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No Mercy - Calf Farm Cruelty Exposed

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posted on May, 3 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by ZiggyStardust
absolutely horrific. can someone please explain to me why it is illegal to treat dogs and cats like this but it's okay when it's cows and chickens? if you are capable of treating ANY living creature this way you are a twisted and sick individual and should not be allowed to be a part of society.

This is what happens when you let corporate America in the farm gate to farm for pure profit. When families used to own smaller farms this sort of thing would have been extremely rare. See my other post for how it is done on our family farm in New Zealand.

I believe President Truman (Hope I am right, sorry not an American here) was planning to do something about protecting farmers rights as part of your constitution but it never happened because he died (?) My apologies for the dodgy history, but I know one of your presidents planned to do something about it, but it never came to be - please feel free to correct me.

Anyway, point is that somehow America needs to get the corporations off the farm and let the families back in. When you own the farm and work it yourself you tend to care a lot more for your animals

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by markosity1973

Originally posted by ZiggyStardust
absolutely horrific. can someone please explain to me why it is illegal to treat dogs and cats like this but it's okay when it's cows and chickens? if you are capable of treating ANY living creature this way you are a twisted and sick individual and should not be allowed to be a part of society.

This is what happens when you let corporate America in the farm gate to farm for pure profit. When families used to own smaller farms this sort of thing would have been extremely rare. See my other post for how it is done on our family farm in New Zealand.

I believe President Truman (Hope I am right, sorry not an American here) was planning to do something about protecting farmers rights as part of your constitution but it never happened because he died (?) My apologies for the dodgy history, but I know one of your presidents planned to do something about it, but it never came to be - please feel free to correct me.

Anyway, point is that somehow America needs to get the corporations off the farm and let the families back in. When you own the farm and work it yourself you tend to care a lot more for your animals

Unfortunately family's aren't coming back into farming, less effective and less profit sadly.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 07:47 PM
Many farms now are corporate farms these farms are only in business for the almighty dollar and this is where you find this type of abuse.

Its very rare to find abuse on a family farm as its not tolerated.

The big problem is there are fewer family farms as the big corporations take over,

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:10 PM
wow that's horrible what they're doing...such a disgrace to see this type of thing...I'm not totally surprised but it's still demeaning to consider myself in the same species as some of the people out there

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by Cynicaleye
Killing them is needed

Why ?

There's only one thing worse than animal cruelty, and that's animal cruelty with the added factor of meat-eaters shedding crocodile tears over the most egregious treatment of their ''food''.

I guess it eases their consciences if they pretend to ''fight the good fight'' for all these ''poor cows'', while hypocritically tucking into them at a later date.

Cognitive dissonance rules the day.

edit on 1-5-2011 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

Hey - I've gone out of my way and contacted many local famers And have asked them - if they would be willing - To sell me a Cow, or Lamb - Kill it in the most humane way possible (It comes in from grazing ni the field one day - just like any other day - but is taken into the back room sort of deal) - I also requested to be there, or have video evidance of the fact it was done as humanley as possible.

You get laughed at, called a sicko that wants to see death, or blatantly ignored.

Short of buying a farm and doign the entire thing myself......................... I am unsure how i would handle a cow or a lamb - but im confident with chickens. Hypnotize them - and a clean break to the neck.

Supermarket bought, Organic, Freerange, Whatever type you like. It goes thru the same misery and cruelty as every other one does because of how they are killed - and the kind of people that take up jobs in these places - the kind that enjoy inflicting pain and suffering onto others.

Tho, for the people whom think this is the worst kind of cruelty out there... Go to some of the Asian country's.

They kill puppy's and Dog's by holding them by the hind legs and smashign their heads against poles or the ground.

They de-furr cats alive - and also throw them into the boiling pot of water live - As it "keeps the meat tender"

The greatness of a nation can be judged by how its animals are treated.

We are currently in hell.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:32 PM
I shouldn't have watched that, my blood is boiling with anger.

"Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends." ~George Bernard Shaw

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by markosity1973

This is what happens when you let corporate America in the farm gate to farm for pure profit. When families used to own smaller farms this sort of thing would have been extremely rare. See my other post for how it is done on our family farm in New Zealand.

While that may be how it is done on your family farm, we do have a load of shocking farming practices, including intensive factory farming (Pigs, Chooks, Cattle). It's a myth that we are 'clean and green' here. That's just N.Z.Inc media spin and is totally disingenuous. From toxic chemicals with withholding periods that are muddied in practice to nitrates destroying our waterways, farming has a lot to answer for.

It's good that there are kaitiaki who do adhere to the meaning, but there are a hell of a lot of farmers who just, plainly, don't or can't care beyond the bottom dollar.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Jinglelord
Good god I agree with you on something!

Healthy debates and disagreements are good.

I don't think that we've disagreed on anything too fundamental before.

Originally posted by Jinglelord
No matter how it is colored if you eat meat you need to recognize you are killing and causing suffering. I am a supporter of lighter meat eating or abstaining all together.


If you want to eat beef, then don't cry about the terrified cows in the abattoir squealing, crapping themselves, and desperately trying to escape as they realise what's going to happen to them.

Other ''family members'' and calves get led down this route in full view of the previous cows who are forced down this same route, obviously getting more and more agitated as they hear their ''children'' and ''family members'' squealing their death-throws in front of them.

It's absolutely disgusting.

Enjoy your steak...

Originally posted by Jinglelord
The biggest problem with humanity today is our separation from our food source. We don't know where our food comes from, we don't even care for the most part.

