While many young men and women face the real and serious hazards of the war in Iraq, just as many -- maybe more -- in the United States are blowing up
Baghdad on a regular basis from the comfort of their homes.
With names like "Blood of Bin Laden" and "Desert Combat," the games, whether new or underground modifications to existing games, offer players the
chance to take part in the kinds of real-life battles seen on American television in the last two weeks.
yeah, I have Battlefield 1942, the game is very fun. You should check it out. Desert Combat is simply a modification to that game. The mod has been
out for awhile and I think it is mostly going off of the previous Gulf War. You can use all of the weaponry of both sides in the modification. The
mod itself is free, but naturally you have to purchase BF1942
where do you get the mod for 1942 sounds interesting i like to wind people up by ussually flying planes upside down under bridges, but then i get a
bit too big headed and ussually crash into a tree...