posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 04:04 PM
Clearly, most people here haven't read Orwell's '1984' because this mascot is a virtual representation of some of it's major themes.
This sure does seem to imply some socialistic - utopian conspiracy at the highest levels.
It's creepy. One part of you wants to reserves judgement - perhaps I'm over reading into this imagery, yet compared with the imagery in the book,
almost every feature of the costume corresponds perfectly to an Orwellian idea in 1984:
London Olympics: 1984 takes place in London
A television shaped head with an eye: Telescreen, Big Brother (the eye) which monitors the Public
A 'W' and 'M' for woman and man: the systematic separation of the sexes in oceanic society. however, the distinction only becomes apparent with
the M and W; overall, they are utterly alike in every way, reminding one of Huxleys unisex society in brave new world
Further, I find the woman costume to be more lively and authorative; the separation of the 'W' from the rest of the costume with a curve in between
- a typical feminine symbol - implies some sort of superiority of the feminine over the masculine; the conical tip of the costume "connects" like an
antenna (hence the three lines which often appear on devices with wifi) with some trans-personal realm. Conversely, the "M" (man) costume is fairly
bland, and the head is shaped like a gear - i.e. as if to say, the feminine is the director (or driver) while the masculine the worker, or machine.
This points back to some fundamental metaphysical distinctions between the masculine and the feminine.
Is this costume symbolic of the subordination of the masculine to the feminine? As opposed to the traditional 'patriarchal' society we've all grown
up with??
If a patriarchal society consists of a qualitative differentiation of masculine and feminine into specific gender roles (reflecting some cosmic
pattern), then a "matriarchal' society would evince a lack of qualitative differentiation between genders. The masculine principle - which is the
causative principle - would be stultified, while the feminine principle - which is the effective - would aggrandized. Differentiation - which means
traditional morality - would lose esteem, while moral relativism, which is the ultimate whitewashing of ultimate moral values, would gain in
This is PRECISELY the direction our world has been heading. Clearly, the PTB consider 2012 as a boiling point in which mankind collectively
transitions from the 'old world' into the 'new world' order. Is this the hidden significance behind the crazed popularization of 2012 end of the
world theories???