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Feminists are at it again! Trying to use sex card to gain favoritism while you suffer!

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:43 PM
(NOTE TO ALL READERS: To all women who behave themselves and conduct themselves in a manner of `True Equality`, not just saying it, but actually practicing equality between men and women, to all happily married women and females in a relationship with a man where she has respect or love in her heart for a man......... I commend you and this post is NOT for you, the men of the world love you. For the radical feminists/feminists that, by the very nature of the title, despise men or follow agenda against men or even for self-gain at the expense of men, I did indeed, have you in mind while writing this post. I won`t apologize for it and I am not looking for stars or flags. I am speaking to men, and to those who love them, in an attempt to remove the facade of philanthropist fakery of which feminism deceives the whole world. Not unlike Satan himself.)

Sorry, this post is so short (as I really haven`t gotten started), but this is a conspiracy against men that we have to deal with, not only today...but everyday.
I have been watching the news intently, as I am sure the rest of you are and I join in the suffering and the plight of the rest of the nation, men and women alike, which is why I got enraged when I saw the Planned Parenthood feminists come on the news and try to turn all of this drama into an attack on them personally. In short, they are trying to make this all about them. I can't even watch the news now without seeing feminists on the news crying about how they are being treated unfairly, not even considering the wants and needs of the rest of the country, MEN INCLUDED!

They claim that the government is trying to defund them as an attack on them personally. My question is.....why then, is the rest of the country having to join in the same suffering? Planned parenthood gets funding for birth control and breast cancer initiatives and although they don't admit it, abortions.
To the men out there, I would remind you that feminism is the reason why we have nothing left in life, the reason why your children have been stolen from you, the reason why your wives hate you and divorce you and take you for all your worth. The government has been on their side 100% thus far which is why they are once again trying to gain privilege over the rest of the nation while businesses and families (including married women with children who have chosen to stand by their man) crumble under the weight of this possible government shutdown.

Planned parenthood is no more than an organization that uses children as a shield and a control factor to subdue men through court proceedings. They have been heavily funded by the Rockefeller's and all feminist organizations that have ripped children from their fathers and mothers who stood by them. What this means is that the women who chose not to ride the beneficial wave of government subsidized feminism to control men....must also pay the price that men do. This is a strong-armed tactic to bully ALL women into their terror induced paradigm of radical idealism.

They hide behind such campaigns as breast cancer and birth control while diverting focus away from the plights of men like testicular cancer and the sorrow that men have to endure because of their constant attacks on the family structure. Now breast cancer etc. needs it's focus, but so does the diseases that ail men. Where is our red ribbon that we see plastered all over the commercials?

Have you ever wondered why the divorce rate is so high? Is it the men that instigate these divorces? No! It's the women who were brainwashed by feminism that instigated these divorces. The proof comes from (other than the obvious gains that women get while in divorce court) the fact that men have nothing to gain from divorce. In fact men lose everything! Their children included. They are then punished further with outrageous amounts of child support and alimony as well as having to deal with the control factor of the ex-wife always trying to control him by using his child as a crowbar into his wallet and any further pecuniary benefits that he may receive in the future thus making a slave out of him while they sit back and just rake in the cash.
Many men even have to pay extra because the ex-wife spends the money on herself instead of her child and then wants more. If she doesn't get what she wants, sh goes to feminists and they cry to anyone who will listen to make this happen. The Planned Parenthood feminists are claiming, right now as I right this, that this WHOLE government shutdown is nothing but an attack on women. NO LIE!

I cannot believe the audacity of these gold diggers making these absurd claims while the rest of the country men and women alike are asked to share in the same pain collectively. Were this to happen,parks will be shutting down, museums, 800,000+ government workers (men and women) and their families and their children, museums, schools and teachers, medical personnel, basically anything that is not absolutely necessary. Yet, the feminists are the only ones we see on the news crying about how THEY are being attacked and that this is all about them. It's disgusting at best. If I were you (the rest of the country) I would likewise be furious because if they get what they want and you don't, that is favoritism and favoritism is not how our forefathers designed our country.