That's true to an extent, but at least I know that my food comes from something that, as far as we know, does not have a brain or fully-functional neurological system, ergo, they do not feel pain.

Originally posted by Jinglelord
The killing can be avoided altogether if we so choose. In the modern world there is no reason to eat meat no matter what propaganda the meat industry tries to push.


The only reason why meat is eaten nowadays is because most people are amoral and like the taste of it !

People will always try to justify their guilty pleasures, but I know to never really trust the word of a meat-eater, because they are generally very fake and hypocritical people.

Originally posted by Jinglelord
I still it meat but I am a confirmed hypocrite.

I think that most of us, deep down, are confirmed hypocrites, so I cannot lambast you for that comment !

Seriously, you know the score...

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
Having grown up on a farm, we killed and ate a lot of animals.... We would never have thought of treating animals like this.... Why? Because it's one thing if the purpose of their life is to feed us, that doesn't mean we have to bring suffering to them day in and out...

Er... What makes you think that the ''purpose'' of cows is to ''feed us'' ?

That sounds really messed up - as if you are someone who is indoctrinated by primitive, pre-scientific, Judeo-Christian attitudes towards animals.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
There's farming, and then there is factory farming. Factory farming is one of the most inhumane things that I have ever witnessed on Earth, alongside corporate animal testing.

What about the corporation treatment of the human animals 'employees'?When are we going to be up in arms about that?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
Having grown up on a farm, we killed and ate a lot of animals.... We would never have thought of treating animals like this.... Why? Because it's one thing if the purpose of their life is to feed us, that doesn't mean we have to bring suffering to them day in and out...

Er... What makes you think that the ''purpose'' of cows is to ''feed us'' ?

That sounds really messed up - as if you are someone who is indoctrinated by primitive, pre-scientific, Judeo-Christian attitudes towards animals.

I definately get what you're saying. But a line needs to be drawn somewhere.

You know, plants, including the fruit and vegetables we eat - have feelings too? They probably have emotions and spirits the same as animals do - its just we are compltely blind and deaf when it comes to hearing them. (Laugh if you want - My gut feeling just tells me they do - go watch the secret life of plants if you're clueless....)

Is the sole purpose of an Apple tree to produce fruit for us to eat? No. The sole purpose of an Apple tree is to grow and spread it's seeds around if it can, so there's more apple trees. The same as a Cow's purpose in life is to also live, experience life and reproduce so it's young can do the same. There is nothing on this earth that's purpose is to be used, or serve another. NOTHING. (that is natural and is born/dies naturaly, like plants and animals)

The line that needs to be drawn is a hard one, one between sustaining ones self to survive, without reckless killing, and torture to do it.

IE - I wouldent feel nearly half as bad if i was out in the wild hunting for food - And say i get lucky and manage to get a Deer. That would feed myself for a while, others as well. I would not feel bad about killing it because I would be hungry - And it is free, It's got all it's life experiences and knowledge do aid it in its lookout for me (the danger) Note - NOT FOR FUN - Not unnecessarily. I would only ever go out looking to kill an animal if i had no food supplies at all, and could not find sustinance from plants.

There is a BIG difference between that, and an animal that has been bread into a cage, knows nothing but the cage, pain and misery. It has no chance of survival, no knowledge of how to live as it has not lived, it's been in a cage its entire life. NOTHING deserves a life like this.

I would also like to take this time to put some of the blame for cruelty on animals in the face of the Religious people. Yes. I believe it's partialy you're fault - because of you're beliefs - that "Animals do not have souls" - that people treat them as lesser beings, and abuse them. In their heads its fine - they dont have souls, or feelings, i can treat them how i wish. I hope you come back as a sow or chicken on a battery farm.

Idealy - we should all eat the sun like that Yogi fella from India.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by ..5..

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
There's farming, and then there is factory farming. Factory farming is one of the most inhumane things that I have ever witnessed on Earth, alongside corporate animal testing.

What about the corporation treatment of the human animals 'employees'?When are we going to be up in arms about that?

You said "we". That question is not for me to answer, but for you to carry out.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
Having grown up on a farm, we killed and ate a lot of animals.... We would never have thought of treating animals like this.... Why? Because it's one thing if the purpose of their life is to feed us, that doesn't mean we have to bring suffering to them day in and out...

Er... What makes you think that the ''purpose'' of cows is to ''feed us'' ?

That sounds really messed up - as if you are someone who is indoctrinated by primitive, pre-scientific, Judeo-Christian attitudes towards animals.

He's right, seeing as they do nothing useful apart from producing milk which also feeds us.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by Cynicaleye

And here is one of the prime examples of the evils of captialism when it goes unchecked. Not trying to get on my high horse here, but the reason there is no profit it in meat farming is because you have these giant corporations cutting corners everywhere and turning out an inferior product. In the case of animals ones that are being treated in a very cruel manner to save a buck at the production end so they can undercut and drive out of business the honest small guy at the retail end.

It all starts with the consumer - don't buy your meat from the big chains, especially supermarkets. Be a bit generous and support your local butcher. Chances are if you get a good one he may source some of his meat direct from the farm. Ask him - he will be able to at least tell you where it comes from and you can make an informed decision then.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by aorAki

Agreed Aoraki, large farms are starting to invade New Zealand. The Crafers farms debacle is a glaring example of this When I was over there last I heard on the news that they were considering selling them to china! Boy that made my blood boil - farming land belongs to the tangata whenua, not some foreign interest who might visit once a year if you are lucky.

As for the battery farming techniques employed - I only buy free range eggs and chicken meat personally. I try not to eat pork either unless we have let a kune kune run round our farm for meat.

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