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Will Tokyo be a Prisontown soon?

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:46 PM
In the thread about Fukushima "the Redneck" and others advised to leave/evacuate Tokyo right now!!! Although they are not the government or from some scientific institute, many of them, especially the Redneck, know what they are talking about when it comes to nuclear physics.
It's not spreading fear, it is a real concern also because of the real possibility of a large steam-explosion. That will be the moment that the manure will hit the windmill.

However, it is nearly impossible to evacuate Tokyo and the surrounding suburbs on time, even if they started on March 11. And where do you go with all these people which are more than 35 million? Japan is a small island and is already overcrowded. So there is also no place to go, they would have to go abroad, but which country is willing to take 35 million people at once? Even a million per country would cause serious problems.

So, I was thinking, will there be a martial law in Tokyo and the region if the population gets knowledge of how bad the situation really is? Will they close it down like they did fictionally in the movie Escape from New York and will the circumstances be like the movie Hardware?

The film is set in the near future in a crime-ridden United States that has converted Manhattan Island in New York City into a maximum security prison.
(Escape from NY)

In the 21st century, most of the world has been reduced to a radioactive wasteland. People survive in industrialized slums kept running on outdated and decaying computer technology.

These 2 movies combined could very well be coming true for Tokyo. Or did my tin foil hat let too much radiation through?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:02 PM
The films that you mentioned appear to represent the situation that may unfold
if an escalation (already at that level) of the situation were to occur.
Another scene that comes to mind is from resident evil 2, when umbrella is scanning
people for infection before letting them leave raccoon city.
What brings this image to mind is a video report showing who I assume were tokyo
police officers scanning people entering a refuge area for radiation.

I can understand that the scanning taking place then was most likely more for the safety of
the individuals, in terms of treatment, not for the intention of barring access. Still it doesn't remove
the image I have of:

" Sorry, anomalies have been detected in your radiation levels. Please return to the city
and await further instructions"

Predictive programming huh...

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:33 PM
Prison town maybe, Glow stick town definately soon...
They need to evac that whole country and bring them here to the US. The US economy would boom from all the new building and spending to accomidate everyone and there's plenty of space for new cities in the US, I know a lot of people complain about over population in the US but get on google Earth and check out the vast spaces of land there are between our cities. These are very inteligent people that are very Americanized already from media sources in Japan and I think it would be good for our country. Their businesses and corporations are huge money makers. They will eventually need to go somewhere, why not here.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:25 PM
It is estimated that something in excess of 10% of homes in the US are vacant.

Surely, something could be worked out to bring some of these people here.
We also have empty factories, etc.
Surely some of this could be put to use.

I know this is a simplistic idea, but in trying times, no idea should be overlooked.


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