It is "WE THE PEOPLE" not "WE THE FEMINIST". To any government figure listening to me, if shutting the government down will destroy feminism down to it's roots......I will gladly sacrifice everything to start anew. Crash the whole country for all I care. It's a far less sacrifice than we men are already paying today. maybe we can start back from the beginning on an equal platform of fairness where men are once again included in daily decisions of life and of their children.

Planned parenthood is a far worse to the men who have been victimized by feminist hate than a crippled country. At least this way we are all on equal ground....crappy ground, but equal nonetheless.

Planned parenthood and other feminist organizations are far worse a cancer than breast cancer and testicular cancer combined. There is strong evidence to prove that Feminism is the very reason we are in this situation in the first place.

Here we have the first 2 videos one of women (lying) and denying that Planned Parenthood offers abortions and below that, (second video) they offer a pimp of an under aged slave child, the option of, well,.. you guessed it....abortion and birth control pills. She is also kind enough to give him advice on how to get away with this abhoring behavior and even calls Planned Parenthood a "partner in crime".

Women claiming (the above MSNBC video in the provided link) and saying that Planned Parenthood ONLY helps out women with breast cancer, birth control and STDs, (only for women, that is), while denying that it has anything to do at all with abortions. Here is the evidence of their lies.

(First the lie)


This is a video on MSNBC. - MSNBC Panel Says Conservatives Want To defund Planned Parenthood To Blame Government Shutdown On Radical Feminists
- [Below we have the truth and don't say that this is old news it happened January 2011. Note: that this woman was the manager of this clinic, she was fired, but ironically only when she was caught on cam...of course there are going to distance themselves from her and admit no knowledge of it, yet, we all know how business works. Nothing new under the sun here.]

[Now for the truth!]

Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp's Underage Sex Ring

As feminists subscribe to the teaching of their mentors that "all men are rapists" (one of their favorite quotes) ....they must now accept responsibility under the same subscription that all feminists are to blame for this type of behavior. (Hey, is it equality or not? You can't cherry pick).

Some proof of the aforementioned feminist motto:

"I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire." -- Robin Morgan, in 1974
"Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies." -- Andrea Dworkin
"And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual [male], it may be mainly a quantitative difference."
-- Susan Griffin "Rape: The All-American Crime"
"[Rape] is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear" -- Susan Brownmiller (Against Our Will p. 6)
"Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated. You might think that's too broad. I'm not talking about sending all of you men to jail for that." -- Catherine MacKinnon "A Rally Against Rape" Feminism Unmodified

In the video below, we have a feminist politician (Representative Speier) claiming at (frame 0:40) that this whole government shutdown is nothing more than an attack on this radical feminist organization called Planned Parenthood. (yeah, nothing to do with being 14 Trillion dollars in debt), and in a direct follow-up in frame (0:50).....she claims that not "ONE DIME" goes to abortions. A lying feminist? Who would've thought?

Speaking of lying, I would be remiss if I didn't offer any advice for you women out there who are robbing men everywhere and using children to get what you want out of life. If you're going to have a feminist organization to give free birth control to you TAKE THE PILL! Don't "accidentally" forget it like happens all too often at the expense of hard working men who can barely live from paycheck to paycheck and then after YOUR mistake he can't even do that and usually ends up in and out of prison for lack of payment, of an outrageous sum of child support. We all know about this lie, MEN LIVE IT EVERY DAY.

How convenient that this happens all the time and the only ones to gain are the women. We men are given nothing to control this with and don't bother saying use condoms because women have this eerie, uncanny ability to seduce men into not using one. If there are men and women who are responsible and do take the pill and men who use condoms, I am not speaking of you here. The whole world knows of whom I speak of.

We men benefit in no way from having children and I can promise you that if it were our responsibility to "take the pill" would definately NOT be forgotten. The main reason women "forget" to take the pill is (let's lay all the cards out) to trap men into financial slavery that benefits only the female of whom he was involved with. This was no is a plan of women everywhere to get paid monthly for their own mistakes.

Women claim how tough it is to go through 9 months of pregnancy and their defense is pretty much just that. Well, I (a man), would much rather go through a pregnancy, where (these days) you get doped up on epidurals and the drug of your choice so as to not have to deal with the pain.
Here are but a few. Demerol (also referred to as meperidine or pethidine), Morphine Stadol (Butorphanol), Fentanyl (Sublimaze), and Nubain (Nalbuphine).

