posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:46 PM
IMO there is a degree of censorship being applied especially with regards to Yellowstone.
I have noticed that since the new year possibly a little before RSOE which used to be my bible, stopped listing last activity in their easy to read
chart form, you now have to click directly to view the information.
Trouble is usually there were months where more activity was recorded, and there were months when there was less, on Feb 12th or there abouts I
clicked and found Yellowstone had registered about 6 recorded episodes of activity in a 24 hour period, nothing to write home about, but there for all
to see, then a little while after I noticed that seismic activity wasn't being recorded as frequently i.e last activity on report was 1st or 3rd of
March, next report was the 29th March thats almost a month, and IMO highly irregular from what I remember seeing as the norm.
My personal theory is RSOE is being censored for having been too upfront about their realtime worldwide disaster info, especially as they have added
the mass animal death portion.
Furthermore I can see how feesible censorship of this info is, as more and more people access the web, in turn more and more of them wish to access
info to earthquake, solar, and volcanic events, more people are watching, and more importantly they are being flagged as paying more attention, not on
an individual basis, but as a whole, this IMO makes scientists more sensitve to what info they put out there, as they know the layman could
extrapolate the wrong conclusion.
I think its fair to say many more people pay attention to earth induced events nowaday's due to the number of high profile crisis events that have
occurred in recent years, I know I for one have pricked my ears up in repsonse .