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The Emerald Tablet (Alchemy)

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posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:42 AM
The Emerald Tablet is the only surviving genuine writing of Hermes, the founder of alchemy in this age. Hermes was called Mercury by the Romans, the messenger of the gods, and it is after Hermes that the word mercury is used so commonly in alchemy. Alchemy is also called the "hermetic" art, after Hermes, and even today the term "hermetically sealed" can be used to describe an airtight seal (necessary in alchemy.)

Some believe Hermes was Noah of flood fame, others believe he was Enoch. Regardless, Hermes was the person who carried the knowledge of the sacred sciences over the last big catastrophe to save it from destruction (which leans towards him being Noah.) It was also Hermes who began the vow of secrecy, reserving alchemy only for a limited elite of the wise, but with the understanding that the secret will be released again at the end of the age.

There are many legends surrounding the tablet, the name of the tablet itself comes from a legend of it being found written on a tablet made of emerald in the crypt of Hermes. Though in reality it appears that The Emerald Tablet has been in continuous circulation passing through the hands of the alchemists since the beginning.

The Emerald Tablet itself is the central and most concise of alchemical texts, and it is also the most accurate, explaining the full theory, practice and philosophy in just a few words.

I will list 5 different translations of each line, including my own, and provide commentary.
Line 1. Arabic translation.
Line 2. Newton's translation.
Line 3. Beato's translation.
Line 4. Contemporary rendering of the Latin text.
Line 5. Author's translation (bold).

It contains an accurate commentary that can't be doubted.
Tis true without lying, certain most true.
This is true and remote from all cover of falsehood.
It is true, without error, certain and most true,
A fundamental truth, without error, perfect and complete.

This line is informing us that what is being said is a fundamental truth, not only a relative truth. Relative truths can change, such as "the sky is blue", it is not always true. Fundamental truths never change, are always true, and therefore can be applied on any level, or in any situation.

It states: What is the above is from the below and the below is from the above. The work of wonders is from one.
That which is below is like that which is above that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
Whatever is below is similar to that which is above. Through this the marvels of the work of one thing are procured and perfected.
That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the one thing.
As above, so below; the lesser and greater; microcosm and macrocosm: they are the same. Following this principle, all things were made from the One.

There are two statements on this line. The first is telling us that every level follows the same fundamental principles. Things above us (macrocosms: planets, solar systems, galaxies) and things below us (microcosms: the Philosophers' Stone, atoms, etc.) follow exactly the same principles. They may look different from our perspective, but they all operate in the same way. This is very important to understand, if you can grasp this fact then you will start to see it everywhere. It is because of this that we know how to make the Stone and why it works. On a different level, it also tells us that spirituality, philosophy and the physical world again follow the same principles. If something is true spiritually then it must also have a physical counterpart. There is nothing which applies to one and does not apply to the other.

The second statement tells us that creation and perfection (purification, evolution) is caused by the previous statement. Things would not grow and evolve (both physically and spiritually) if it were not for the fact that each level is a mirror of all others. It tells us that this comes from one, in accordance with one. One is God, one is everything, one is nothing, one is the only thing whose existence is self-supported, the existence of everything else comes from this one, all following the same principles. One is the only thing that exists, whereas everything else is distorted reflection of the one.

And all things sprang from this essence through a single projection. How marvelous is its work! It is the principle part of the world and its custodian.
And as all things have been arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
Also, as all things are made from one, by the consideration of one, so all things were made from this one, by conjunction.
And as all things were from the one, by means of the meditation of the one, thus all things were born from the one, by means of adaptation.
And as all things arose from a thought by the One; thus all things were formed as an adaption of the One. This is the fundamental principle.

Here we are told that all things (literally everything, on every level) come from the one. It is important to also remember the previous line, that all principles apply to every level. Therefore we know it holds true to both the spirtual and the physical. The biggest mistake of both modern science and spirituality is to assume that the two are separate.

On a spiritual and philosophical level it tells us that God created all things by adapting himself. God did not change himself, but each level below him is a distorted reflection of the level above. So all things are God by adaption. It also says that it was the meditation, or thought, of God which began this, it implies a single thought. You can imagine this like a ripple on the surface of a flat lake; one single movement in stillness (emptiness) creates a series of ripples, each a reflection of the former. The ripples all follow exactly the same principle, but they become distorted as they get further away from the source. Each ripple creates the next ripple as a slightly more distorted reflection of itself.

