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Why are there so many different psycho-pharmaceutical drugs in nature?

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posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 05:44 AM
I have an interest for organic chemistry and the one thing I do not fully grasp is why there are so many different organisms with just as many different psycho-pharmaceutical drugs in their system. I understand that the main-stream explanation is to warn off is poison.

For us humans, and other animals these natural manifactured drugs (some hormones) are used to overcome critical situations (endorfine, adrenaline, '___') and are important to keep up the chemical balance in order to function,behave and think rational....again, to survive.....and multiply.

But what about all that flora that contain in some cases these many different chemical molecules which will cause a psychological effect on humans....and other animals. I can understand that their prime function is also protect the organism from enemies but could nature not make it easy on for itself by chosing just one effective poison and use it for all.....

The natural presence of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs in plants (other than the poison reason) to provide humans medicine I find a little difficult to accept because that would mean that these plants and their drugs are there only for us humans...we have the intelligence to sort them out and use them. There is probably the odd animal who would eat a certain plant for a specific medical complaint but that is it.

I do not know much about biology or evolution theory for that matter but one thing I do know and that is that nature has the power to create a complex diversity and the beauty continues to amaze not only scientists but also simple people like myself.

But to make a long story short and to come to the point....

There are indications that plants are not as stupid as we always thought they would be.....If you are interested to learn more about that subject you can click here.

Some talk to their plants and say that the plants give better fruits or just look healthier. Put a plants next to another one and they both do better....all arguments that there is something going on.

Could it be that these many different complex psycho-pharmaceutical molecules in plants have something to do with their ability to sence the world around them, just like such drugs do with us humans?

PS: I'm not sure this thread is in the right forum. If not would the moderator please move it to the proper one?

edit on 8-7-2011 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by zatara

a friend recently spoke to me about the ills of big pharma. his opinion is that the planet holds all the cures to illness that may come to man or animal. he referenced past civilizations that have been lost to time or slaughtered by others groups of men, and how lifetimes of knowledge and wisdom was lost because of this ignorant warrior behavior.

this fellow is not a biologist or botanist etcetera, this was merely his personal belief.

evidently modern man is seriously lacking know-how for natural remedies. i write this because TTBOMK in Americas 'wild west' days a person might die from the infection of a bad tooth. this still happens (although rarely) even though modern medicine can prevent it. someone who has to put off seeing the dentist may be putting their self at peril and not even know it.

i wish i could manage my own conditions using flora & fauna as opposed to pharmaceuticals. most medications have side effects that take a toll on a person over time.

on the big picture i think it makes sense that nature contains many things that can alter perception. as it is, most people live in societies where they are lorded over by people who thrive on power while working for captains of industry seeking profit beyond their need. most people do not get to live a more natural life in harmony with nature. perhaps if we did live as past cultures have our recreation would be using plants & what-not to stimulate the universe of the mind and what we may find there. as it is, we have the artificial stimulation of mankinds destructive inventions to distract and entertain us.

i use the term 'destructive' because in essence many items are. look at all that goes into NASCAR racing, just as an example. all sorts of raw materials are pulled from the earth and processed to create the components of each vehicle. along the way all sorts of nasty wastes are created and pollutants are released. while the drivers risk their lives on race day TV signals are broadcast to viewers, along with the other electronic signals in the air and whatever hazards they may impose. sooner or later the tires, worn uniforms, even TV cameras wind up in a dump somewhere. and this is the way for what, a million different things?

meanwhile the secrets that nature holds waits to be re-discovered. for as intelligent as some people are we manage to do a lot of stupid things.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by zatara

Interesting topic. Researchers often go to the plant world, and to the seas, when looking for new cures.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 06:52 AM
I strongly suggest you study chemistry. Quite helpful to understand the complex varieties of molecules and all that follows(biology, genetics then evolution).

There's more than a 100 types of atoms(see periodic table of elements) which once combined to one or more other elements can form molecules. Some of these complex molecules in the body get degraded to form simpler one.

You should also check out neuro-transmitters.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by zatara

Many plants produce parts of themselves that are meant to be eaten. They do this because they depend on animals to help them have sex and reproduce.

Thus nectar, fruits, etc.

Some plants get animals to eat their specially-made parts by making them tasty and nourishing. Other plants get animals to eat their specially-made parts by making them psychoactive. Animals like getting high, too.

