posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by guitarist95
Hmmm...okay not finding any relevance to the store per se. I mean my imagination could create a thousand scenarios why a "demon" would be at an Apple
Store, most lean on the side of humor but I will refrain for the benefit of the doubt.
My logical thinking kicks in on this however... First scenario I could see it being...this dude was attired in such a manner fitting a costume party.
I am not familiar enough with the different style of custom contact lenses that are on the market, more so if any have reflective qualities. Doesn't
seem too far fetched. What leads me to this conclusion, not so much the costume party, but the potential contact lenses, with that, a costume party or
some sort of sci-fi convention, or such could account for that.
Assuming this was the case, the glowing that you saw that your brother didn't may be due to the reflective portion of the eyes may have been picking
up a light source where it's angle was perfect for you to see the reflection of that light whereas your brother did not, light is funny that way. The
stare, could be attributed to perhaps this individual "playing the role" of the costume so to speak. Did you notice any of the other 5 or 6 people
having peculiar out-fits? Also, what was your purpose of sitting in the parking lot at the time?
Mind you this is just an attempt at a logical explanation of which i am sure there are many. Although, this is a strange world, so I can't say for
certain that what you saw and felt wasn't exactly that. Either way, you can run with the aforementioned assumption if only to maintain sanity. None
the less, and again, Welcome to ATS! Enjoy your time here, there are a lot of intelligent and rational members on this site, and some that aren't so
much, but it's easy to distinguish in most cases. Be safe!
ETA: I gave you a Star & Flag for your post, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to contribute
edit on 4/22/2011 by UberL33t because:
(no reason given)