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James Carville says civil unrest in this country is "imminently possible"...

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posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:22 PM
In the article/video on the link, James Carville, mainstream Democratic strategist/tv personality, admits Obama is in trouble due to the economy and lack of jobs. Imus is in agrement with him. But when Carville mentions the possibility of civil unrest, Imus breaks him off and cuts away to something else. You'd think the prospect of civil unrest would be a bigger issue than Obama's re-election bid. And Carville isn't exactly Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura. He's about as mainstream a pundit as you can get.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:32 PM
Interesting comment from Carville. I've never liked Carville's politics but I have always respected his candor and no BS attitude. Carville is clearly no dummy and is also not alone in believing that our nation is poised for trouble. It will all start when the entitlement programs get cut while food prices continue to skyrocket and job numbers continue to remain flat or get worse. It's the perfect storm....

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
Interesting comment from Carville. I've never liked Carville's politics but I have always respected his candor and no BS attitude. Carville is clearly no dummy and is also not alone in believing that our nation is poised for trouble. It will all start when the entitlement programs get cut while food prices continue to skyrocket and job numbers continue to remain flat or get worse. It's the perfect storm....

Ditto here. Carville has never been anybody's fool, so when he makes a statement like that people need to listen up. The current situation could make the unrest of the sixties look like a sunday brunch.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:45 PM
With the election coming, things will sort out.
I dont see unrest coming for 2-3 years IF things doesn't sort out.
and by that time hopefully, people will realise FB is remarkably lame.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by louieprima

I've always like the cut of Carville's jib. That whole Clinton campaign machine was great, but Carville in particular seemed to Get It. He was also a friend of Hunter Thompson's and that goes a long way in my weird book.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:49 PM
I don't always agree with Carville, but I do like him. That being said, of course he was cut off. MSM has to tiptoe around the topic of civil unrest, there's just too many unemployed, pissed off people sitting around with nothing constructive to do. It's just kind of in our nature to do something with our time. If we have nothing to build, it's kind of tempting to break something. Or just take it apart and see how it works. So, we have a big political machine, which isn't working, alot of people sitting idle (not working), we have time, coupled with frustration, sounds like we have all the makings of civil unrest there.

This nation is like an old car, on it's last leg, knocking pinging, still running but barely. I've owned a few cars like this. We can go two ways with it. Do we fix it up? Fixing up is costly, and hard work (a little fun if you like that sort of thing). Or do we jump in, strap on the seatbelt, and do doughnuts, rip things up with this poor old clunker and send it off with a bang? (distruction is really fun, and it takes the car out of the equation, leaving us with the decision to find a better car.) I've done both in reference to cars, rebuilt, and destroyed. I'm almost always happier with the outcome of distruction over rebuilding.

So applying this metaphore to the country, what is best for the people? We're all bailing a sinking ship with thimbles right now, I think we're better off swimming for it.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:51 PM
Question is, how many times can you poke that dog in the corner before he stops growling his warnings of anger and fear before he lunges and takes your throat?
People in the US go off on our spouses, neighbors, people on the road, Etc.
When we are content we are fine and get along quite well, but when agitated we become a totally different animal.
In the upcoming revolt I full on expect to see war crimes committed by the citizens that will make the rest of the world gasp.
Then the scary part comes, one side triumphs and we look for the reasons to our financial debacle.
I will be willing to cross borders to drag any piece of filth back here to stand trial, I know many others that feel the same.
Could carville be the PTB's primer?
Or were these his accurate feelings?

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Bobaganoosh

No way your getting me into one of those new piece of crap cars bro!
The old car has numerous probs and not much works but we're gonna fix er up.
Only difference is we're marching into the parts store and taking what we need off the shelves.
She will be mechanically sound and have a good looking body again, not perfect mind you but more than good enough to cruise in for another 2hundred thousand miles.
Once again we will be the envy of the cruise strip!

Because we put work into our ride.
Don't go swimmin bro, there are sharks in that water.

edit on 6-6-2011 by g146541 because: bad spellar

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:03 PM
If this is the case will we see a second american civil war when the situation goes bad

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by g146541

Believe me, I get what you are saying. I love the old rides, and I'm about preservation. (My Torino in my pics is proof

The Country is absolutely worth saving, but our government isn't. The thing is, the government is an unruly, unwelcome passenger (hitchiker is more the word), and they have devalued our once pristine Caddy Coup DeVille to that of a Pinto with a blown gasket. We can try and try to get rid of this hitchiker, or get him to learn the error of his freeloader ways, but there comes a point where you look at your Caddy and see the Pinto it has become, you forget why you loved the dam thing in the first place, so, out of frustration you slam the poor thing into a telephone pole and pray that it kills the passenger.

It can go one way or the other, we're just at that time.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:21 PM
I doubt that there will be civil unrest akin to situation in Greece, simply because American's are too caught up with cable TV, kids activities and other nonsense.

There will be civil unrest during the next election though. 2012 will be a very dirty election and extremely racially polarizing. As the moderate democrats abandon Obama, much like they abandoned Carter, the hard left and minorities will be left and, unless the outcome of the election is a foregone conclusion and it is clear that Obama is going to beat badly, there will be significant civil unrest on election night and the days following in many cities.

While I like Carville and think he is a reasonably moderate, smart gent, I also think that the predictions of civil unrest will increasingly become a democrat talking point to give the milktoast in the country pause about voting for someone other than Obama.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:49 PM
I do like Carville's frankness and he has always struck me as honest. People need to force MSM into discussing the unrest in this country. There will be no doubt two Bilderberg candidates to choose from to ensure that no matter who wins the agenda will be followed to it's conclusion. I'm in real fear that if everyone waits until an election that we have no chance of changing the course of America's future.

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