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Mind Your Business! a penny for your thoughts.

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posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 04:43 PM

how much we have lost of this nations history?
how much have we forgotten the wisdom of the generations past?
how much more will we lose of the legacy that was given to us?

how much more?

some of the greatest wisdom of american history falls on deaf ears because its just not taught anymore.

when people want to learn something about anything anymore we don't turn to our leaders today and we don't turn to the teachers in our schools or universities.

we turn to the only place that has not been whitewashed by the hands of the revisionist history makers and that my friends is the last bastion of free thought- the internet.

mind your business is a simply motto and it speaks to what so many americans are not doing and having been doing for decades.

america open your eyes and listen to the wisdom of the men that shaped this great country and embrace the legacy of their own words and deeds.

mind your business the first american coin created by one of the greatest of the american generations benjamin franklin.

i would have posted its picture but some reason i cant access my pictures.

heres a link that shows the coin of the realm and what was the forerunner of what became a staple of american wealth and the forerunner of what america has lost

its common cents. for the pun.
edit on 25-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by neo96

how much we have lost of this nations history?
how much have we forgotten the wisdom of the generations past?
how much more will we lose of the legacy that was given to us?

how much more?

some of the greatest wisdom of american history falls on deaf ears because its just not taught anymore.

when people want to learn something about anything anymore we don't turn to our leaders today and we don't turn to the teachers in our schools or universities.

Care to be more specific? What exactly isn't being taught in universities and schools?

This is a text book currently being used in American History 101 in a lot of 1TTB3MQ&...what has been left out?
Any student that really wants to learn about American History or even some esoteric part of history of the US like Slavery and massacre of the Indigenous people; has an abundant wealth of resources available to anyone that really wants to learn. And as an afterthought; my professors were extremely thorough and presented both sides of the issues. Not just the liberal slant like the Rushbots and Beckbots like to claim. I had one professor that could be best described as a John Bircher and I enjoyed his class immensely even though he tried to proselytize his conservative views on the students.

One of the most valuable things I learned as an undergrad is how to THINK and not let my ideologies get in the way of my common sense.

If I'm a liberal it's a reaction to growing up in a Texan, Southern Baptist, racist, hateful, narrow minded family that claimed to Love the Jews but secretly admired Hitler.

S&F, this has the potential to be a very good thread.

edit on 25-4-2011 by whaaa because: viva la pepa!!

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by whaaa

things like the us is a democracy for starters when we were founded as a republic

things like minority rights exist in this country and yet other minority rights are not protect even tho its right there in the us constitution.

the history of the generations that came before us not with their hands out but just living on what they carved out of this nation with their own two hands.

the rob from the rich and give to the poor and legislate morality,success and wealth.

establishing and maintaining a world presence for one single commodity such as oil

the origins of the kkk in america is another example and senators who were sent to washington

for the purposes of this thread i am putting aside my own personal bias the only thing i am in this thread is just one american

i am neither white,republican or irish i am nothing but an american who wants a return to what has made this country great.

its all fair game in this thread post your own thoughts of where america is going wrong left or right doesnt matter

this nations history is open for business.
edit on 25-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by neo96

English isn't your first language is it? Patriotic Americans always and I mean ALWAYS capitalize the A in America as a sign of respect. That is one thing they teach in school. Where did you go to school that you didn't learn that?

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by whaaa

lol english isn't my first language

and oh no you don't you didn't capitalize the A !!

i have seriously just lost all respect for you

edit to add:

i am sure you know that we owe our freedom today from people who could neither read nor write and their signatures are just a X marks the spot during the revolutionary war.

i sit here and wonder if you look down at them like your doing to me right now and beside the topic of discussion is neither reading nor writing its about American history.


edit on 25-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by neo96
its all fair game in this thread post your own thoughts of where america is going wrong left or right doesnt matter

I will take you at your word for that sentiment and thank you for the opportunity to share my vision. But I'm admittedly a tad gun shy as all too often I've seen these nostalgic themed threads harkening back to "the America I grew up in or remember" as rose colored code speak for an obsolete segregated model of a by-gone era in America.

First and foremost I do believe in the tenants and core principles of the constitution and infinite wisdom of our forefathers. However it is my firm belief that the constitution is a fluid blueprint and open to revision. It was the brilliance of our forefathers to allow for revisions via Amendments. Because strength comes in fluidity not firmness and rigid things tend to break and collapse under pressure.

I believe that it is America's rich diversity and tapestry of cultures that make us unique, powerful and dynamic. I believe that the American Dream exists today for every man, woman and child regardless of their origin or social status or station and it is that desire to exceed that makes us great.

While it is important to remember our own political birth, infancy and maturation of our nation it should NEVER plot the trajectory of our continued growth. Although our roots are steeped in tradition, they should not limit our infinite potential. It is the common bond of the American ideal of equality, tolerance and fairness that unites us all. In short, united we stand divided we fall.

My .02¢
edit on 25-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:12 PM
i have one problem with amendments

yes we can make amendments but sometimes those do not always workout for the best

a generation comes up with a grand idea at the time and then it turns out its not such a great idea after all

case in point the 18th amendment then they turned around to make another amendment correcting another amendment.

i am in the school of thought get it right the first time.
edit on 25-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by neo96

Hmmmmm. Whatever happened to anything goes, no wrong answers theme?

edit on 25-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

no no wrong answers its just don't you want people writing those amendments to get it right the first time?