I don't know about the rest of you men, but I would much rather go through a pregnancy for 9 months and a few hours of discomfort (not even so much pain anymore), than 18-20 some years of financial hell! Most women have told me that they don't even remember the actual birth anyway so how can they then claim that it was so horrible? Even hours of pure pain would be acceptable to me as opposed to years and years of pecuniary slavery and a hateful, vindictive ex-wife (usually with a devil on her shoulder called a mother-in-law).

Back on point...

In this following link you can see the statement where feminists say
"If the federal government shuts down, it will mainly be men forcing the shutdown, and women and families who will suffer as a result." - Click here for source

So, let me get this straight MEN are to blame for this? And one step, all of a sudden they are concerned about the integrated families? Hmmm, It seems to me that they have a long track record of destroying the once tight American family structure. Do I really need to show you men proof of this? REALLY??
So MEN are to blame right?......(In walks Nancy Pelosi),

"Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic controlled 111th congress never even considered funding the federal government in 2011. In the real world budgets are planned for and approved before the fiscal year begins. But no, They concentrated on spending. Huge spending with things like Obamacare, without worrying about how to fund it or even just keeping the government running. And then, in the second week of January 2011 they handed over this big stink bomb to John Boehner and the Republicans of the 112th congress.
Click here for source

"How beautiful is that! It's like some sexist 1950's sitcom. Nancy Pelosi gets to play the part of the stay at home wife who takes the credit card and runs up a huge bill, and John Boehner gets to play the part of the hardworking husband who gets to come home from work and open the envelope and read the bill. "We cant afford this!" screams John. To which Nancy quips "That's not my problem" as she turns and shakes her hips as she walks away."

Yes, that's right feminists I am making a bold, outrageous claim that THIS POSSIBLE GOV'T SHUTDOWN IS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. I would call you feminists narcissist.....but that would be mean, so I will refrain and let all men and happily married women, that you can't get your greedy tentacles on, judge for themselves.

One last link to prove my point.
In this link they show 8 ways that the Gov't Shutdown will hurt women.
Click here for source

(in order) - I'm guessing everyone of these should be applicable to both men AND women .....except for one, which one could that be? I submit that, out of these 8 tantrums that the 8th one is the ONLY one that really matters to them. The other 7 are smoke and mirrors that just support their main focal point....which is why they left it for last.....this is a well known trick in hypnotism (suggestive trigger or save the best for last).

1) Civil Rights (trying to identify with a whole race independently, who have had their own struggles and have overcome them without the tactics of deception and crying like children, were they to not get their way. If I were a proud person of color. I would be immensely offended that an organization known for devious methods of self-gratification, such as feminism, is trying to use the great Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman and the like, to pimp out a shameful agenda that is meant to do no more than destroy men out of sheer jealousy).

2) Health care - Because we know that ONLY WOMEN need it ...I mean,.....right? America is 100% women right? What am I missing here? Something doesn't seem right. Oh well.

3) Tax Refunds - Again, apparently ONLY women will suffer here......we are to assume that because I don't see anywhere included in the text on the aforementioned page where men will not receive their tax refunds. By derivation, we are led to believe that men all over America will get their refunds and poor, little women everywhere will just have to 'do without'..........just like always (yes, I'm being facetious)

4) Small business - (see above)

5) Federal Contracting - (see above)

6) Workplace Protections - (see above)

7) Labor Safety (isn't that in the same category as Workplace Protections? Nope, IT'S THE SAME THING!)

8) Child Support Payments........AH! Now we have it! They finally got to the real issue. "We want our money that we worked so hard for, because we feminists are NOT deadbeats like men, we just sit around and feed off of the monthly cash of a hard working man simply because we are women who also worked hard to manipulate and seduce them out of cash that is rightfully ours...hear us roar!" (Especially when they don't get their monthly government subsidies.) Nah.....not deadbeat mom's at all. It seems men were in the same bed with the same time with the women......doing the same thing as the women.....and somehow women get paid for it. I can't make rhyme or reason from it.

