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Dogs More Effective Fighting Terrorism Than TSA Perverts And Thugs!

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posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:35 AM
I've been thinking about this for awhile and have seen this sentiment shared in several TSA/naked body scanner threads.

First off, bomb-sniffing dogs are far, far cheaper than the machines.

The AIT scanners cost close to $170,000 each.

Bomb-sniffing dogs, on the average, cost around $60,000 for a lifetime of training, healthcare, food, etc.
Plus, they re-produce for free, creating new bomb-sniffing dogs

Dogs are a huge help to our efforts in Afghanistan & Iraq -

Today, they're a central part of U.S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan -- as of early 2010 the U.S. Army had 2,800 active-duty dogs deployed (the largest canine contingent in the world). And these numbers will continue to grow as these dogs become an ever-more-vital military asset.


The Lackland school simulates everything a dog could encounter on the job. Real explosives are hidden in cabinets, airplane seats and luggage. These dogs can pick up the scent in seconds and are taught to immediately sit when they find the bomb. Trainers believe the dogs would have detected the explosives found in the shoes of a passenger on an American Airlines flight from Paris last month.

"Everything that I have seen as far as the type of explosives that were in those shoes, if our dogs would have been put in a situation to detect it, in all probability they would have responded," says Air Force Sgt. John

Right now, only the nation's 39 busiest airports are protected with bomb sniffing dogs. The FAA wants to double that and protect 80 U.S. airports with a total of 300 dogs.

Double it? How about quadruple it and get rid of the TSA goons sticking their hands down our pants...and the machines. Which we all know are not required to give us any real information about what it does to our bodies while scanning!

How is it that the largest and most powerful military assembled in history uses the bomb-sniffing dogs effectively, but TSA doesn't employ them instead of patdowns and x-rays???

This is an interesting 3 minute vid, The Russians sure have it figured out...

Here's an interesting site about the military's different uses of combat dogs-

So, a few questions.... Why are we spending way more on the body scanner machines?

Besides the obvious Military Industrial Complex arguments....It's programming.

Why do we need low-life SCUMBAG, PERVERTS sticking their hands in our butt cracks, feeling up our Mom's breasts, checking your baby's diaper...



This is just more evidence they are getting us ready for the Total Police State. Dogs would be far more effective, including cost-wise, than the TSA...

All it's going to take is one more event, one more false flag. If you are upset about the TSA's "powers" now, just wait until it gets worse, it WILL get worse unless Americans stand up and just refuse to fly.

That's all we need to do. You have to fly for your job, you say? We need to see lawsuits, all across the country...Employee VS. Employer, for subjecting employees to TSA, their scanners, and their thugs. It's criminal what is happening to the American public!

What will we let them get away with next in the name of fighting Terrorism???

How far do you have to be pushed?

I have a question for any TSA agent reading this - How do you sleep at night? You must like feeling up old ladies, little kids, men, and women for a living. That is what your job is, to condition us to be SLAVES. Congratulations scumbag.

edit on 4-6-2011 by Signals because: classified

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:46 AM
"Cheaper than machines": It's NOT all about money. I would rather have dogs play with loving families than work in dangerous jobs. That's all.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by pikypiky

Sounds like your conditioning is complete, you are ready for Phase 2.

Anybody else?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:53 AM
Very well thought out thread Signals. Personally, I think it's control. Keep us standing in lines. Feeling uncomfortable. And there's really nothing we can do about it. Other than not fly. Complain all you want in the're just subjecting yourself to more hassle. Trust me there...I know! TSA has to justify their existence. Their machines and scanners are their answer.

Subjugation of

Personally though, I really don't want a dog's nose in my crotch either, but it's got to be more effecting at actually finding things than these scanners are.
On the other hand, we'd still have to go through metal detectors though. Last I checked dogs can't sniff out knives.

But you're absolutely correct. Unless we stand up as a group, nothing will ever happen to change this other than make it worse.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by pikypiky

Sounds like your conditioning is complete, you are ready for Phase 2.

Anybody else?

Is Phase 2 the free showers?

Or does that come with phase 3?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:11 AM
Well, we've already hired this legion of GED holders to cup testicles.

Trying to get rid of them now will surely result in the "they need jobs!" sort of idiocy that keeps the bar held so low.

It's the only reason NJ won't let you pump your own gas. Tards need jobs.