On a physical level it tells us that everything is actually made of the same stuff. It is interesting to note here that we have discovered this with science (everything is made of energy) but it is not entirely obvious just by looking around you. Because the physical follows the same principles as the higher existences, we must accept the existence of a physical (particle) which is the root of what everything is made out of. We can't just call it energy, and be happy that it is only a concept. It must be physical - all spiritual things have a physical counterpart and vice versa. This thing is the life-energy I have been talking about. So this line is also telling us about the life-energy, and how everything in the physical world is made from life-energy by adaption.

Its father is the sun and its mother is the moon. Thus the wind bore it within it and the earth nourished it.
The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.
The father of it is the sun, the mother the moon. The wind bore it in the womb. Its nurse is the earth, the mother of all perfection.
Its father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon, the Wind carried it in its belly, its nurse is the earth.
Its father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon, it is carried by the wind, it is nursed by the earth.

Firstly, we have the reference to the sun and the moon. This is clearly symbolism for the polarity of yin (moon) and yang (sun). However, you should consider that the sun and moon are more important than just symbols of polarity. There is a reason why we have one sun and one moon from our perspective on Earth, it is not just chance as science might make you believe. Again, yin-yang is a fundamental principle and therefore applies on all levels, including in this physical reality. Therefore the moon and sun are literally physical counterparts of the yin-yang principle. It is interesting to note how the sun and moon appear to be exactly the same size when looking up at them from Earth, this is a big coincidence if it is only a coincidence. It means that the sizes and distances of the sun and moon are in perfect harmony with each other, which could be one of the major factors which has made the conditions opimum for life on Earth in this physical plane and at this time.

The sun and moon also symbolize (they are literal counterparts of) fire and water (from the level above.) Polarity again, and we are moving towards more physical symbolism, closer to our own level. These again are counterparts of the two substances from which we make the Stone (now on a microcosmic level), which come themselves from one single ingredient. I hope you can see how in this manner, the theory and practice of making the Stone applies on all levels, from the very physical and chemical level, to the philsophical and macrocosmic spiritual level.

The wind is the carrier and the distributor. It is easier to explain this to you from a one up macrocosmic perspective (one level above us): the level of the Earth. On the Earth we have the water cycle where the water is evaporated and forms clouds. The clouds then rain back down onto the Earth. Without this life could not exist because it is necessary to grow plants, which animals need to eat (or animals eat other animals who eat plants). But there is an important and often overlooked factor: without the wind all the water would just go up, and then come back down in the same place. This means that there would be no water on the land, as it would only rain on the sea. In which case there would be no life on land and we humans would not exist, so we have wind to thank for our existence. The wind is absolutely necessary for the natural distribution of things (water, seeds, etc.) This also applies to making the Stone, without the movement of the water vapor (caused by heat and cold) the process would not work. The formation of the Stone is a reflection of the operation of the Earth, and all other levels too. This is what I mean when I say that we must follow the guidance of Nature.

Just as the earth is the nurse for plants - they grow from it and are supported by it. In the same way the Earth support and cares for us humans. In the same way the earth is the matter which allows us to capture and contain, in a way "tame", the life-energy in order to make the Stone. The earth is never the active force, it is a passive (feminine, ying) force. It is the matrix. Earth does not actively do anything, it only supports and nurses those that depend upon it, protecting them and lifting them up. So earth is truely the nurse of all things. In this physical world the earth is solid matter, but it has its counterparts on the other levels too.

Together we have fire (sun), water (moon), wind, and earth. These are the 4 elements. Everything is made through the actions of these four elements as they act on and move between one another (in the same way the yin and yang are always pulling back and forth.) The ancients did not literally believe that everything was made of these four elements in the sense that everything is made of H2O, mud and air, as history books might try to tell you. These are the states of matter: earth, water and wind are solid, liquid and gas, and fire is heat. So it is actually saying that everything is made of solid, liquid, gas and heat. These are the states of matter on our physical level, with counterparts on the other levels.

