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Medicaid Cuts, Agency Mergers Cleared by Senate Panel

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Medicaid Cuts, Agency Mergers Cleared by Senate Panel

The Medicaid spending measure would save $300 million in funds -- $200 million in state funds and $100 million in federal funds -- by eliminating the state’s Medically Needy program, which benefits those who would otherwise be ineligible for Medicaid, but whose medical condition is financially burdensome.

Democrats were quick to pounce on the measure, stating that it would lead to the death of sick people in need who couldn’t afford life-saving procedures and medicine.

“There needs to be a balance here or there are people that are going to be dying and that’s not an exaggeration,
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:[ /url]

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:44 AM
Yesterday, I received a mass txt informing me of a gathering at Tropicana Field to protest med waiver cuts and boo Rick Scott (aka the devil) on the Tampa Bay Rays opening day. I then immediately received a call from the mother of an individual whom I provide behavioral services for, begging me to work under the table as she was informed by my boss that we would no longer be providing services to her son. After contacting my agency to validate her claim and researching the bill, I was informed my services will be eliminated effective July 1st. This morning I took a pay cut of $3.50 per hour.

I work as a behavioral assistant for individuals with developmental disabilities. Day to day, I am reminded of the extensive amount of care required to prevent these individuals from harming themselves and others. While I agree there are severe abuses to our system, idiotic evaluations and a vast amount of money being misused, direct care services are vital to the survival of not only these individuals and their families but society at large. Jobs have been cut across the board, including the already understaffed, overpopulated, Department of Corrections and Department of Education. College tuition rates have been raised while financial aid has been cut.

I could write a corruption soiled novella detailing the governor’s agenda, privatizing Medicaid, fattening the pocket of lobbyists who supported his campaign and cutting corporate taxes. At the moment however, I am concerned for the welfare of those less fortunate. I am including myself in this concern and inviting you to my pity party. ( BYOB ) I am a self educated young woman, proud of my independence. I am now left working 67 hours a week to survive. I have no hope of obtaining a costly, time consuming degree. I am a tough cookie. I’ve spent years working with maladaptive behaviors, being beat on, spit on, threatened with sharp objects. I am left thinking since Substance Abuse Programs for adults were included in the services cut and prisons will be less likely to accept non violent offenders, perhaps I should invest in coc aine and cook up crack rock.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 2-4-2011 by MsAmen because: Im a perfectionist lacking perfection

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:50 AM
I say shut the frigging government down and give the people the money that was going to be used to run the government. We could live pretty well then. I they would have divided the money up the used to save the banks and gave it to the people we all would have had a nice home, plenty of food, and many less problems than we have today. Shut down all the corporate banks and open community banks and no more interest on our own money...

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Caji316

I am appalled by this legislation. I wonder how our legislature would feel should they themselves or a member of their family fall ill or suffer an accident rendering them incapable of controlling their actions.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by MsAmen

What is alarming here is first Florida then the other states will follow. There are by far millions and millions of people who will be afected by this. I would like to say, "Well that is what you get for voting in the Republicans but I cant blame one side, We have a rotten government through and through. One party is the spening party, One party is the greedy party, we are damned if we do and damned if we dont...

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by wlmgsmn

Unfortunately you are correct these sweeping cuts ( which profit corporate America ) are headed for a town near you, your town. Our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, our childrens lives are at stake. Its not simply my job or the jobs of countless others which will be lost to this legislation but the safety of everday citizens. Mental and rehabilitational services are essential. I advise you all...CREATE A LIVING WILL. The care you or your family will recieve (should the worst circumstance be laid upon you) will be minimal and your chance at living a life worth living will be comparable to the lottery. BUY A GUN....... Desperation and instability will run rampant.SECURE A DEGREE....... Who cares if it costs more than you will be able to pay back, you will not be working without it. PRAY....... Even if you dont believe in prayer, what could it hurt?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Caji316
I say shut the frigging government down and give the people the money that was going to be used to run the government. We could live pretty well then. I they would have divided the money up the used to save the banks and gave it to the people we all would have had a nice home, plenty of food, and many less problems than we have today. Shut down all the corporate banks and open community banks and no more interest on our own money...

The obvious opinion of a person who doesn't:

Drive on Interstate Highways
Fly on commercial airlines regulated by FAA
Enjoy the protection of the US military
Enjoys the benefit of protection from infectious diseeases by the CDC
Enjoys safe food inspected by USDA
Breathes clean air thanks to EPA
I could go on forever.................


As a native Floridian of 50 years, I can attest that Rick Scott is the worst thing to happen to Florida in my lifetime. Worse than ANY Hurricane. (including Andrew)

Last night during LIVE coverage during the Rays Baseball opening game, the Sun Sports Network (sister Network to FOX Sports) went to commercial break and showed a replay of Scott throwing opening pitch without the audio to avoid a repeat performance when he was booed before.

Thanks OP for bringing the misdeeds of this atrocious festering crook of a Governor to the attention of ATS.
I, for one, am making it a personal agenda to attend any protests or petition calling for his recall.

The agenda of the extreme right is to turn their backs on others who are inflicted with infirmity and require government assistance. I commend you for your altruistic and selfless efforts to enhance the quality of other's lives who are in need and less fortunate. You have a new friend in me.

