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The Next American Revolution Won't Be Like the First

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Upon hearing my friend out, however, my first thought was, "if a revolution erupts, it will resemble the French one of 1789 more closely than the American one of 1776." Then I sat back and tried to figure out why I had arrived at that sudden conclusion, and whether or not it had merit.

One of the reasons for thinking that America might be "going French" is that current American society resembles descriptions I've read of pre-Revolution France more closely than America now resembles its young self.

Consider the issue of a class structure. America became a magnet for the wretched of the world because it delivered on the promise of a classless society...

*Please do yourself a service and read the entire article before commenting* - Thank you

Unfortunately I fear Ms. McElroy could be right in regards to this trying issue of our possibly dark future. So many think they are ready for a Revolution with only minor fears and reservations. Most believe that it will be quite similar to that of the first American Revolution since, of course, we are the same people and generally accept most of principles our founders had. With that said, then why would we fall into the same abyss that the French fell into? Reading that article will help you understand why but it only does so much.

Much of the anger held by Americans is towards those we see as violating our rights and generally oppressing us, these people are not some foreign entity, rather they are our fellow Americans who belong to the upper classes. The American Revolution of 1776 was not about hostility towards any class of individuals instead, as previously stated, it was directed towards a foreign power. Rich, poor, working class, everyone came together under the banner of liberty and independence to free themselves from the monarchy.

Now the anger is within our own borders and since it is not about communism it will not be like the Revolution in Russia it is still about liberty. But now it is about liberty with mob justice. We have become too accustomed to the notion of democracy rather than republic. This makes it much easier for mob justice, like the Reign of Terror, to occur here. Long gone are the days of American revolutionaries reading Adam Smith and John Locke, here are the days of Americans trying to merge social justice with liberty, two incompatible ideologies that, when combined, produce tyranny of the majority.

Those who would be targets of this tyranny? All those who fight on the side of the state, openly defend the old republic, members of the old republic, and all those associated with it including businessmen, academics, etc... That is the problem we face today. How can we have a revolution without it turning into one where there is a guillotine on every street corner? Possibly the author of the article is wrong and any possible revolution we have would be about as civil as the one of 1776 but when you think about it, what are the chances of that?

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:02 PM
Excellent S&F for your work
which is as always

This has been my premise all along and those in charge know their own necks are literally on the block. Which is why I feel they (in the West) have almost no other option but to push us into some kind of major conflict.

A conflict that would project our anger onto someone else while they are able to shore up their power base with "emergency" war type legislation. but it has to be a big conflict, one that citizens buy into so they could enact those emergency powers as anything less than that would leave them more exposed to the masses.

It scares me to think of what they might cook up to make it happen.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:09 PM
A lot of heads certainly need cut off in America.

The day it happens will be a good day.
edit on 18-6-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:09 PM
I have to agree. I feel within myself anger towards lawyers who corrupt the system, bankers who fleece us of the money we have made, and politicians who fleece us of even more money as well as taking our very freedoms from us. Is the guillotine the answer? Is it a just answer? The Christian in me says no. However the angry formerly free citizen wants to punish the PTB for all they have done and continue to do. It is a strong dichotomy within me. I think my answer is that I will not seek to slay the entire class of leeches that have been destroying our nation. However, as happened with the banker in Puerto Rico, I shall not shed a tear over their passing.
For a long time I had the belief and later only the hope that real change could be achieved without violence. Sadly, I feel that hope dying within me. I feel, as she does, that when it finally breaks loose blood will flow freely in the streets. Some of it ours, much more of it theirs.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
A lot of heads certainly need cut off in America.

The day it happens will be a good day.
edit on 18-6-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

The day that happens in America all my respect for fellow Americans will evaporate. We are not a people in favor of mob justice, at least we should not be. I want to see no heads on stakes, no persons at the guillotines without a fair trial, and no mob making or enforcing the rule of law no matter how just their cause may be.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Yeah well I should have specified those who's head need cut off need trials beforehand.

The only mob America needs is to arrest those the cops and the judges won't arrest. Then we need a real trial by the people, not some lawyer trick that will make the scum walk free on a technicality.

But for a lot of these scum, we don't really need a trial, they have shown their traitorous actions time and time again, hundreds of times over the years.
edit on 18-6-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Misoir

Originally posted by Vitchilo
A lot of heads certainly need cut off in America.

The day it happens will be a good day.
edit on 18-6-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

The day that happens in America all my respect for fellow Americans will evaporate. We are not a people in favor of mob justice, at least we should not be. I want to see no heads on stakes, no persons at the guillotines without a fair trial, and no mob making or enforcing the rule of law no matter how just their cause may be.

Nonsense. Mob justice is still justice. What else is there? Vote them out? LMFAO!

They are a cancer. One does not give each of the cancer cells a fair trial. One simply kills them all.

I recommend the noose. It's simple, portable, reliable, and reusable. Guillotines require too much maintenance.

edit on 18-6-2011 by LHP666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:27 PM
i have seen alot of talk i dont ever see a day of revolution coming.

mob justice is not mob justice its vigilantism.

there are dangers of people usurping a "grand cause" to push a different agenda than was originally intended.

and thats why this country is messed up.

people hate and lose all rational thought and make irrational choices.

the system sucks no one will argue it but what replaces it is more often than naught the same or worse.

recent world history has shown us all the truth of that.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by LHP666

I would not like to drag my thread into one of debating whether or not mob justice is legitimate justice but I cannot hold myself back from commenting on what is so ridiculously absurd. Justice is one where individual rights are respected and upheld, regardless of how vile the individual is. What you endorse is more of emotion driven injustice. Regardless of how disgusting these people are they too are just as deserving of their natural rights as you or I.