Father of talismans and keeper of wonders. Perfect in power that reveals the lights.
The father of all perfection in the whole world is here. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
Its power is perfected if it is turned into earth.
Its power is whole if it has been turned into earth.
Its power is complete if it can be turned into earth.

Here we are told that it can be perfected if it is turned into earth. This is written on physical terms, saying that if we can turn the 4 elements into earth, which is the element of the physical level we are in, then we will perfect it. "It" means the power, which I call life-energy. So if we can convert the life-energy into a physical form (into earth) then we have perfected it on this level. Again: if we can turn the energy from the 4 elements into earth then we will have converted and perfected the energy for use on this here physical level. It must be turned into earth if we are to use it on this level since for a physical world we need a physical Stone, which is the counterpart (reflection) of the One on this level.

So you can see how the Philosophers' Stone is the physical manifestation of the power of God.

It is a fire that became our earth. Separate the earth from the fire and you shall adhere more to that which is subtle than that which is coarse, through care and wisdom.
Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry.
Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle and thin from the crude and coarse, prudently, with modesty and wisdom.
You will separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the dense, sweetly, with great skill.
Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the dense, the light from the heavy, with care and wisdom.

These are direct instructions on how to actually make the Stone, which of course is the same way that all things are perfected on all levels. With great care and wisdom (the wisdom is required to work out the method) you must separate the lighter particles from the denser particles. This is literally how you make the Stone, as you can see in the practical instructions, particularly the First Part of the Great Work.

I will also interpret this from a spiritual perspective just for you to see how it applies on every level: realize which of your desires are promoting freedom, and which are promoting restriction, then separate the free from the restrictive. Focus on the free and positive desires (positive energy, good intention) and they will grow and expand, converting the remaining negative thoughts (negative energy, bad intention) into their own free, light and positive form.

I hope you can see how the same fundamental principles apply to every level, and how the Stone is a real and physically obtainable substance which follows the exact same principles.

It ascends from the earth to the heaven. It extracts the lights from the heights and descends to the earth containing the power of the above and the below for it is with the light of the lights.
It ascends from the earth to the heaven again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior.
This ascends from the earth into the sky and again descends from the sky to the earth, and receives the power and efficacy of things above and of things below.
It ascends from earth into heaven and again it descends to the earth, and receives the power of higher and of lower things.
It repeatedly acsends from earth to heaven, and then descends from heaven to earth, thus receiving power from both the high and the low.

Again, direct instructions for making the Stone, now focusing on the Second Part of the practical operations. The Stone is repeatedly evaporated (ascends) and condensed (descends), from this it becomes pure and more purified and gains power (more life-energy.)

The repeated change of state, between solid, liquid and gas, allows the substance to become purer and it increases the amount of life-energy.

From a spiritual perspective you could say that our moving between the astral and physical planes, repeatedly dying and being born again, is an example of us perfecting ourselves following the same principles.

Therefore the darkness flees from it.
By this means ye shall have the glory of the whole world thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
By this means you will acquire the glory of the whole world, and so you will drive away all shadows and blindness.
Thus you will have the Glory of the whole world. Therefore will all obscurity flee from you.
Then you will have the glory of the whole world. All ignorance will flee from you.

This is saying firstly that you will have the "glory of the whole world", which is the highest honor in the physical world: the Philosophers' Stone, which is the physical counterpart of the power of God.

Secondly, all obscurity, or ignorance, will flee from you. This applies of course on every level. It means that you will now understand so much about the workings of Nature, and no longer be ignorant, and new knowledge will come to you easily - it will be easy for you to see the truth from the lies. It also means, from the physical standpoint of making the Stone, that once past a certain point of purity, the Stone will very quickly be able to become more pure. Once it gets passed a tipping point, the Stone will convert impurity into its own pure form, as opposed to being diluted or corrupted by the any dense or impure particles (exponential development.)

The greatest power overcomes everything that is subtle and it penetrates all that is coarse.
Its force is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing.
For this by its fortitude snatches the palm from all other fortitude and power. For it is able to penetrate and subdue everything subtle and everything crude and hard.
Of all strength this is true strength, because it will conquer all that is subtle, and penetrate all that is solid.
It is true force and the most powerful, for it conquers all subtle things and penetrates all solid things.