If men make a mistake regarding children, we have to pay thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands, and for the men who (used to be millionaires) ...millions of dollars had to be paid to women for school books, shoes and school lunches. It is a penalty that is stretched out for 18-20 years or more, not counting medical and college tuition. Women get free money. This is their punishment for irresponsibility. That's a pretty sweet deal right guys? I mean how is that NOT fair?

They [[[[!! HAVE A CHOICE !!]]]] by virtue of government sponsored programs such as Feminism, Planned Parenthood, The Feminist Majority, NOW, League of Women Voters, National Partnership for Women Voters, Women Leaders Online, YWCA, Soroptomist International, AWHONN, Guerrilla Girls, Emily's List and a myriad of different "Topless Feminists" (My favorite!) No really!, I am serious,.....somehow they teach us men a getting topless. I know, I know. Now I ask you men....................................WHAT DID THOSE SIGNS SAY THEY WERE HOLDING UP? LOL. That'll teach us.

What do men have to protect them from an army of ticked off, vindictive amazon women funded by a government (that at least used to have) unlimited funds? That ones easy NOTHING!! We apparently are supposed to just let women walk all over us and treat us like crap, blame us for everything, steal our money and our children and leave us destitute..........and not even get any love afterwards.......we are supposed to just smile and not mention it.
Basically, we are to act as if everything is alright. Hell, some men even join them in debasing other men and help them to destroy their own kind. I like to call them cannibals, but really they are men who are being used by women and the men secretly think that if they support these feminists that they will end up getting laid. I am serious.
Watch, there will be some that speak in here shortly. I get some good laughs from those traitors despite thier ignorance. Keep up the good work....suckers.

Let's not overlook the classiness of todays feminist either.


Warning: Subjective, partial nudity do not click link unless 18 years of age.This oughta get me a star or a flag, ha.

Yeah, I went there. I will not apologize for being a man and having the desires of a man. I have never taken passion from a woman unlawfully. In fact, my wife has to beg me for it because I am usually too busy. If more feminists were like the ones in this link.........I might even support your plight.....whatever that plight is.

Oh yeah, the whole men treating women like crap before the 20`s. Either you women today don`t deserve the reparations of the women who actually had to suffer so, so long ago or you all look really, really youthful for being over 100 years old.
No woman today had to suffer the supposed torments (which I believe were fabricated anyway, considering their descendants today do nothing BUT lie) have done no more suffering than any man in this day and age.
We were born in this era, not in the era of women who were considered less than human. My question is why are women today accepting reparations of the deceased women who actually did the suffering?
Why are they blaming US MEN for something that happened over 100 years ago and holding us accountable when I am only in my 30`s?

These are questions that are never answered........but after being blamed for the possible Government Shutdown, I think that it`s time we, as men,.....equal the playing field. On three... take out your hankey`s and start bawling.
edit on 8-4-2011 by Phenomium because: Added Video

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:49 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:51 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:55 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:02 PM
The entire feminist topic has been tainted, so I can summarize my thoughts quite clearly.

Until everyone, even females, demand that we remove all distinction to race from everything (including abortion, selective service, physical standards, etc) I could care less about the plight of any gender because we have brought it on ourselves by creating artificial lines that are ridiculous.

It won't happen though, and the biggest fight I've found against my views has come from the females, so there's your answer.


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:04 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

So glad I don't live in your world.

I would never lump every woman and every man into the two categories you have tried to. That's something done by those who have no grasp on the reality of what they are trying to convey.


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:07 PM
In short, Women deserve equality...nothing more and nothing less.

The problem is that some Women ruin this for all Women.

Too many instances to state here but just my own experience will do:

A few years ago, my band (Female Singer and 3 male musicians) agreed to do a fund raiser for breast cancer. The organizers had met our singer in a bar and she mentioned she had a band that would be glad to play for free as our drummer (male) had lost his mom to cancer and our guitarist (male) had just found that his wife had breast cancer.

Showtime! We showed up at the gig and were stopped at the door. We were informed that this was a Woman's only event in support of Women. WTF?

Summary: We were refused entrance as we had male members so we could not play to support not only the cause, but our own loved ones.

It was a short time later that I learned about girls being allowed in Boy Scouts but that boys could not join Girl Guides.

Nuff' said.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:07 PM
Quoting Family Guy here, so don't hate

"Women are not people, they were put here by jesus, for our entertainment purposes only."