May I also add into the factor of the outright hypocrisy you are showing? You would want a revolution to take back individual liberty from those who stripped it from you and you would do this by taking away theirs? How can you rationalize or justify that?

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:28 PM

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:35 PM
bump thread to get that outrageous name off the forum mainpage

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by LHP666

I would not like to drag my thread into one of debating whether or not mob justice is legitimate justice but I cannot hold myself back from commenting on what is so ridiculously absurd. Justice is one where individual rights are respected and upheld, regardless of how vile the individual is. What you endorse is more of emotion driven injustice. Regardless of how disgusting these people are they too are just as deserving of their natural rights as you or I.

You say it's based on emotion. It's not. It's based on fact. You saying that they are "vile", "disgusting" etc. is based on emotion. All I am saying is that they deserve death, They have forfeited their right to live on this planet. They have done that by their actions.

I see no good reason to show mercy to those that would never reciprocate. The only solution is to be merciless to the merciless. You don't play stupid little games with these psychopaths. You destroy them. Then you make goddamn sure they don't get in power ever again when the next crop of psychos try and take over all over again..

May I also add into the factor of the outright hypocrisy you are showing? You would want a revolution to take back individual liberty from those who stripped it from you and you would do this by taking away theirs? How can you rationalize or justify that?

You're goddamn right I would, It is self-justifiable. I don't have to justify or rationalize anything. They need to go. Permanently.

I bet you change your tune when it starts, and you get attacked.

Useless morality, usually believed when one is not in danger, is rested and well-fed, flies right out the shattered window when things aren't so comfortable anymore..
edit on 18-6-2011 by LHP666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 05:25 PM
The difference between America and France is that in America we have minorities that will be scapegoated should violence break out in the US, The "Revolution" might start out as a reaction against the elite but there are racist forces that will coop that call to arms quickly and use it to satisfy their blood lust.

America isn't a melting pot. Communities are more stratified now than ever. Granted There are pockets of intermingling but in the large cities and suburbs it's still pretty much people of color in the inner city and whites in the suburbs. Think that won't play a part in the "Revolution?"

No it won't be like the first American revolution and it won't be like the French revolution either....

It will be a race war and the cities will burn and blood, chaos and anarchy will rule the day.

Want peace? Work for justice! And God help us!

edit on 18-6-2011 by whaaa because: PT come back

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by whaaa

No it won't be like the first American revolution and it won't be like the French revolution either....

It'll be like Katrina except nationwide. Any excuse to loot will do.

It will be a race war and the cities will burn and blood, chaos and anarchy will rule the day.

For a while.

Diversity + proximity = war. That is human nature.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:00 PM
Some of America want to revolt because they think we have a socialist Muslim leader who is about to impose Sharia law on us. Some of America wants to revolt because we are being led into a fascist government. How will this work? There might be cooperation during the revolution, but what about after it? These boards show how partisan the nation is and a revolution won/t change that. Will there be a civil war following the revolution?

Also, there needs a common enemy, which people probably won't agree on. Who would be the enemy?

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Throwback
Some of America want to revolt because they think we have a socialist Muslim leader who is about to impose Sharia law on us. Some of America wants to revolt because we are being led into a fascist government. How will this work? There might be cooperation during the revolution, but what about after it? These boards show how partisan the nation is and a revolution won/t change that. Will there be a civil war following the revolution?

Also, there needs a common enemy, which people probably won't agree on. Who would be the enemy?

a civil war after the revolution..where have I heard that before, oh right, America.

history repeating itself?

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by LHP666
You say it's based on emotion. It's not. It's based on fact.

So says you...

You saying that they are "vile", "disgusting" etc. is based on emotion. All I am saying is that they deserve death, They have forfeited their right to live on this planet. They have done that by their actions.

And this is precisely why society doesn't allow people like you to make those kinds of decisions.

I see no good reason to show mercy to those that would never reciprocate.

Again, based on *your* assessment? - Please...

The only solution is to be merciless to the merciless. You don't play stupid little games with these psychopaths. You destroy them. Then you make goddamn sure they don't get in power ever again when the next crop of psychos try and take over all over again..

Well thank God we have you to be this country's moral compass!

You're goddamn right I would, It is self-justifiable. I don't have to justify or rationalize anything. They need to go. Permanently.

"Self-justifiable". Yup, there it is right there. Anything *you* decide is OK. Even if you execute the wrong person(s) - it's "OK" because the greater good is being YOU see it.
You need serious professional help.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Yeah, but I'm thinking this civil war would happen much faster.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by userid1

And this is precisely why society doesn't allow people like you to make those kinds of decisions.

I have no desire to make these kinds of decisions for society. I make personal judgments.

I suppose that it has slipped your attention that our sheep society is what got us into this mess. If you want to lead them, then be my guest. I don't want that job.

People want the easy way out. There is no easy way out. But you can be a love-and-light fluff bunny if you want to be. Give the psychopaths a nice hug. Perhaps they will leave you alone. Yes, I'm sure they will.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:34 PM
Without whole lot of really bad deaths occurring nothing will happen.They will have to cross an obvious line first.

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