The Stone will convert all subtle and undetermined things into its own form, and for solid (determined) things it will penetrate them and bring them towards their true perfection. This is why it will protect a life-form from decay, and it will turn any metal into gold. It penetrates all things and encourages them to reach their full potential.

Again, it is the manifestation of the power of God in a physical form.

[Line not present in Arabic translation]
So was the world created.
By this means the world was founded
Thus was the world created.
This is how the world was made.

The world was made following these exact same principles. As were all worlds, planes, universes and realities.

The formation of the microcosm is in accordance with the formation of the macrocosm.
From this are and do come admirable adaptations whereof the means (Or process) is here in this.
And hence the marvelous cojunctions of it and admirable effects, since this is the way by which these marvels may be brought about
From this were wonderful adaptations, of which this is the means.
Each level is a reflection of the one above; the microcosm is in accordance with the macrocosm. Now you know how all things are made through adaption from the One.

All things: all matter, all worlds, all frequencies, all universes, all planes, are adaptions of the same thing, following the same principles. It starts with the One, and from there each level is a distorted reflection, an adaption of the same thing, each level being a reflection of the level above. This is how all things are made. This is why the physical world exists. This is what it is. This is what all things are.

The scholars made this their path. This is why Thrice Hermes was exalted with wisdom.
Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
And because of this they have called me Hermes Tristmegistus since I have the three parts of the wisdom and Philosophy of the whole universe.
Therefore am I named Thrice-Great Hermes, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
This is the path of knowledge. Hence I am Hermes Thrice-Great, having three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.

Alchemy is the path of knowledge. One of the more difficult paths to enlightenment, reserved for the wise and intellectual. Traditionally that was so, but now is the time of alchemy.

Hermes is "thrice-great" (three times great) because he was the custodian of the three sacred sciences: alchemy, astrology and geometry. The three sacred sciences are all related to each other of course, since like everything else they follow the same principles.

This is his last book that he hid in the catacomb.
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished and ended.
My speech is finished which I have spoken concerning the solar work.
It is finished, what I have said about the working of the Sun.
I have said all that is needed concerning the operation of the Sun.

According to Hermes, this should be all that is necessary to fully understand. That is assuming you already have a good understanding of philosophical principles. I hope that my commentary has helped you to understand The Emerald Tablet and see the truth of alchemy.

It is the operation of the sun because the sun is a level above us and a symbol for the Stone. The same principles apply on every level.

A fundamental truth, without error, perfect and complete.
As above, so below; the lesser and greater; microcosm and macrocosm: they are the same. Following this principle, all things were made from the One.
And as all things arose from a thought by the One; thus all things were formed as an adaption of the One. This is the fundamental principle.
Its father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon, it is carried by the wind, it is nursed by the earth.
Its power is complete if it can be turned into earth.
Seperate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the dense, the light from the heavy, with care and wisdom.
It repeatedly acsends from earth to heaven, and then descends from heaven to earth, thus receiving power from both the high and the low.
Then you will have the glory of the whole world. All ignorance will flee from you.
It is true force and the most powerful, for it conquers all subtle things and penetrates all solid things.
This is how the world was made.
Each level is a reflection of the one above; the microcosm is in accordance with the macrocosm. Now you know how all things are made through adaption from the One.
This is the path of knowledge. Hence I am Hermes Thrice-Great, having three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
I have said all that is needed concerning the operation of the Sun.

The Emerald Tablet, by Hermes, translated by Author

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:15 AM
Thanks for that OP!

That sounds like a fractal discription of the cosmos.
Is alchemy the search for a fundamental pattern?

I think it's facinating that Newton practised alchemy, he was very secretive about it.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by j-man

I think it's facinating that Newton practised alchemy, [color=gold]he was very secretive about it.

But his conclusions translated into Mathematics are not.
Is it any wonder being able to do math in one's head
is considered a sign of autism by the popular mind
these days as opposed to the
mark of elightenment?

