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News International Scandal and the Illuminati card game. -Media Connections- Phone Hacking.

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posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 11:55 AM
Really sorry, posted this in the wrong forum...sorry my bad... please could this be moved to the correct forum.


This is my first post, so please be gentle,

The UK news has been for the last week or so, completely awash with the News International (News Of The World newspaper) phone hacking scandal.

The phone hacking scandal has led the the closure of the News of the World newspaper which has been sold in the UK since 1843. Interestingly my grandfather used to print the News of the World back in the 1970's with his job as a printer based in Fleet Street, London.

The enormity and sheer scale of the phone hacking scandal is only just being realised and has sent massive reverberations through the entire UK and beyond.

Thousands of people have had their phones hacked from sportsmen, actors, Royal family, murdered school girls even 9/11 & 7/7 victims... truly discraceful and appalling.

Even today, major news has been announced that Britians top two Police officers (Sir Paul Stevenson and Paul Yates) have had to resign as a result of the on-going enquiry regarding the phone hacking.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, revealing even top British Politicians may follow and be forced to resign, truly worring news for the UK Prime Minister David Cameron, as he has very deep connections with News International (hiring Andy Coulson to work for him in government as former director of communications, meetings with Rebecca Brooks who was the Chief Executive of News of the World and meetings with Rupert/James Murdoch who own News International) and could find himself answering questions in front of the Commons Select Committee and perhaps a High Court Judge. The Prime Minister could face jail if found guilty of conspiring with News International, it really is that serious.

According to Rebecca Brooks who was arrested by Police for questioning on July 17th 2011, she has been quoted as saying "the worst is yet to come" regarding the phone hacking scandal.

How could it possibly be worse? Top Police forced to resign, the Prime Minister under suspicion, murdered victims hacked, seriously what gets worse than this..???

Anyway, the reason for my post is that I have always found the Illuminati card game (by Steve Jackson) threads to be of a particular interest to me here on ATS (Japan "Combined Disasters" card), having been a long time viewer of this excellent website. So I thought I would see what (if any) media cards were in the card game. I found three cards pertaining to media but the "Media Connections" card (below) just stood out a mile to me with regard to the recent phone hacking scandal.

Looking at the card it is clear to see a reporter/journalist with an intrigued expression on his face, listening to "several" phones at once. The News of the World newspaper's colour is Red and so is one of the phones. The other phones are green and a white cordless phone is also being used, possibly indicating the hacking of "cell/mobile" phones, which is exactly what has happened with the scandal. Victims cell/mobile phones were hacked, primarily from their voicemails.

Another point worth noting is the colour of the tie which is being worn, blue... the chosen colour of the UK Police and the current UK Government.

I would love to hear from any interested members who have their own theories on this subject or about the Illuminati cards.

edit on 18-7-2011 by Surreptitious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 01:01 PM
That card, like so many others from that game, is very creepy. Good find.

As far as the scandal goes, I think they would have gotten away with it if they hadn't hacked phones from members of the Royal Family. You can mess with lots of folks and get away with it. But when you mess with the Royals somebody's going to have to pay.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Hessling
That card, like so many others from that game, is very creepy. Good find.

As far as the scandal goes, I think they would have gotten away with it if they hadn't hacked phones from members of the Royal Family. You can mess with lots of folks and get away with it. But when you mess with the Royals somebody's going to have to pay.

Hi, thanks for the nice comments,

You are quite correct and the first "to pay" has just been announced, "Former News of the World reporter, Sean Hoare, who was the first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson knew of his staff's phone hacking practices, has been found dead".


This reminds me of the "Kelly affair" when Dr. David Kelly who was the whistleblower on the Iraq weapons of mass destruction case involving the UK government was found dead.

The plot has only just begun to thicken with this phone hacking scandal, every day some new twist is unearthed and has the potential to bring down the government.

I totally agree with your comments regarding the cards, I have about 400 and quite often have a browse through them. Never thought the Media Connections card would come to light in such a dramatic way.


posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 06:58 PM
(*headdesk* I need a *headdesk* icon. Really.)

Okay... I know Steve personally. I've sold his company some cartoons back in the day (1980's). I know his editors (including ex-editor Aaron Allston) and so forth.

It's a game.

They make this stuff up.

There's no inside info. He's not guiding anything (otherwise he'd have taken over the Wizards of the Coast and all the other gaming companies.)

His writers include professional Science Fiction writers who write cyberpunk books, speculative history books, and are well known enough that they show up on tv sometimes. Including Jamais Cascio, who writes about Transhumanism

Science fiction/transhumanist/cyberpunk authors are "futurists" and are capable of putting together ideas that frequently come true (and look like predictions) because they observe technology and history. I like to recommend to people that they attend some sf conventions and talk to the SJG people AND to authors and artists.

Some people are just naturally a Little Stranger Than Other People.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
(*headdesk* I need a *headdesk* icon. Really.)

Okay... I know Steve personally. I've sold his company some cartoons back in the day (1980's). I know his editors (including ex-editor Aaron Allston) and so forth.

It's a game.

They make this stuff up.

There's no inside info. He's not guiding anything (otherwise he'd have taken over the Wizards of the Coast and all the other gaming companies.)

His writers include professional Science Fiction writers who write cyberpunk books, speculative history books, and are well known enough that they show up on tv sometimes. Including Jamais Cascio, who writes about Transhumanism

Science fiction/transhumanist/cyberpunk authors are "futurists" and are capable of putting together ideas that frequently come true (and look like predictions) because they observe technology and history. I like to recommend to people that they attend some sf conventions and talk to the SJG people AND to authors and artists.

Some people are just naturally a Little Stranger Than Other People.


Thank you for your response,

Interesting that you know Steve personally, I wonder where you got the impression that it was suggested that there was "inside info" as you put it, regarding the Card Game??

Talking of strange people, it appears a little strange that you would feel the need to highlight your opinion as this was not mentioned in my thread, regarding inside info.

I do not believe I implied in any way that Steve Jackson has some mystical crystal ball to see into the future. I just find it amazing that as time passes, more and more of his cards, appear to show situations in perfect detail.

How strange is that??


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