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10 Machu Picchu Secrets & Other Info: (You need to see, especially if you are going there-like I am!

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:34 PM
The Background. Until I joined ATS and after going through all the UFO and Alien research I could possibly stand, I started looking around the site. Comparing things I discovered of learned during the everyday life living and my research into Aliens/UFOs.

I recently stumbled onto a story and I did a thread on it:
Yale finally returns Machu Picchu artefacts to Peru (1000's of them!)

Well, I got to thinking all the things I read about Ufos/Aliens and the whole South & Central America-with the alleged connections the Buildings and past civilations & their influnece of Humans. Remembering everytime a UFO/Alien thread was posted about the topic and area, interesting debates seemed to erupt. Muddling up the whole history of the peoples and the land itself.

As I tried to take a objective look at things I realized that most of what I have learned, been taught, or came upon myself was in deep error. I had to step back and say.... There are no aliens. There are no UFOs/ Just US. We are the UFO and Aliens in other space-as of now. There is more evidence to prove that than there is that there are aliens that have come to or will come to earth.

That got me onto looking deeper into the history and peoples of the region. Which I did this thread in an odd attempt to make my own stance on the subject and to show others that there is more to the region:
10 Inca Ruins to See (That Aren’t Machu Picchu): [Makes me re-think Alien Interventions]
(A good one, I assure you).

Since then I have been "drawn" to the area. I can't stop looking things up. Which brings me to this thread. The wife and I decided as we plan our future, what we want to do is to GO to the Lands of Machu Picchu and experience everything there is to. I mean-stay there for a while. Like a year type of thing. Maybe do our own dig!!!

I came across this info and thought with all the interest in the area and it's history would be of interest. Mostly to show myself, and maybe others, that these people from that time did all of this wonderful building. We may not understand how they did it but-they did it. Unless I can see or find proof otherwise. SO... enjoy and PLAN to go.
It’s Not Actually the Lost City of the Inca

When the explorer Hiram Bingham III encountered Machu Picchu in 1911, he was looking for a different city, known as Vilcabamba. This was a hidden capital to which the Inca had escaped after the Spanish conquistadors arrived in 1532. Over time it became famous as the legendary Lost City of the Inca. Bingham spent most of his life arguing that Machu Picchu and Vilcabamba were one and the same, a theory that wasn’t proved wrong until after his death in 1956. (The real Vilcabamba is now believed to have been built in the jungle about 50 miles west of Machu Picchu.) Recent research has cast doubt on whether Machu Picchu had ever been forgotten at all. When Bingham arrived, three families of farmers were living at the site.

It’s No Stranger to Earthquakes

The stones in the most handsome buildings throughout the Inca Empire used no mortar. These stones were cut so precisely, and wedged so closely together, that a credit card cannot be inserted between them. Aside from the obvious aesthetic benefits of this building style, there are engineering advantages. Peru is a seismically unstable country—both Lima and Cusco have been leveled by earthquakes—and Machu Picchu itself was constructed atop two fault lines. When an earthquake occurs, the stones in an Inca building are said to “dance;” that is, they bounce through the tremors and then fall back into place. Without this building method, many of the best known buildings at Machu Picchu would have collapsed long ago.

Much of the Most Impressive Stuff is Invisible.

While the Inca are best remembered for their beautiful walls, their civil engineering projects were incredibly advanced as well. (Especially, as is often noted, for a culture that used no draft animals, iron tools, or wheels.) The site we see today had to be sculpted out of a notch between two small peaks by moving stone and earth to create a relatively flat space. The engineer Kenneth Wright has estimated that 60 percent of the construction done at Machu Picchu was underground. Much of that consists of deep building foundations and crushed rock used as drainage. (As anyone who’s visited in the wet season can tell you, Machu Picchu receives a lot of rain.)

There’s More Than One Peak to Climb

Long before dawn, visitors eagerly queue up outside the bus depot in Aguas Calientes, hoping to be one of the first persons to enter the site. Why? Because only the first 400 people who sign in are eligible to climb Huayna Picchu (the small green peak, shaped like a rhino horn, that appears in the background of many photos of Machu Picchu.) Almost no one bothers to ascend the pinnacle that anchors the opposite end of the site, which is usually called Machu Picchu Mountain. At 1,640 feet it is twice as tall, and the views it offers of the area surrounding the ruins—especially the white Urubamba River winding around Machu Picchu like a coiled snake—are spectacular.

There’s a Secret Temple

Should you be one of the lucky early birds who snags a spot on the guest list to Huayna Picchu, don’t just climb the mountain, snap a few photos, and leave. Take the time to follow the hair-raising trail to the Temple of the Moon, located on the far side of Huayna Picchu. Here, a ceremonial shrine of sorts has been built into a cave lined with exquisite stonework and niches that were once probably used to hold mummies.

Be sure to check out the main link for the other secrets!!!!!

Additional info link:
Top Six Alternate Routes to Machu Picchu
Breaks down the different time it can take depending on route and method!!!

And, lastly, this coupld here have the best modern day photo display of their trip to the region. This is what conviced the wife and I. Lets go and look for ourselves.
(You won't be disappointed-Examples of some of the shots)
Draw Bridge!

Climbing the tiny Incan steps

They had an awesome time hiking also!
edit on 7/14/2011 by anon72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:40 PM
I know exactly how you can someone not be drawn to a place as captivating as this!?