David Grouchy

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:22 AM
I might have to read this a few times before I understand what it is trying to say.......interesting though! I have never had the chance to look into the details of the Emerald Tablet as of yet, but now it is on the list!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

The mathematical conclusions were provable to a geometric extent, that's why he (only much later after discovering them) published those findings.
Since he didn't come to a final conclusion on a truly alchemic level he didn't want to publish it, so his credibility wouldn't at stake.

Mathematical insight at Newton's level is almost bound to inflict some emotional consessions. Autism is only a lable modern day society has conjured to point out people that don't function well in a social enviornment. I personnaly consider it a virtue.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:02 AM
Yes. The "as above, so below" bit is how the theory of gravity was formulated and the crystal spheres smashed. Newton showed that the same measurable phenomenon here on earth could also govern the movement of the planets. Our entire modern science is based on his improvements of Keplers' discoveries.

As to the big ultimate secret
I say that it was and still is Calculus.
For those still struggling with mathematics
everything really does become stupid simple with calculus.

America used to be a nation of slide rules.

David Grouchy

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:20 AM
I always consider the great truth to be in pure geometry, but come to think of it, calculus is a way to generalize geometric dynamics so you could be right. However, (physical) reality appears as geometric structures and I think alchemy (to stay on topic) is the search for the physical manifestation of the ultimate truth.

I don't know exactly where I'm going at and I guess if I did I would be a much wiser man. I personnaly am a great fan of Nassim Harameins work since he has a beautiful geometry-based theory which he backs up mathematicaly. Plus, the presented geometry is found throughout ancient history. And it's fractal so it corresponds with my intrepretation of the emerald text.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:28 AM
Oh I agree!
The value of geometry simply cannot be overstated.
In the Greek tradition the entire mountain of logic and truth
could be constructed from five simple postulates as denoted in Euclid.

At the begining of the 80's the conscious decision was made to stop,
and no longer teach geometry as the intro to logic, they way to understand proof.
I remember several geometry teachers in 1982 being furious and refusing
to teach geometry without it being a learning tool for logic. They were threatend with dismissal.

David Grouchy

edit on 9-5-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:36 AM
I had lessons in providing geometrical proof in 2005. Altough that was in the most advanced mathematical course my high school provided. It's a shame it isn't taught to a much wider crowd since it also helps in understanding basic mathematics.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:38 AM
Yes, it applies geometrically as well. I would be interested to hear an in-depth geometric interpretation of alchemy, such would make a good chapter for my book, if done correctly.

Though the primary intention of this piece is to explain to you why the Philosophers' Stone is literally a real, physical substance that you can hold in your hand and work miracles with. Did that come across?

For your information, this is a sneak-peek of a new chapter for The Book of Aquarius. I'm not supposed to advertise it here, but the link is in my signature if anyone is interested.
edit on 9-5-2011 by sign00 because: spelling error

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by sign00

First let me say what a great post! Finding this very entertaining while I wait for a nurse to show up. Story of my life! Beginning to miss my ex in earnest. You forget what a woman does until shes gone. More on that below.

And all things sprang from this essence through a single projection. How marvelous is its work! It is the principle part of the world and its custodian. And as all things have been arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation. Also, as all things are made from one, by the consideration of one, so all things were made from this one, by conjunction. And as all things were from the one, by means of the meditation of the one, thus all things were born from the one, by means of adaptation. And as all things arose from a thought by the One; thus all things were formed as an adaption of the One. This is the fundamental principle.

On a spiritual and philosophical level it tells us that God created all things by adapting himself.

The one splits. Significant is that everything contains (a particle) of the one as you put so well here. One atom one atomic particle.

On a physical level it tells us that everything is actually made of the same stuff. It is interesting to note here that we have discovered this with science (everything is made of energy) but it is not entirely obvious just by looking around you. Because the physical follows the same principles as the higher existences, we must accept the existence of a physical (particle) which is the root of what everything is made out of. We can't just call it energy, and be happy that it is only a concept. It must be physical - all spiritual things have a physical counterpart and vice versa. This thing is the life-energy I have been talking about. So this line is also telling us about the life-energy, and how everything in the physical world is made from life-energy by adaption.

That root, that particle is the spiritual transcendental, omnipresent, eternal soul. (Im thinking)
The spiritual soul might have a physical counterpart/manifestation called an aura.

