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"Orrin Hatch: The 'Poor' Should Do More To Shrink Debt, Not The Rich"

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posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

Yea, American health care is horrible, you guys get charged up the you know what
for maintaining your own health. Couple that with insurance company scam artists
and you end up with no coverage at all because some lunatic in the insurance
company found somehow through extensive research that you "lied" on your application,
or that somehow now that it's their time to pay you are no longer qualified for their insurance
coverage, but of course, it was okay when THEY took the money from YOU.

Well, if it makes you feel better, public health care ain't all that groovy either,
I'm from Canada and I can tell you about the horrors of people dying in the ER
waiting on service. Underfunding is a big problem, but that's because of corruption.
There's a ton of corruption up here, ESPECIALLY in Quebec.
We've got highways and tunnels falling down on people, and paid "experts" tell us
that our crumbling bridges are a okay.

A regulated market is necessary to avoid ponzi schemes.
Of course, it has to be regulated with a head, can't just start
regulating everything cause then you end up with... a depression.
too much neo-liberalism or regulation can have the same adverse effect.

Don't even get me started on the education scam, I'm a University student...
Thus far I've avoided a debt, of course I've also avoided vacations and material goods...
I have 73$ in the bank account... I work and go to school.
Yea, and we have "free" education here, pay 2k every semester,
then tell me it's free. This is school only, then there's the bills...
Yes, I am fully aware that it's even worse in the USA.

Ponzi schemes everywhere? This is what happens when
you let morons in charge of your country.
I'm iffy about democracy for this exact reason.
If I'd have it my way I'd run the show by enacting
realistic policies to prevent this kind of garbage from taking form.

... I study business ... what you propose as solutions are...
"what it should be" from the perspective of the worker only.
Keep in mind the perspective of the entrepreneur as well,
if they pay you a small wage it's because they can't afford
to pay you a higher one, the reason for this is that everything
is sold for cheap, because it's manufactured in china.
To stay competitive the business owners have to cut costs
to provide the cheapest prices for their customers,
hence your pitiful wage. This is the effect of Neo-Liberalism.
The drive for continuous profit is the end result of the stock market,
yet another idiotic idea, government banks should lend businesses money,
private investment should only be done via government banking
with fixed expected profits. this stock market ideology is driving
businesses and investors to craziness thinking they're gonna discover El Dorado.

I still find it funny when I read business articles,
specifically about renown companies.
The people working in those companies truly
believe that the consumer has unlimited funds or something...

I agree with you on the education scam,
we don't need half the education to do most of the labor,
this is why I propose changing the education system all together.
Education should be regulated by government,
the moment you let private sector in on it they try cutting their own training costs
by making you get that training, oh, and making you pay for it.
This brings an even worst situation, useless degrees.
Currently I got a flight attending certificate, High-school degree,
almost completed two College degrees, I know how to do architectural
drafting with auto cad and auto desk due to studying in trades school.
through personal work experience I can renovate buildings, but hold no certification.
So what do I have at the end of all this? A cashier job at Wal-Mart for minimum wage.

edit on 1-8-2011 by Radekus because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2011 by Radekus because: (no reason given)

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