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Where are the peace loving muslims?

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I agree I used to go to college with one, we were great friends

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:51 AM
we're not that peaceful are we? I mean we always seem to be involved in one war or another, we've been at war in other peoples lands for the best part of 20 years. Hardly peaceful behavior if you ask me. We are about to extend the war in Libya, this will mean we kill more muslims in the name of humanitarian aid.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:35 AM
We arn't discussing government's wars, we are discussing a particular "religious" group, worldwide, and their higher proportion to extremism compared with other established groups in current times. I also think this dgree of extremism would vary depending on the place, and culture, like I would think most Muslims, or a higher percentage of Muslims in Japan, the US, Canada, are less extreme in their views than in Pakistan or Afganistan.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by RicoMarston
reply to post by Haydn_17

oh great, Johnny B Good found this thread.
2nd line is dedicated to the dedicated bigots of ATS!

So.....lets seeeeee..........

I post a statistical analysis that shows Islam is overwhelmingly concerned with hating unbelievers, kafirs anyone else other than muslims.

That the Koran is in fact a manual of hate! - with the death penalty for anyone who leaves,disagrees, or criticises it!

These are simply facts - empirical facts! - they are not 'biigotted facts' intolerant facts or racist facts - just the simple unvarnished truth.

And yet the PC brigade...............are unable to cope with it...............and of course blame the messenger!

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:19 PM
I really wonder what is going to happen the day when all of you gullible, naive bleeding hearts are confronted with the reality of Islam and its plans for you. The day is fast approaching where you will have no option but to choose a side and I have no doubt that you people will be the first to sell your souls.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Seagle

Tell me what is going to happen, what is the muslim going to do to me? will he stop me watching football along with millions of others each weekend, will he stop me and millions of others eating a full english breakfast every weekend, will they stop me and millions of others drinking alcohol. will they convince me and millions of other atheists to start believing in religion?

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Um... I know of Muslims who no longer practice and they are still alive. While the Qu'ran may call for the death not everyone follows the rules implicitly... much like Christianity.

To the OP... I will accept apologies from Muslims and Imams for their extremists at the same time YOU apologize to ME for Westboro Baptist Church. Fair deal?

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

"statistical analysis"?! where?! which statistics are you referring to? I must have missed it.
Claiming that your opinions are the Truth doesn't make them any less prejudicial and wrong.
Let me ask you a very simple question which will clear all of this up; which came first, your distrust of Muslims, or the "research" you so desperately cling to? If you stumbled onto these "facts" and your world view was completely rocked off its axis, that's one thing. If you started thinking "there's something up with these muslims" after 9-11 and went on the internet to find any little shred of "evidence" from blogspot sites to back up your feelings, then shame on you.

This has nothing to do with being PC. I use colorful language in front of children. I smoke illegal drugs. I make fun of fat people. I don't give a crap about what's politically correct and I would promote peace, love, tolerance and understanding even if I was the only one in the world doing it.

You mistake my inherent love of and trust in the human race for some concern over being viewed as a racist or whatever. I don't care what people think of me; I love them any way. Even if they make bombs and use them to kill people with the same color skin as me. There are always motivations, they are only human after all.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Seagle
I really wonder what is going to happen the day when all of you gullible, naive bleeding hearts are confronted with the reality of Islam and its plans for you. The day is fast approaching where you will have no option but to choose a side and I have no doubt that you people will be the first to sell your souls.

wow. any facts at all to support this insane and inflammatory statement?

The people on the "kill muslims" (cos let's face it, the argument you're making can only end in genocide) bandwagon throw terms like PC and bleeding hearts at the other side like it proves something. If I had a choice I'd choose to be naive and gullible over cynical and mistrusting any day. life's more fun my way.

How do you know that this day is fast approaching? You have some sort of insider information? or just your feelings? Islam has no plans for me, plain and simple. That isn't because extremists aren't real or dangerous, it's because "Islam" does not exist. There are over a billion people, the majority of whom are NOT arabs, who practice this religion in dozens of different nations, languages, and sects. Islam has splintered into sects and subgroups just like Christianity, Judaism and all the rest. Try to get Catholics and Protestants together on anything and you'll see just how difficult it would be to organize any threatening Muslim force. Where is their home base? which country? who is the leader? who issues the commands?

The only truly violent and ambitious Muslim forces are tiny, splintered groups with literally no central command whatsoever. You and I could start an Al-Qaeda chapter in Iowa and we'd be just as involved in the Great Muslim War on the World as Osama bin Laden.

The problem is not Islam. The problem is religion. Before this era, the christians were horribly violent. next the taoists will be up in arms over somebody desecrating some ridiculous facet of their ridiculous religion. When people are willing to die over some words in some book, we all suffer.

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