posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:47 AM
First, educate yourself. Buy a pack of "water bomb" firecrackers, a concrete block, and a 5-gallon pail. Light one firecracker atop the block, and
RUN. You may see smoke and you may get a singe on the block, but likely not. Light one and toss in the bucket *full of water*, and RUN. You will get
up to a 6-foot fountain of water, depending on which firecracker brand purchased. The more pressure, the bigger the explosion. Same goes for quakes:
the more pressure, the worse it is. Last New Madrid quakes rung bells in Massachusetts and beyond.
By now you should see that if they put the slurry near the top and expect results, they are idiots. No, worse: idiots who SHOULD know better.
Now wiki fracking. Now search for news of quakes in Arkansas over the last 18 months, see also fracking. Check a map to find that those quake centers
are a modern rifle-shot from New Madrid's center. Search to find status/history of Waverly, TN, seismograph, roughly the same distance as AK
quakes on the other side of the fault. Hint: it's been so active lately it's been kicking itself offline at times.
I know 4 demolition guys, 3 trained with the ACoE, all of whom have worked in the New Madrid area. All say the stated amount [250] is more than TWICE
too much, IF the levee is at full strength, IF they put everything in the pipes they say they plan to use, and IF they use gelignite, and not more
powerful. They [and many more] say the levee is already weakened, so more overkill. Did anyone notice that those pipes were already there? And empty,
making them weaker?
California is sandstone. New Madrid is mostly bedrock covered by varying depths of mud.
This will NOT be good. The flooded areas need relief, OF COURSE, but this is not the right way.
Last I heard, they plan to blow it May 4th, if it still seems needed, but will blow it anytime after that if the waters rise so much.