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"Abduction" experience in Ottawa, Canada, but more importantly what I was told and why I'm tellin

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:56 PM
So first of all, I know I have no proof of this experience and a lot of people will not believe it, please don't make that the only subject of your reply. I wasn't even planning on sharing this story with this wide of an audience, but things got really #ed up in my life recently and my regard for personal safety goes way down under stress, so I decided to get this out in case I die of overdose or a car crash within the next few days. Here it goes:

Also, I was on some drugs, but I am experienced enough to know (and hope other members are too) that it wasn't the right kind or nearly the right dose for this kind of effect. (1 pill of e and some pot)

I was walking home through a field, I'll try to post the google maps link to the area later. it's not particularly isolated, but all the buildings around there are government buildings. they were closed by then (It was around 930 pm, on a Friday, June of 2010).
Then about half way through, I had just crossed a ravine when a bright white light surrounded me, pretty much blinding me. At first I thought one of the security cars was shining his headlights on me, thinking I was causing some #, but the light didn't seem to have a direction or point of origin. It was just like a background, the only way I can describe it is like when you "look" at a very bright light with your eyes closed, or the scenes in the matrix where it's just the two guys on chairs and white emptiness around them. Then what looked like a sliding door opened, and two figures came out and started talking to me. I tried to move, but felt like nothing was happening. This isn't really a feeling I can fully describe, like I'd try to move my arm up and I would feel it moving up, but then when I look down it would still be hanging limply at my side. What they said is actually the most important part, regardless of whether or not you believe it, but I'll get to that separately. The figures were a bit blurry at first, but then cleared up to form two grey alien creatures, pretty much stereotypical aliens. they had large, black eyes, though a white rim was sort of visible, hairless, and had some kind of suits on, though they had no apparent functional parts and looked like simple fabric stretched over the beings, neck to wrists and toes. They were about 5 feet tall, sort of slender, but from what I looked seemed more sinewy than humans. They also stood in a bit of a trippy way, like when someone tries to stand up straight but tries too hard. the voices sounded deeper than human (surprisingly), and sort of dry. They talked fast and to the point. The voices, however, did not seem to originate from the beings, but seemed instead to lack a source, like the light. At this point, I saw some sort of smooth floor, and curved, white walls, but the room I was in was so featureless it was hard to tell where the two met. There was no sign of the door through which the beings entered. At the start of the talk, one of the beings, slightly taller ( and apparently in charge, though it said less overall) said no questions would be answered, unless I didn't understand what I was being told. When they finished talking, the two aliens left the room, then everything turned white with some sort of fine mist, though I couldn't feel it when I was breathing, and next thing I knew I woke up in the field, right where I was when everything had started. I guess I'll never know if I was actually aboard an alien craft or the experience was simply beamed to my head as I lay face down on the ground, the second seeming more likely.

NOW here's the really important part, even if you thought the rest was BS and didn't read it it's very important you read this:

The reason they talked to me and then just let me go is the same reason websites like this, Wikileaks and others are deliberately allowed to operate by the cooperation of "certain agencies both on and off of Earth". There is a high likelilyhood of a huge population drop-off from humans, from a combination of simple overpopulation and associated higher aggression, and the rising water levels and associated natural disasters expected in the next thirty years. Releasing subliminal warnings is, supposedly, part of a technique the "grey" aliens had time to develop on their home planet, the point being to ensure the surviving population of inevitable drop-offs is selected based more on genetic fitness, and less on blind luck that often determines individuals' fate in situations where crowds panic. Releasing a controlled amount of warnings, without direct evidence, ensures that among those exposed, the ones paranoid enough to sacrifice their current life and those oblivious enough to do nothing are less likely to survive. Individuals with higher cognitive abilities, able to calculatedly evaluate risks and take appropriate precautions, are more thus given a higher chance of survival through the use of this method.
Part of this method involves deliberately, one way or another, giving some individuals (one in every couple thousand) some more concrete knowledge that they can believe, so that they help in spreading it. It relies on the element of human psychology that is reluctant to accept, or for that matter even consider, what seem to be far-out claims without increasingly more indesputable evidence. A little ironic to say this close to the end of my post, if you ask me. Like I said, I wasn't even gonna bother, but I figured I gotta let people know while I can and it's something to think about even if you don't believe it.

So if you read nothing else, we are allowed to see some evidence of what we are in for in most of our lifetimes' as part of what can only be described as a giant Darwinian experiment, whether or not you're gonna be ready is up to you

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:02 PM
emotional intertwining is a common theme here.The Linda Martell Hoffer case had similar kernels of truth/other.

What one must recall is the voice that recalls the confession,genuine in its falseness cold in its warmth.
Interesting reading.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:07 PM
I know you mentioned that the amount of substances you were on was very little, the fact that you mentioned (and were on ANY such substance) at the start of the post felt like a disclaimer: "Ignore the below, I might have been high."

