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For America's "99ers," jobs crisis is hard to escape

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by David9176
many of these people are trying to hold onto their homes and avoid financial ruin....often they end up losing everything...further hurting the economy for the rest of the country. The older you are, the more difficult it is to find a job.

As I stated earlier, there is an increased health risk, if it requires physical labor a younger person will most likely be hired first.

Too many are willing to jump the gun on people in this situation "not trying hard enough" or "being lazy."

These are the ones who have been displaced by the outsourcing of American jobs and the recession....yet they are demonized for it.

It's quite easy to criticize someone when you aren't in there shoes...isn't it? These are real people and there are millions out there who are most likely in the same position. There is so much hatred for the actual citizens that make up this country that I often don't believe we even deserve to have a "country" since so much of the beliefs many carry here would only work on a deserted island.

I feel for the posters in this thread looking for work and I hope things turn around for them.

I couldn't agree more! Well said, David!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:03 AM
I also want to express my support to the unemployed in our country. They are not lazy, dirty and "no good". I for one will not be thrown into the coliseum to fight for the amusement and profit for the powerful.

I have been laid off in the past and it was not anything I enjoyed. For us older folks out there stay flexible, connect with friends and family, try a new approach and remember "you are not your stuff".

I wish I could say "Buy American" but they sold us out... the dirty rats!

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 03:59 AM
if a man works 20 - 30 yrs and becomes unemployed and gets 250/wk for a year he is a drain on society
if a man becomes a senator for 2 yrs and gets lifetime pension and health benefits he is forgotten
why do we allow different sets of rules for he who makes such rules
also why do we not see who is really gonna cost the taxpayer
unemployment payed by employer
pension payed by taxes

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