The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.
Three entities with at least 2 for certain who are nurturers. (Or 4/3 if you count the wind as an entity which Im not) We do not enjoy such a balance now. We are Nurturer light.

Firstly, we have the reference to the sun and the moon. This is clearly symbolism for the polarity of yin (moon) and yang
The sun and moon also symbolize (they are literal counterparts of) fire and water

The sun and moon must also represent embodiments of the masculine and feminine, respectively a balance of each. I would think they require an equal freedom of expression on earth as well, since they are given equal though quite opposite positions here.
Equal parts protecting and guarding fathers with nursing and nurturing mother types.

It is interesting to note how the sun and moon appear to be exactly the same size

yin-yang is a fundamental principle and therefore applies on all levels,
A patriarchal society may have an impact on this delicate balance and so the very appearance of homosexuality may be natures last resort way to correct her own "disease" or lack of feminine to counter-pull the masculine effect and keep the balance.

The wind is absolutely necessary for the natural distribution of things (water, seeds, etc.) This also applies to making the Stone, without the movement of the water vapor (caused by heat and cold) the process would not work. The formation of the Stone is a reflection of the operation of the Earth, and all other levels too. This is what I mean when I say that we must follow the guidance of Nature.

As the human body has a transient spirit so does the earth, this is the wind. The same above as below and the earth is a living thing like a body. Not unlike a human body which is a very new concept (to me) so trying it on for size.

Together we have fire (sun), water (moon), wind, and earth. These are the 4 elements.
so conversely humans must have 4 elements that represent these 4. What might they be?

Fire /heart&blood /heat
Water /plasma/liquid
Wind /ether or spirit /gas
Earth/ flesh/solid

Father of talismans and keeper of wonders. Perfect in power that reveals the lights.
translates into

Its power is whole if it has been turned into earth.
but I don't make that connection, not that it is important.
This resonates with a great deal of truth since part of us is even vaporous. It helps explain concepts like reincarnation and Easter.

From a spiritual perspective you could say that our moving between the astral and physical planes, repeatedly dying and being born again, is an example of us perfecting ourselves following the same principles.

Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross
This could mean in death the body (gross) and spirit (subtle) are divided.

The repeated change of state, between solid, liquid and gas, allows the substance to become purer and it increases the amount of life-energy.

This would mean there is a 3rd state, life death and one other state. (liquid?)
It has to be in between, above or below, life and/or death. Maybe this is what we know nothing about right now but is the state you must be in to travel inter dimensionally? A de-materialized state of flux? Limbo?
It states yet another case for an intelligent creator and is fascinating but yet as with all myths I still wonder if this is Hermes inventive and creative way to explain what we now call Darwinism or "chance."
But if he is making up stories he sounds awfully sure here;

Its force is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing.

The Stone will convert all subtle and undetermined things into its own form, and for solid (determined) things it will penetrate them and bring them towards their true perfection. This is why it will protect a life-form from decay, and it will turn any metal into gold.
A solid argument for the existence of positive (or good) and negative or bad (undesirable) effects. People argue these do not exist in the material world. I say rubbish. They do.

All things: all matter, all worlds, all frequencies, all universes, all planes, are adaptions of the same thing, following the same principles. It starts with the One, and from there each level is a distorted reflection, an adaption of the same thing, each level being a reflection of the level above. This is how all things are made. This is why the physical world exists. This is what it is. This is what all things are.
In sacred geometry we have a few basic structures beginning with THE ONE, splitting and getting more complicated exponentially up until a factor of about 12. Then that design, which holds some sacred significance (it looks like a flower) is repeated over and over and over on every level and in every combination imaginable.

Those videos made vibrating sand on stone using sound to create design, it is the last design created at the highest frequency. The design is also found in Rosslyn Chapel, the church made famous in the Di Vinci Code which makes everything sort of tie in together. I am fairly certain Hermes knew nothing about that church.

This is the path of knowledge. Hence I am Hermes Thrice-Great, having three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.

This is relative to the number of parts that complete the knowledge and philosophy of the whole world. Maybe there are 100 parts. He has 3. Alchemy, astrology and geometry. This could be good for a human, if he even was "human" and not a demi-god. Maybe there are only 3 parts.

