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Money Well Spent...Unions Spent $35 Million to Defeat Wisconsin Gov. Walker — and Lost

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 04:39 PM
$35 million dollars from a group of people in ONE state who have been crying foul about being asked to kick in a little towards benefits and retirement. Perhaps this money could have been better invested in medical insurance or their own pension funds!!!!! The mindset is Absolutely Baffling!!

The people of Wisconsin have spoken AGAIN! Get the picture yet??

With Republicans triumphing in the Wisconsin recall elections on Tuesday, political analyst John Fund tells Newsmax it is “astonishing” that Democrats and unions spent so many millions to battle Gov. Scott Walker and his labor reforms and came away with so little to show for it.

Fund, senior editor of American Spectator, says unions never talked about the core issue of labor law reforms in their anti-Republican ads because they were afraid of opening up a “whole can of worms” about the privileges of public employee unions.

He also asserts that the election results are a clear vote of confidence for Gov. Walker, and predicts that unions will now bring their “road show” to Ohio where a similar union battle looms.

I'm in Ohio and I say bring it on!!

“It was astonishing to see labor unions spend $35 million of their members’ dues money to beat back Scott Walker’s labor reforms. But the astonishing thing is that for all the money they spent, mostly unsuccessfully, their ads against the Republican incumbents they were trying to recall never talked about the labor law reforms,” he says.

“They talked about ending Medicare, which is a federal issue, not a state issue. They talked about Paul Ryan. They talked about cutting budgets for education. They talked about everything except the issue of whether or not labor unions should have the right to withhold dues from their members if they didn’t want them to go to politics.

“That was the core of the issue that brought 75,000 people to the Madison state capital in February and March. And that was the one issue the labor unions didn’t want to bring up because I suspect that would have opened up a whole can of worms about union privileges and how much better public employee unions were paid, and how much better their benefits were than people in the private sector.”

Here's the good part for Wisconsin, the legal reforms are actually working there.

You’re seeing school districts all over the state being able to avoid layoffs. In fact they’re adding teachers and reducing class size. They’re saving lots of money because the health insurance monopoly that used to be controlled by the teachers’ union has been broken.

You know who benefits the most from these reforms???

THE KIDS!!!!! The kids! The way it should be. Perhaps these public servants opposed to such reforms should examine why they chose their vocation to begin with. Time to weed out those who only wanted a 3 month vacation and a cushy pension.
edit on 10-8-2011 by jibeho because: add source

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by jibeho

The people of Wisconsin have spoken AGAIN!

Shouldn't that be the Koch brothers have spoken again? You have to give them credit though good tools like Walker are hard to find.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:07 PM
Good for Wisconsin. May that state be just the first in a growing tide of putting Public Unions back into their proper place. Completely disbanded and forgotten, if I had my way, but I suppose we can settle for simply being put back to the level the rest of America is at for jobs and wages. I wish all the luck to private unions..people power and all that. Public though? Should never have existed. It'll be a great day for our fine nation when the very last PUBLIC Union is taken apart and recorded in the pages of history.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
reply to post by jibeho

The people of Wisconsin have spoken AGAIN!

Shouldn't that be the Koch brothers have spoken again? You have to give them credit though good tools like Walker are hard to find.

You referenced the Koch brothers in record time. I'll figure out your prize allotment after I have collected the appropriate fees from your fellow ATS members. Read the fine print.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 08:52 PM
link much money was flooded into the Republican coffers for this election?

Also wanted to add,

Dems actually gained 2 seats in heavy Republican districts.....they didn't lose anything. And there is one Republican in the state's senate who has sided with the public unions and is against privatization of the public school system....of course...there are still 2 recalls to go next week that could change that.

This did however show that there was a backlash...regardless of what happens the next week.

So, what do you say to the corporations who funded the anti-union stuff, or helped create the laws Walker enacted through ALEC?

Money well spent????
edit on 10-8-2011 by David9176 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 09:12 PM
funny how they mention the koch brothers but conviently leave out they employ over 50,000 union jobs.

35 million seems that they are paying too much in dues lets see 35 million thats 700 jobs that pay 50 grand a year

epic fail in wisconsin

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by David9176 much money was flooded into the Republican coffers for this election?

Also wanted to add,

Dems actually gained 2 seats in heavy Republican districts.....they didn't lose anything. And there is one Republican in the state's senate who has sided with the public unions and is against privatization of the public school system....of course...there are still 2 recalls to go next week that could change that.

This did however show that there was a backlash...regardless of what happens the next week.

So, what do you say to the corporations who funded the anti-union stuff, or helped create the laws Walker enacted through ALEC?

Money well spent????
edit on 10-8-2011 by David9176 because: (no reason given)

I don't know how much the Reps. spent on an otherwise unnecessary election that was forced by the union movement.

The irony is in the $35 million of forced union dues that was spent on this recall election by a group who was fighting over a couple of simple changes to the law that has now put the school districts in a better position financially. The STUDENTS now benefit from responsible legislation.

I am amazed that these union folk can just stand by as their leaders just pissed $35 million into the wind. Welcome to the real world of 401k's and 80/20 plans and ever rising deductibles.

Please show me the figures regarding which Corps.spent what to fight the union machine. I doubt they were spending forced dollars out of the dues cesspool.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 08:11 AM
I would like to thank BIG UNION via their front groups "one Wisconsin now" and "we are Wisconsin" for putting in $35 some million bucks into the Wisconsin economy in their loosing effort to thwart the will of the people of the state. They probably already are packing up their bags and will show up in Ohio tomorrow as "one Ohio now" and "we are Ohio". You can forget about the Walker recalls. They aren't going to put the money into them since they have to try to get the Incompetent in Chief re-elected. It looks like the "Ribs for Votes" didn't pan out.

edit on 11-8-2011 by joyride0187 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 08:19 AM
Democrats spent roughly $250 for each vote they received on Tuesday!

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 08:54 AM
That is funny, but in a completely STUPID kind of way! When are the dumb liberals going to learn that the vast majority of us do not want their flawed system, their faulty logic and their raft of rules and regulations. GO AWAY!!! 2012 will be the year thw whole liberal system is dismantled and cast upon the dustbin of history. Good riddance!

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by joyride0187

I wonder how many individual people that required in paying dues for 1 year to accomplish? Over 30 million sounds like a whole lot of paycheck deductions from working folk that was just wasted for absolutely nothing at all. I wonder, are the Union members still so hot to trot for their Union bosses? You'd think by now even the Rank and File would realize there is a winner and loser in this Union business and they ARE NOT on the winning side of it. They get some scraps tossed off the bosses tables to keep them quiet and fighting for the Union's wealth, but scraps don't do much when it's turned a majority of the public against not only the Union itself, but the members directly.

I hope it was all worth it for sure wasn't for anyone else.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
reply to post by jibeho

The people of Wisconsin have spoken AGAIN!

Shouldn't that be the Koch brothers have spoken again? You have to give them credit though good tools like Walker are hard to find.

hear hear

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