ETA: Hear him booed here:
edit on 2-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: add boo clip

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Thank you my friend for your support. Florida needs you. I genuinly fear for the future of our less fortunate and everyday citizens, our children, my generation, our parents and grandparents. This crook and his party are orchestrating a death penalty to our jobs and our families all while lining thier pockets. Im angry and frightened but mostly so sad. I loved my job and am concerned for all those whom Ive cared for.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:46 PM
If you are in doubt that this legislation is based in corruption please see this..............
Gov. Rick Scott, Solantic and conflict of interest: What's the deal?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:56 PM
Due to the draconian cuts in my state someone close to me who has schizophrenia was forced to go on an older medication with much worse side effects. I don't know the exact nature of government assistance that he receives but he completely stopped taking any medications until they somehow found another way to pay for the preferred med and his life went into a terrible spiral and he is still trying to stabilize. How many others will be forced off the most effective medications or forced off their medications all together and end up in the hospital? He'd been stable and doing well for a long time so it was really painful to watch him go through this.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by ChrisCrikey

I am so sorry. It would seem that those in need are the first to be ignored. Here in Florida, the recent cuts have included medication assistance programs. These programs fill in the gaps, enabling individuals to afford effective medications. The impact of this legislation will not only be felt by those suffering from mental or medical conditions but will spread that suffering in the lives of those who support them.
edit on 2-4-2011 by MsAmen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:18 PM
Here in Florida, sexual offenders are no longer contained behind bars but in group homes. Due to reforms passed in previous years, these predators have been classified alongside the developmentally delayed should thier IQ fall at or below 70. Without appropriate supervision supplied by highly skilled, well trained staff and allotted an undue amount of rights under the jurisdiction of APD, these offenders have abused individuals incapable of voicing objections.

I personally have worked cases where my clientell have murdered their peers or molested children. Society seems to be oblivious to what is right next door. We stepped away from inhumane and costly institutions to a flawed yet functional and progressive system. This is a step back without the required funding in place to secure the safety of our society.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by MsAmen

Yes, I agree. Even though I had been friends with this guy for a long time without the proper medication he was beginning to scare me and his family. It hasn't been limited to the mentally ill in my state. Lots of people with chronic conditions are no longer getting medications that took years to get straightened out and are now being offered no help with medications or only being offered the cheapest and usually much less effective medications while trying to scrape together the money from the $674. per month (that is the maximum amount for SSI disability) money they get for all living expenses and that's it.
What you said about convicted sex offenders is really concerning. Where I live if you want to know who in your neighborhood is on the sex offender registry you must pay the Sheriff's office $25. It used to be free and I thought it was their responsibility to let the public know.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Um, why won't Obamacare kick in for treatment then? I thought this was going to be the cure-all for all our ills.

Also, this isn't supposed to take place until April1, 2012. So why all the cuts now that you guys are posting about??? It certainly isn't this proposal!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by beezzer

ObamaCare, as you call it hasn't kicked for the population we are discussing and probably won't as people who are currently covered in Medicaid are not going to be eligible for subsidized insurance under the new law as they are actually too poor and will probably remain on Medicaid. State governments administer Medicaid programs and pay about 1/3 of the programs' cost while the federal government pays about 2/3. It's a fund matching situation and some states believe (ignorantly) that they can care for the seriously ill and indigent members of their populations on their own at 33% of their former budgets. Keep in mind there are federal mandates and disability legislation going back to 1972 that mandates care and assistance to the disabled so....what we are currently focusing on doesn't have much to do with PPACA or ObamaCare as you call. Maybe you will qualify for a subsidy?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by beezzer

If you would read the OP's firsthand account as someone "in the trenches" you'd understand the implications of the further proposed cuts. As opposed to your typical knee-jerk defend the Right wing at any cost reaction. :shk:

Now go eat some olives and we'll keep our branch.

edit on 2-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

I see a knee-jerk reaction to a proposal. All states are making cuts. It's just that now people are going to be affected by it. We have become an entitlement society. Shocked and sicked by anything that isn't given out for free anymore.

Too damned bad. I'm sure people will suffer. That sucks. But like it has been said before, the Constitution gives us equal oppourtunity, not equal outcome.

Maybe we should be relying on each other instead of the government teat.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Yes, it's already extremely bad for these populations and the level of care has been inadequate for a long time.
Future cuts without a doubt will mean death to many people and many emergency hospitalizations that could have been avoided but of course the right wing thinks it's "illegals" who are getting all the treatment. They may be getting some treatment in emergency rooms but to get a Medicaid card or food stamps you have to be fingerprinted and a be legal resident meaning citizenship or a (tax paying) worker with a green card. I'm not currently employed but I'm "in the trenches" too.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by beezzer

One day you will require someone to show you compassion perhaps for reasons you've never imagined. Perhaps at that moment you will realize how heartless and inhumane your words are and that karma IS a boomerang. Maybe you will reach out and someone will cite the Constitution. Your cruelty of intent and insensitivity defies your humanity in this and NUMEROUS prior threads. This I truly believe.

I gain solace knowing you will get what you deserve.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by ChrisCrikey
Future cuts without a doubt will mean death to many people and many emergency hospitalizations that could have been avoided but of course the right wing thinks it's "illegals" who are getting all the treatment.

Please show proof, documentaion.

Or is this just your opinion?

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