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:28 PM
I will take this on as i'm a history and political science major so I hope your history books are ready. What exactly are we doing now differently than what we did at the early part of this country's history which according to you was so great back then.

And what do you think made it so great back then when it actually was far worse than it is today. We have improved it in many many ways.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by kro32

fine enlighten us since your the history major

what was life like before the epa, the federal reserve and before the entitlement movements to name a few.

the stage is set the curtain has been lifted

lights camera and action.
edit on 25-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:37 PM
You need to give me specific examples of why these things you consider bad. Take the epa for one. This country was well on it's way to destroying this country's environment when they were allowed to operate with no rules.

And honestly tell me how the country is going to function financially without the federal reserve. Do you think the same conditions in the world apply today that existed in the 18th century? Of course not.

And which entitlement program are you referring too?

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by kro32

for all the good the epa does it sits outside congressional jurisdiction much like the federal reserve.

and both are now more powerful than the government itself wouldn't you think?

absolute power that answers to no one.

the country functioned fine before then to a certain degree sure there were problems but none of the magnitude that currently exist today.

i am referring to all entitlement programs and this includes social security,welfare,medicare, and medicaid, union welfare,corporate welfare, agricultural welfare, and of course everyone's favorite big oil welfare.
edit on 25-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by kinda kurious

no no wrong answers its just don't you want people writing those amendments to get it right the first time?

Not necessarily. The pen is mightier than the sword but the pencil is mightier than the pen.
Humans are imperfect.

Using your logic of Amendments in general being a bad idea, I'd be interested to hear your displeasure regarding the First Amendment pertaining to Freedom of religion.

ETA: I seem to recall you're a gun advocate, care to comment on 2nd Amendment?
edit on 25-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

no no your mistaken some amendments are necessary but that's not always the case.

there are some people who say some amendments are not necessary such as the assault on the second amendment.

the point being made is any amendment given can be taken away on a whim.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by neo96

The epa frankly is necessary. Are they perfect, not at all but I would not like to see this country if it didn't exist. Look at the history before the epa was established when you had rivers catching on fire from all the pollutants dumped or kids in city's playing in toxic sludge being dumped right out of the factory.

And I would argue that since they are part of the government they can't be more powerful than what they already are. Calling for reform within their organization is fine but getting rid of it would be disasterous.

And the entitlement programs are a tricky one. Alot were created by Roosevelt as a way to halt the depression which he effectively did but kind of created a monster at the end of it. Still there is no arguing they do help many many people. Even the big bad oil company's have a legitamate reason for help. It's very possible that without subsidizing the oil company's you would be paying up to fifteen dollars a gallon. Would you like that?

And you cannot compare these programs to early america as the need for them was not there. Had there been a reason for them I'm sure something similar would have been implemented. Yes you can argue that they did just fine without social security but c'mon that's really a bit ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:57 PM
A brief thread recap of page one.

Open invitation for replies:

Originally posted by neo96
its all fair game in this thread post your own thoughts of where america is going wrong left or right doesnt matter

Reply to first respondent:

Originally posted by neo96
i have seriously just lost all respect for you

Reply to second respondent:

Originally posted by neo96
no no your mistaken some amendments are necessary but that's not always the case.

Reply to third respondent:

Originally posted by neo96
fine enlighten us since your the history major

Spot a trend? Are you SURE you want divergent opinions or are you seeking a circle jerk echo chamber.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by kro32

The epa frankly is necessary. Are they perfect, not at all but I would not like to see this country if it didn't exist. Look at the history before the epa was established when you had rivers catching on fire from all the pollutants dumped or kids in city's playing in toxic sludge being dumped right out of the factory.

ah but does it fall on a government agency to enforce morality on every single business that exist in this country?

And I would argue that since they are part of the government they can't be more powerful than what they already are. Calling for reform within their organization is fine but getting rid of it would be disasterous.

people seem to think they are a part of the government but the reality has shown otherwise. look how hard it was to audit the fed and yet it was met with extreme resisitance.

And the entitlement programs are a tricky one. Alot were created by Roosevelt as a way to halt the depression which he effectively did but kind of created a monster at the end of it. Still there is no arguing they do help many many people. Even the big bad oil company's have a legitamate reason for help. It's very possible that without subsidizing the oil company's you would be paying up to fifteen dollars a gallon. Would you like that?

tricky one indeed but should it fall to the government to regulate wealth and success in this country my answer is still a resounding no.

And you cannot compare these programs to early america as the need for them was not there. Had there been a reason for them I'm sure something similar would have been implemented. Yes you can argue that they did just fine without social security but c'mon that's really a bit ridiculous.

not ridiculous at all the need was not there because people looked from within and not the government to be their saviors.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

post what you want i posted my thoughts and i have been challenged on them

feel free to challenge anything you want

that in itself is showing how we have ended up where were are right now.

wouldn't you think

diverging schools of thought are what have led us to this moment in time.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:15 PM
Well the epa is more of a regulatory agency in regards to environment and safety concerns but I will state that the judicial system has more than willingly taken over the morality issue. That one is a major concern.

And the government, as laid out in the Constitution, is required to promote the general welfare of the people. All these entitlement programs could validly be argued as falling under that provision.

And the country was not far enough along yet to need all these things when it was just starting out. You will take notice however that once things like railroad monopoly's or robber barrons with their giant trust came along the people did ask for help and oftentimes the government responded.

So when people feel the need that's when the government steps in. Not always but as I said, you cannot compare the needs of early America to the needs of today.

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