posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by iforget
Have to give you props for posting this. I just came across this while catching up on the news at and it kind of got my attention
when they stated that light isn't "supposed" to work this way and that is why it was overlooked for 100 years. Is there something different about
how light is working or is there something different about how light is working in free space? One of the things that keeps popping up on my radar as
I troll along the interweb is that the "2012" incident might be representative off a new "dimension" being created somewhere in the Universe. This
new property of light might possibly be related in some way symptomatically? I don't know but it's strange it just "popped" all of a sudden when
the world is struggling with finding new technology for energy, is this just another subtle hint that maybe we don't have to die out on this
rinky-dink little planet? If we're just seeing this property of light, isn't it probable that some other entity has been aware of this property of
light for hundreds, if not thousands of years, or alternatively, forever? This "new" property of light could be a huge game changer in the space
industry as well as the energy industry. Ain't life grand! Ain't the Universe sometimes spooky?