It's beautiful...and what really captures me is the history, the culture. Not withstanding the engineering and the sheer mind of the Incans. Absolutely brilliant! Look at that drawbridge and steps!

I hope you and your wife have fun! Rather than following the Inca trail, where there are a lot of restrictions in place, try to do it somehow without the guide...take an alternative route...Feel it for yourself, it'll be worth it!
edit on 14-7-2011 by BlackPoison94 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:41 PM
I would like to go down there sometime. What is the elevation? I went to Mt. Haleakala on Maui and I did not do so hot at 10k above sea level..

Ah.. only 7k.. That is more reasonable..
edit on 14-7-2011 by etombo because: found elevation

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by BlackPoison94

Thanks for the tips/heads up.

I was wondering about the guides.

I bet they must just chuckle to themselves when folks start talking about Aliens.

I am just overwhelmed by the building concept-all the way up there. Why? To be closer to the Heavens?

edit on 7/14/2011 by anon72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by anon72

May be there was a flood and they got obnoxious about their next building site

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by etombo

I use to think that could be a reason but then after this thread, I don't think so much so anymore. It appears they were well equiped and knowledgable about Rain-from what was stated about how they built M.P.

No, I think Rain could have been one of the reasons they did. Maybe the rains stopped or slowed in the low lands?
edit on 7/14/2011 by anon72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by anon72

I so want to go there. Also to Easter island. Ive done the Area 51 thing and Meteor crater thing.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by etombo

there was
according to legend whole area was raised up to that height
sea shells have been said to have been found in the area

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Really? Now that is something I would find EXTREMELY interesting to look into.

Do you remember where you saw this info?

Recent? I will go looking now.


posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by anon72

sorry dude, my mistake,
got it mixed up with tihuanaco

The Incas remember the Great Flood

"The water rose above the highest mountain in the world. All created things perished except for a man and woman who floated in a box. When the flood subsided, the floating box was driven by the wind to Tiwanaku (Lake Titicaca) about 200 miles from Cuzco. [Gaster, p. 127].

sorry, but it was close though

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Close enough. I plan on hitting the whole region.

Heck, we are even thinking of going sooner-for a short period. Just to get it out of our system.

However, I think I will have to do a lot more working out. Check out the one link in the opening thread post from the couple that picture documented their whole trip. Awesome.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 07:35 AM
Very nice post man.

I've been fascinated by Peru since I was a teen and always wanted to go to Machu Picchu, but it's at least 1000 just for the travel from the UK, and I've never had that kind of money spare.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Well, not so fast. I had a chance to look around AND.....

Giant SeaShells On 'Top' of Peru's Andes Mountain Range

Marine Fossils on 'top' of the Andes Mountains. More than 500 giant fossilized oysters were found 3000 meters (about 2 miles) above sea level in Peru in 2001 by Arturo Vildozola, palaeontologist with the Andean Society of Paleontology.


posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 06:24 PM
Excelent post!
The Incas are, without a doubt, a very mysterious and rich culture

About WHY the location: As I remember the whole place is like an Incaic Jerusalem, the promised land. I believe there's a whole story about the voyage of the Incas, following some prophecy until their "shaman" (I don't remember how they called their shamans) led them to what we now know as Machu Picchu. A place that had everything they needed to live, and could be HEAVILY fortified.


posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by drakus

Very interesting concept... and plausable.

Just as much so as the Christian version(s).

You gotta expand on that one. IMO

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 09:39 PM
I have heard Peruvian and Bolivian indians say the they are the remnants of Atlantis. The survivors.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

I can bend to that belief. I would need some more evidence but I am not so locked into one concept that I can't look at others.

Do you happen to have any leads for me/us?

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:32 PM
Thanks everyone for all the tips and secrets!

This is what makes ATS great, all the teamwork! Have a great time on your trip and may Pachamama inspire your heart!!!

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by anon72
reply to post by Shadow Herder

I can bend to that belief. I would need some more evidence but I am not so locked into one concept that I can't look at others.

Do you happen to have any leads for me/us?

Stone frieze from Maya ruins at Coba show stylized escape from a cataclysm marked by exploding volcanoes and collapsing temple pyramids. Maya legend recounts that the ancestors of the Mayas originally came from a great land in the "eastern sea" which was overcome and sank beneath the waves. Amerindian traditions refer to this land as the Aztlan or atlan and other similar names reminiscent of the sound of Atlantis.

There are flood stories from every tribe and culture from the Americas. Plato's story of Atlantis was 3rd hand information. If any story of the cataclysm that DID occur in the Americas around 11-7000 b.c made it out I am sure Plato's account is that of the Americas. It is obvious that the east was aware of the west at one point and something quite great happened.

How do you lose a continent like the AmericAtlantis? I am sure not too many people knew of her for most of the poeples worled their land and lived like tribes that are still lost in Brazil. They know nothing of the world. There are brotherhoods and groups that have had the knowledge of Lost America/Atlantis for hundreds of years. The plan to rebuild the new Atlantis has been in the works for sometime. I.e Washington d.c's Freemasonry street layout and monuments. Its gets deep. But ya, Atlantis is now the Americas. Welcome back,

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Great post!!! star.

Man, you hightened my interest in S & C America even more.

I just would like to know... where Plato got his info on Atlantis and how "current" was it.


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