And of course, if you only want part of yourself to be eaten, it helps if you make the animal who's eaten part of you forget where the rest of you is still growing.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by zatara

I find a little difficult to accept because that would mean that these plants and their drugs are there only for us humans...we have the intelligence to sort them out and use them. There is probably the odd animal who would eat a certain plant for a specific medical complaint but that is it.

Well i think plants have these properties so animals will eat them and/or carry them in their mouths to spread the seeds elsewhere.

(Propagating the species)

And i think they do not only have these pscyho-reactive molecules in them because of humans i'd surmise its because they want to attract or deter animals to the plant to eat it and/or consume the plants waste.

Such as attracting animals to eat Fruits/Vegetables.

And/or to Deter Animals from Eating etc. By Poisons Like Poison Ivy and other such plants who deter animals..

Not sure why exactly..

But that's just some thoughts


I think Animals are mainly different from plants because animals use their brains to seek nutrients by scavenging being omnivores eating other creatures.

While Plants do the opposite they have no brains they don't eat other creatures (Except Venus fly-traps etc)

The plants Gather their Energy from The Sun /water /Soil(dead plants animals Decomposition)

So plants do not require brains because the energy is there for them.

Life is beautiful isn't it.

This Article may explain to you how the plants through unconsciousness quantum mechanics can understand gather and comprehend per-se their environment around them.

Even without having eyes and just being in the vicinity.

Live Science- Near Perfect Particle Measurment Achieved- Quantum Mechanics

Wikipedia- Quantum Decoherence

Decoherence can be viewed as the loss of information from a system into the environment (often modeled as a heat bath). It is thus acknowledged that no system is, in reality, perfectly isolated—but rather every system is loosely coupled with the energetic state of its surroundings. Viewed in isolation, the system's dynamics are non-unitary (although the combined system plus environment evolves in a unitary fashion). Thus the dynamics of the system alone, treated in isolation from the environment, are irreversible. As with any coupling, entanglements are generated between the system and environment, which have the effect of sharing quantum information with—or transferring it to—the surroundings.

A quantum state is often a superposition of other quantum states, for instance, the spin states of an electron. Simply put; the electron can assume or occupy numerous states simultaneously. These unique states are then referred to as a spectrum of eigenstates, or allowed conditions; the superposition of states is described by a wave function, and the wave function collapse was given the name decoherence. Today, the decoherence program studies quantum correlations between the states of a quantum system and its environment. But the original sense remains: decoherence refers to the untangling of quantum states to produce a single macroscopic reality

Nature and the Laws of physics and Quantum Mechanics explains for all these extremely odd abilities traits and features that animals and plants exhibit

Wikipedia- Quantum Entanglement

This behavior is theoretically coherent and has been demonstrated experimentally, and it is accepted by the physics community. However there is some debate[5] about a possible underlying mechanism that enables this correlation to occur even when the separation distance is large. The difference in opinion derives from espousal of various interpretations of quantum mechanics.

Research into quantum entanglement was initiated by the EPR paradox paper of Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen in 1935,[6] and a couple of papers by Erwin Schrödinger shortly thereafter.[7][8] Although these first studies focused on the counterintuitive properties of entanglement, with the aim of criticizing quantum mechanics, eventually entanglement was verified experimentally, and recognized as a valid, fundamental feature of quantum mechanics; the focus of the research has now changed to its utilization as a resource for communication and computation.

Its truly fascinating the way The Universe functions.

To be honest

I think the Purpose of the Universe is for life to Exist.

I am Agnostic and do Not Confide in Religion.

But the Laws of Physics and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Cohere, Quantum De-Coherence, Vibrations , Wave Function, Etc

Allow for Life To exists and persists.

And Interact in Wonderful ways that benefit the individual life form and the various life forms permeating around that life form in its vicinity.

The Universe is Truly Wonderful.

Can't wait to go out there and explore the Exo-Planets and our Solar System.

To bad i'll be passed away before we probably explore another Star System

The Human Race Continue You Journey;

After We (I) Are/Am gone.

And we will propagate throughout the Universe and vastness eternal Infinite.

Walk the Path Humanity; We shall Ascend and Trascend
edit on 14-7-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:44 AM
Why so many drugs in nature you ask.
Answer..... Because nature is awesome and it wants us all to eat the good stuff that it creates, it wants us healthy in mind, body and spirit.
And nature, well,,, it wants us looking like this

I love nature and all its medicines

edit on 14-7-2011 by meathed because: (no reason given)

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