And now my own guote from myself.

"There is the door, get out"

No hard feelings to all the women out there, I love you all!!!

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:08 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by karileigh77

I'd really like to encourage you to try to add some foundation for your posts, because otherwise it's very easy to dismiss them as childish and vapid.

I, for one, am no stranger to ridicule against other or against myself and don't have much problem with it, but at least have the stones to back it up with something an objective observer might consider of substance. Just a suggestion and a courtesy since you are rather new.


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:11 PM
Lol, it must have taken you a long time to write all that. I didn't read it all, but I can just guess that you don't like feminist. If women want to have groups dedicated to them, they can there's nothing wrong with that. So if they want to lobby government officials they can too, men do it all the time "for special treatment". Don't blame them for lobbying, blame the government officials for listening to the lobbyist and not us.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:14 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by karileigh77
you shouldnt get jack#

Certainly, you have something more insightful to add in your defense other than just the textual equivalent of throwing eggs at my house.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:18 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:19 PM


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
reply to post by Phenomium

So glad I don't live in your world.

I would never lump every woman and every man into the two categories you have tried to. That's something done by those who have no grasp on the reality of what they are trying to convey.


You didn't even read the first few lines did you? I think I covered that there. Furthermore, that is why I even wrote this post. That is exactly what feminism does against men. They are separatists and men are their opposition. This whole post is the anti-agreement of that tye of behavior. Please people, read before you respond. And no, I am happily married to a real woman who believes as I do. My first wife and her mother......they were feminists and I know what I speak of from first hand experience. Everything I spoke of above, happened to me by a girlfriend who decieved me into believing she was a natural woman, but after marriage her true colors of feminism came out and her and her mom ganged up against me and bled me dry. I was in the military so I did nothing to deserve the attacks. Unfortunately this happens to a lot of military and easy targets for feminists. They get your cash and they don't have to have you around.
edit on 8-4-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by jude11
In short, Women deserve equality...nothing more and nothing less.

NO.....women deserve freedom which should not be at the expense of men.

Tricky eh?

Originally posted by Phenomium
You didn't even read the first few lines did you?

Yes I did thanks, and my response was due to reading your entire post.

The complexities of equality are not as black and white as you would like to think but endless shades of grey. Not everyone thinks the same, believes the same or acts the same. Once you treat the subject in relation to each individual (you meet) you will get a different story, different view and different outcome for each scenario.

Equality is fluid because of those shades of grey, and the shades are ever changing.

Why do you think this is such a touchy and endless subject?
edit on 8/4/2011 by nerbot because: stuff

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by jude11
In short, Women deserve equality...nothing more and nothing less.

The problem is that some Women ruin this for all Women.

Too many instances to state here but just my own experience will do:

A few years ago, my band (Female Singer and 3 male musicians) agreed to do a fund raiser for breast cancer. The organizers had met our singer in a bar and she mentioned she had a band that would be glad to play for free as our drummer (male) had lost his mom to cancer and our guitarist (male) had just found that his wife had breast cancer.

Showtime! We showed up at the gig and were stopped at the door. We were informed that this was a Woman's only event in support of Women. WTF?

Summary: We were refused entrance as we had male members so we could not play to support not only the cause, but our own loved ones.

It was a short time later that I learned about girls being allowed in Boy Scouts but that boys could not join Girl Guides.

Nuff' said.

I agree with your first line as well.
I am also glad that at least one person here can read my post from an objective point of view and realize that it is not an attack on women, rather, a spotlight on a real problem that you can clearly see strikes a nerve in those who are benefiting from the feminist agenda. These previous posts (the attacks from the females who support feminism and the one liner responses) actually make no sense, if they had actually read the post, they would know this. But they read the title and right away go into the defensive mode...then attack. This is a characteristic of someone who is not interested in equality at all, but is angered, because of a secret, that if exposed to the right people, and be acted upon, would remove all of their unwarranted benefits. It's fear of loss that angers people. I knew when I wrote this that it would ruffle many feathers and I welcome it. Thanks again for the impartial response, it shows you have class, unlike some.
edit on 8-4-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:38 PM
thank you who responded for women not all of us use sex to get what we want

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