I have said all that is needed concerning the operation of the Sun.

Which of course leaves one wondering if there was more concerning the suns operation that Hermes knew but did not feel necessary to share?

I hope that my commentary has helped you to understand The Emerald Tablet and see the truth of alchemy.
I do not know that I understand it any better but a hats off to you for piquing my interest.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:36 PM

The one splits. Significant is that everything contains (a particle) of the one as you put so well here. One atom one atomic particle.

Yes, although I didn't mean an atom, but more of a theoretical undiscovered particle (or energy field.)

The spiritual soul might have a physical counterpart/manifestation called an aura

I think the aura is spirit, but actually you may be right in the sense that the spirit is a manifestation of the soul, and the body is a manifestation of the spirit.

The sun and moon must also represent embodiments of the masculine and feminine

Right. Yin-yang is quite literally feminine-masculine. But I think yin-yang is a better term, since masculine and feminine are themselves manifestations of yin-yang.

A patriarchal society may have an impact on this delicate balance and so the very appearance of homosexuality may be natures last resort way to correct her own "disease" or lack of feminine to counter-pull the masculine effect and keep the balance.

An interesting observation. It's true that our society is very masculine.

As the human body has a transient spirit so does the earth, this is the wind.

Yes, the atmosphere of the Earth is its aura. The water is its blood.

so conversely humans must have 4 elements that represent these 4. What might they be?

Well we are obviously made of solid, liquid, gas and heat. Without any of these we'd be dead. Perhaps you could say: flesh, blood, air (oxygen), and heat is a slightly different type of manifestation, it is throughout us. Or you could say: brain, heart, lungs, stomach, or something like that.

This could mean in death the body (gross) and spirit (subtle) are divided.


This would mean there is a 3rd state, life death and one other state. (liquid?)
It has to be in between, above or below, life and/or death. Maybe this is what we know nothing about right now but is the state you must be in to travel inter dimensionally? A de-materialized state of flux? Limbo?

Astral projection is a state in-between the two. Also it's difficult to determine since "death" is not exactly understood, so it's hard to say what the in-between is. I suppose it could be as a spirit but still here on Earth. Or it could be that death is the spirit, and there is another death after that (astral -> causal?)

In sacred geometry we have a few basic structures beginning with THE ONE, splitting and getting more complicated exponentially up until a factor of about 12. Then that design, which holds some sacred significance (it looks like a flower) is repeated over and over and over on every level and in every combination imaginable.

Excellent! That sounds exactly the sort of thing I was looking for as a geometric example. I will research it.

This is relative to the number of parts that complete the knowledge and philosophy of the whole world. Maybe there are 100 parts. He has 3. Alchemy, astrology and geometry. This could be good for a human, if he even was "human" and not a demi-god. Maybe there are only 3 parts.

Actually the ancients considered there only to be 3 "sacred" sciences: alchemy, astrology, geometry. So that would be 3 parts of 3. Everything else is just a corruption of these. The 3 are all you need to know to work out everything else. Alchemy is the science of Nature, astrology is the science of time, and geometry is the science of mathematics (and music.)

Which of course leaves one wondering if there was more concerning the suns operation that Hermes knew but did not feel necessary to share?

Everything else is just more detail. All the main points are here.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by sign00

Very interesting post! The Emerald Tablet and alchemy are very new subjects to me --- and I very much appreciated your insights into interpreting the text. I think they were spot on!

Your post was very well written and I thought your message to be very profound and succinct. And like j-man mentioned it does remind me of fractal theory. Which is one of my favourite subjects --- despite much of it being way over my head lol!

Thank-you so much again for taking the time to share this with the ats community --- great job!

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by sign00

It repeatedly acsends from earth to heaven, and then descends from heaven to earth, thus receiving power from both the high and the low.

Sounds eerily similar to the way "monoatomic" irridium reacts to being heated and cooled (passing in and out of this plane of existence, into another, and back again) as discussed by David Hudson in his lectures.

Hudson on the discovery of ORMES.

edit on 12-5-2011 by Conchobar because: (no reason given)


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