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posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

That's completely correct, good spin on it. Surely we can't fire a bunch of people, then we would be going in reverse....right?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

That's completely correct, good spin on it. Surely we can't fire a bunch of people, then we would be going in reverse....right?

We'd still need someone to clean up all the dog poop.....

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:22 AM
I made a post regarding this in an earlier far is has been quite effective in Russia where they've made a special breed of sniffer dogs just for that. TSA = our tax dollars in the crap chute...Not only is it a waste of money, it infringes on a private industry.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Check this article out. I travel the Washington State ferry system frequently. I see the dogs as non-intrusive, as their sense of smell does not need to invade the personal space of my trousers to detect explosives.

The Patrol has been in charge of ferry security since 1993, said State Patrol Lieutenant Steve McCulley, and even had explosives-detecting dogs dating back to 1997. But it once responded just to 911 calls at the terminals, rather than the much larger job of stopping terrorism before it happens.

Dogs have been used long before 9/11. Heck even a bomb sniffing dog was strapped to a navy seal during the Osama Bin Laden raid

I think the nail was already hit on the head though...

One dog and handler can take the place of many former unemployement collecting TSA agents.

I'm sure some union somewhere will put a stop to fido from sniffing my crotch in an airport. Claiming that dogs are dirty or dangerous to the public, by baiting them to bite or by planting poop under the shoes of unsuspecting travelers.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Dogs nose is the ultimate detection tool. It doesn't miss anything if the dog is properly trained. There is only one thing that can cause a problem and that is for a male dog to go into area where there is a bitch in heat. Dog is far superior to any technology and human procedure. I never understood why they didn't use the money to add more dogs to airports etc. if they're so worried.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps

Exactly, it's a money issue...AND I don't know about you, but I would actually feel SAFER with bomb dogs everywhere, not TSA agents...

I have more of a chance of being bitten by rattlesnake than being a victim of "Terrorism", they are setting us up...

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Signals

You are right Signals, with the programming aspect. But I also think that it has to do with a deeper psychological event. Intimidation. Honestly to me it seems like the TSA act just like the victims of rapists describing their tormentors.
They want you dreading going through their line. They know you have to, and they can still treat you with impunity. I think TPTB want to instill that programming into you so that when even more draconian measures are introduced, the people will meekly accept them.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Signals

I totally agree dogs can sniff out bombs and drugs.
I know that dogs are awesome at just about any task you put them to.
However, the tsa is not worried about drugs or bombs.

Someone could smuggle a boxcutter on board or a finely sharpened stick, or a spork!!
/end sarcasm.

Yeah dogs would be an awesome alternative, but really some idiot would bring up the boxcutter.
In my opinion if a crew of people could be held at bay by a box cutter or whatever, they get what they deserve.
In addition, the PTB are having too much fun listening to people complain for something they have agreed to.
I don't like the pat downs but until the people do something, it will not change as you know our non elected representatives will not do anything without the corporations say so.

I am quite lucky that I will not fly.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 05:55 PM
Do dogs also sniff out knifes?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:52 PM
How bout the US and NATO just stop bombing the hell out of
other countries? I'll bet that would cut any threat of terrorism
to a fraction of what it is now. AND ITS CHEAPER!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
Do dogs also sniff out knifes?

Standard metal detectors are still in use at all airports...but you knew that...

How do you feel about what the TSA is allowed to do in the name of "safety"? What laws must they follow and who do they answer to?

Wouldn't extra bomb-sniffing dogs be better for everyone involved at airports?

Where does their authority end?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

That's what the original, standard metal detectors were for....Long before TSA even existed.

So, that leads me to wonder how the 9/11 hijackers managed to get past them in the first place...Not sure what the official report was on that. 9/11 is not a good enough excuse to render a whole new agency from tax payer dollars.

So far no one has provided a good enough reason for TSA to exist. There is more evidence to suggest that it is a useless agency that is wasting millions of tax dollars.
edit on 4-6-2011 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:38 PM
Dogs work too well. There would be almost no chance of a terror attack happening on a plane with explosives, if there were dogs walking past and inspecting each security checkpoint. And they can't have that. The underwear and shoe bomber would have never gotten through, and they wouldn't have been able to keep America as scared as they are now.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:05 AM
Here is the craziest thing, a device that detects everithing ADE 651 ... at least this is what the the company ATSC LTD which produce it pretend.

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