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:09 PM
ive had a similar experience happen to me even though I new it was true drove my self crazy trying to convince my family and friends and no one believed me but I now no there is more to life than what we no and our life is just a trial we are each being watched all ways even when we think we are alone it's possible to look back on each persons past good or bad

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by oou420

for sharing your story. up:

I like reading others accounts on this issue. :

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:15 PM
Thank you for your contribution. Sounds plausible to me.

Being honest about the drug use is commendable - - - and I personally don't see it as a deterrent.
edit on 26-3-2011 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Annee

I think you focusing on the drug aspect is very very rude,Im sorry it just cheapens his whole story.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:28 PM
link not convinced personally.
You mentioned drug makes me wonder if maybe you were under the influence when you wrote this post?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:28 PM
So another words they give a warning and it just so happens that the most fit of mankind, the most able, will be the ones in the best position to make proper use of the warning. If no warning was given then the rich, the poor, the dumb and the smart, they would all be put at risk.

Doesn't seem all that strange to me. Makes sense. They're giving us a warning.

So from the many accounts in ufology the overall impression is that the earth is experiencing changes. These changes, along with others we bring along with us, are challenging our ability to survive. They're saying, woooooh, slow down, you got a big wall up ahead. You can't break through it you gotta go around it. If you break through it you'll get killed, silly.
edit on 26-3-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Interesting story but sorry I can't get past the fact you were on
drugs. Something certainly brought out your creativity but
I will have to take this with a grain of salt.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Drugs and dreams are powerful. '___', hallucinogens, others, can really change you as a person. You can dream the most incredible thing. You can see the whole of the solar system and its history and its little secrets and you can see all the things you never knew you could see it'll blow your mind away. When you come out the other side you're not the same person anymore.

OP, i'm not saying drugs did it or that it was a dream. But even if it were, what I say here is still correct. Some drugs and dreams do change people. Not always for the better, but some things can't be controlled. I myself have had dreams that made my tiny brain think WOW!!

The kind of WOW that leaves you speechless. A drug or a dream can do that.

I just got done listening to some music that was so beautiful it could put me to sleep.
edit on 26-3-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:47 PM
OP, you do not know what was inside of the drugs that you have taken. What you experienced was more than likely the result of the recreational drugs you were taking. Relax, don't feel threatened or agitated by it, just accept that you had a reaction to drugs which you consumed.

Remember, in a dream state, minutes are hours and seconds are minutes...A lot can happen in a minute even whilst standing on your feet. You catch my drift?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:50 PM
I've done some research and asked around about drugs, and no known substance can bring about that exact effect. I've done lsd and salvia, this was nothing like either. I was also fine to drive within an hour of the experience, and felt fine (for being on e) for the rest of the night and the next day, so I definitely do not think it was something in the pill.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by oou420
I've done some research and asked around about drugs, and no known substance can bring about that exact effect. I've done lsd and salvia, this was nothing like either. I was also fine to drive within an hour of the experience, and felt fine (for being on e) for the rest of the night and the next day, so I definitely do not think it was something in the pill.
Well there're secrets inside our mind that we're still trying to figure out. No supercomputer can compete with the brain yet. I will admit that maybe there're aliens giving us a message about our future, but I also believe it could be a subliminal message from our subconscious. Sometimes this message reaches us in dreams or when drugs open us up to them.
edit on 26-3-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:54 PM
You mention that they talked to you but you kind of summed of the message they told you in your own words.

What I would like to know is what they said exactly in their words.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by paperface
reply to post by Annee

I think you focusing on the drug aspect is very very rude,Im sorry it just cheapens his whole story.


You have an odd interpretation of what I posted.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:56 PM
Not that I am siding with the OP but, those individuals who happen to drink on a daily basis get quite a costume to their way of drinking that one drink is like drinking water for them, so if the OP was under the 1 pill he is talking about then this is really not a reason in trying to be negative about it.

Those who have not taken "e" have no right to say what the after effects of such drug is, especially if you are used to it, one pill won't do anything for you.

Whether his story is true or not, the point being made by the OP is the experience he went through and as such we need to take it as a warning. If you agree with him or not, it is up to you.

Be open minded and carry on with life! You are no use or worth it to this universe if everything that comes across has to be debunked! Being open minded is exactly that...being open minded. Absorb it, take it in, make your own opinion (without speaking "out loud") of it and carry on!

Thanks for sharing OP!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:58 PM
I am sorry. I do not trust EBENs. They lie. They have there own agenda and anything that they say must always be taken as a lie. Their integrity is forever lost.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:03 PM
Well those ' aliens' told you nothing new really....many others have had similar experiences and relayed similar messages.
Your message however didnt need to come from ETs, the state of our planet and the implication of change should be obvious to anybody with eyes wide open.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:04 PM
OP...thank you for sharing. What I think or do not think really doesn't matter but that you believe it does. Having said that, you must also have to admit that believing that, someone feels you important enough to give this information to. I am concerned about your comments regarding possibly overdosing or being in a bad car accident soon. Every life is a precious gift, no matter how bad or dreary this life may get. It is all part of our growth. You must be meant for greater things...explore that.

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