.

Everyone does remember this right?

What came just before the MidEast went wild..

It seems to me that Jordan is the only entity, large or small, around Israel right now that isn't desperately hoping for their obliteration, if not the opportunity to participate in it. I've been watching since the events this link talks about as every so-so ally or half way tolerant leader Israel had near them has either been deposed by 'popular revolt' or just outright hunted down and killed as we're watching in Libya right now.

I think the OP is 100% right in bringing this up and the Jews and Israeli Arabs (Yeah..they exist) alike have a great deal to worry about between now and the dawn of a new year. I just hope we aren't short several million people when January rolls around.

I'm sure it's also not lost on the very intelligent people both sides have over there that Obama won't be re-elected and America swings hard the other way if history is anything to go by. That means, if they are ever going to try and attack's the time. It'll likely never be open like this with a wimp in the White House again. Not good at all.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:39 PM
most important news i've seen in weeks and coincides with something i am being moved by

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Yes, this situation could get ugly real fast -

The Israeli military is to train Jewish settlers in the West Bank and plans to equip them with tear gas and stun grenades to confront Palestinian demonstrators when their leaders press for UN recognition next month.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:52 PM
gadhafi fires on peaceful protestors demanding freedom and democracy, the u.s. and nato arm them to the teeth and train them to grab freedom with arms.

saddam hussein oppresses his people, according to bush, and america sends in the military, the country is bombed to the pavement, saddam gets tried and hung.

israel is now faced with peaceful protesters demanding real freedom, not just the right to use google, and are most likely going to be shot up to pieces. israel gets 3 billion, a "stern" hillary clinton blaming unarmed protestors for getting shot, no mention of freedom and a .000000000001 millisecond news report at 3 in the morning claiming that 400 militants were killed while israel defended its border.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Jewish 'settlers' prepared for Palestinian onslaught - Statehood vote set for Spetember 20th

I've always held the opinion that the Jews have a right to a place in their ancient homeland. Refusing to accept the existence of Israel serves no purpose other than political agendas that have only one purpose; to finish what Hitler and Nazi Germany began.

On the flipside, the same right to a homeland belongs to the Palestinians. Jews and Palestinians have lived side-by-side for untold centuries. And yes, they have fought many bloody wars so... this current version is nothing new and like all those from before, there are no good guys. When bloodlust extends to killing the innocent on both sides, there are no virtues to embrace or support.

If the UN has a legitimate place, then it is to mediate an end to this violence and create a workable solution so that both peoples can share the same land they have both lived on since the beginning of recorded history.

I have no use for those who play the political propaganda for the likes of Syria and Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah who use the Palestinian cause not for the people but for their own designs.

Someone needs to rise above the bloody fray and bring these two peoples together to finally find an avenue to peace before both nations are extinguished for the sake of the cruelest intentions.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:52 PM
With the UN resolution, Turkey's recent response to the flotilla/blockade issue, and the demonstrations in Israel over economic concerns all seem to be pointing to this being a flash point preparing itself for detonation. Will be watching with extra concern - for us all.
edit on 9/3/2011 by Open2Truth because: because I never seem to get it right the first time.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:52 PM
With the number of Palestinians that are going to come out for this "protest," I do not see how anyone can say this is going to be a peaceful event. It won't be, and one side is going to blame the other for starting it. The Palestinians will be the ones holding the ball after the UN votes NO, so all of the blood will be on their hands imo.

If the vote goes the other way then it may be Israel with the blood on their hands, but I bet that we will never really know who is to blame if this really kicks off. I just don't see the UN agreeing with this, considering the backlash will be horrendous.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:54 PM
All hell is about to break loose in the Middle East.

My thoughts go out to the soldiers and civilians that are about to die due to this madness.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:47 AM
Yeah a lot of events seem to be coming due on the same date... The Floatilla, the vote, etc....

The vote itself is not to create a Palestinian State. The vote is to essentially show that the world supports the creation of one, and is meant to place pressure on Israel. Interestingly enough though the article is worded in a weird manner. If you notice, it only refers to protests taking place in the West Bank, and leave Gaza and hamas out of the picture.

I am curious if that was done on purpose.. I know Hamas and Fatah were suppose to be forming a unity government, and they wanted it in place prior to the vote, howeverI have not seen any progress in that area.

As far as blocking the vote and one of the permanent members could block the call for the vote, so it remains an option if the Palestinians wont postpone the vote on their own.

In addition to the concerns others have brought up, you also have discussions in the UN regarding Syria, which Russia has stated they will veto, you have issues surrounding the ICC and Israel / Palestinian issue, you have turkey wanting to escort vessels, you have Egypt deploying more military units in Sinai at the request of Israel, who in turn have beefed up their border with Egypt, including an increase in naval units.

You had the recent attack on Israel from Gaza from an unknown group (or so Hamas says). You have Egypt looking at scrapping their peace treaty with Israel.

Jordan, although quiet, is having its own internal issues. They also have massive protests against the government, however they have been a little bit smarter about their response to the protesters and have conceded some demands.

I would say the powder keg is full and in place, and all that is needed is for someone to hold a match to the fuse.

As far as President Obama goes - I still have not figured out which interest he actually represents. He is one of the few Presidents who seems to not really have any interest on taking sides. I am not sure if thats a good or bad thing to be honest. The world demands the Us get out of world affairs, while demanding we help at the same time.

If Israel comes to the conclcusion they can no longer count on the Us as an ally to have their back, its possible that that will be the match to the fuse. Israel will take stronger actions in order to ensure their security, and the Arab world will go bonkers over it.
edit on 4-9-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

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