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Possible Explanations For Rumbling Noise Heard Around the World?

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:03 PM
This rumbling noise heard around the world has really tickled my curiosity. I have heard it myself multiple times and so have countless mates. It is obviously a serious issue going on globally at the moment and I think that we at ATS need to get to the bottom of it. In the thread I am going to go through some possibilities I have come up with in regards to this strange rumbling noise heard around the world.

To start off.. a rather wild and speculative theory but nonetheless plausible..

You know how depending on what side of the equator you are on then the water will swirl in a different direction. Seeing as we are supposedly entering through the galactic equator then imagine the effects that this could have on our planet considering how much of an effect our terrestrial equator has on our water systems.

To me the rumbling noise sounded like it was coming from above me, the sky. I have read about people describing the noise as a 'Sky Train'. This noise has been heard all around the world. The only thing I am aware of that could create a phenomenon on such a global scale that is man made is HAARP. This is obviously a controversial subject and I don't really have much to go on but I believe the following.. HAARP definitely has the potential to create many different worldwide phenomenons that could be noticed globally.

Either that or it is some kind of terrestrial geological event such as a global seismological anomaly that we haven't experienced in our current recorded history. By the looks of it there has been some rather strange geological occurrences that we should probably pay some serious attention to. I am not really a professional in any subject that could help me get to the bottom of this worldwide mystery.

To be honest, all I am offering is some speculation and shooting some questions that will hopefully get some much smarter people than me thinking. I have been thinking about this issue constantly since I first heard the noise and read about it on the internet. It is a really important issue that I think we have a responsibility of getting to the bottom of. I am really pissed/drunk at the moment amongst other things so I apologize for any grammatical errors or if I don't make sense. Plus I'm only 18. Can anyone with some good knowledge help expand on the speculative points I am trying to get at? I know there are some great minds on ATS!

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:10 PM
I have been told by people In my area they hear a low rumble at night. I haven't heard anything myself but I live near a major highway and also a flight path for major airport. But this topic has intrest me since I saw the Florda rumble video.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:18 PM
I'm glad to know we have some smart 18 yr.olds out there that are interested in this world we live in. Glad to welcome you here and hope you get some help on this subject..As you state, it may be something we have never experienced as of yet in recorded history. I'll be 60 my next birth-day and I for one have no idea what it is...I question everything and try to come to some sort of truth out of it but it is really hard these days to do with all the nay-sayer, trolls and people out there just trying to stir up dissention. Just take in all you can and try and make heads or tails of it..Most of all believe in YOURSELF as you are running this show.....Good Luck....

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:21 PM
I heard rumbling the other night and was about to make a thread. Then it turned out to be thunder.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:23 PM

edit on 25-3-2011 by GhOsT_Of_HuSh because: not productive to thread.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:25 PM

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by GhOsT_Of_HuSh

actually it is the northern hemisphere that swirls opposite.

IE flushing of toilets, drainage, cyclones etc....

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:30 PM

edit on 25-3-2011 by GhOsT_Of_HuSh because: not productive to thread.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Cudafox

The first time me and my daughter heard it the only thing I could come up with is The Aurora Top-Secret Hypersonic Spy Plane talked about in this thread:
With that said what we heard was loud and I'm not sure if Aurora would make that much noise. One thing I would like to find out is was it over cast when other people heard it like it was where we live? If not Aurora should make one big contrail. Here is a video of a small ramjet:
edit on 25-3-2011 by FarBeyondDriven69 because: Added video of a ramjet

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Two likelly causes..

Low Frequency Propagation from Transmission Stations propagating "ultra low frequency standing waves" (In the audio range).

Over the horizon radar use bursts of low frequency on a UHF carrier....

Sometimes referred to as the "Wood Pecker"...

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:55 PM
One simple answer. HAARP

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 10:54 PM

March 16, 2011 Russian geophysicist Pogrebnikov concurs with his colleagues at Harvard and Stanford: the earth may be in for a hell of a time.

Geomagnetic Field Reveals Increasing Danger of Continent-Killing Quakes

Geomagnetic flux, often a precursor to mighty quakes, is sometimes accompanied by strange harmonics: people see colors dancing in the sky or hear what sounds like discordant music. Then the earth moves and like a giant, invisible hand changes the lands and seas. The growing aberrations of the magnetic field—and the increasing level activity of the sun—is symptomatic of the change in the earth's core. A dangerous change. An uncontrollable change. A change that is leading to the possibility of greater and greater disasters.

There are many posts lately concerning this same phenomenon. I've been tempted to point out the above every time I see one of those threads, but I've been too lazy to go find it. Anyway, this time I did.

Here's another interesting tidbit:

I Seen What The Rumbling Noise Is!

This one concerns a long-time ATS member who had never made a post before. Here's what she had to say:

...I went into the house and went into the front bathroom to do my makeup. I opened the window to keep an eye on things cause I was weirded out from what I just heard. So 5 minutes later the noise starts again and I look out the window. I glance up into the sky and I see the blue sky and fluffly clouds bend as if something was cloaked in the sky! Like in that movie Predator when the predator cloaks himself but you can still make out it's outline but it's clear. I saw what appeared to be a wing of a craft. This OBJECT IS HUGE! I wanna say football field size huge.

I became very frightened and began saying "Oh my God over and over. Seeing something in real life that you only seen in movies is traumatizing. And what creeped me out even more is that people have been documenting this rumbling noise all over the world. I didn't take any video so you just have to believe me. I was afraid I might miss whatever was making the rumbling noise that I didn't wanna walk away to get a camera.

I immediately called my bro because I remember a story he told me a month ago about a ufo outside his house that had legs on it like a transformer, (Optimus prime). He also lives in Michigan. But I was telling him about the noise that was coming from the object I saw and he blurted out "That's sounds like the noise I heard when I seen the Ufo outside my house!"

I know all this sounds crazy, but I just wanted share my story, because people are trying to figure out what the rumble noise is. I've never seen a UFO, and I hope that whatever I saw is Government, because if it isn't from the government then we're screwed, and a War of the worlds type scenario is about to pop off!...

Now, I want to point out that I don't necessarily consider these two things to be mutually exclusive phenomena. What I am saying is that it's entirely possible that our ET friends may also be interested in this phenomenon and just happened to show up at that place at that time in the course of their study of "The Noise."

So my answer is: Who the hell knows? Lotsa strange stuff going on lately....

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

I posted this on another thread which might interest you....

A natural cycle of the Earth...

The Earth goes through never ending cycles involving expansion and Contraction...

Hence Earth quakes..

We are near the point of when the Earth goes Critical and passes over the peak in its cycle again.

It is not so much the atmosphere is warming up but more importantly the Earths core is heating up so the Earth expands. When the Earth expands to a certain point water is allowed to enter via the trenches between the plates at some location i.e. its weakest point.

When the water hits the Mantle it explodes and opens up the trench a little more in that location and more water is able to enter after the first explosion.

The process repeats itself. Eventually all the seas return to under the Crust again from where it came from.

The seas were between the Crust and the mantel before the cooling threshold.
When the Earth cooled it squeezed the water out through the trenches between the plates.
The Earth then entered the Hot cycle as where it is today and about to complete the hot cycle.
So the earth does indeed fracture (this time involving the Ring of Fire) and the seas disappear in about 8 hours from the first explosion.

And then we enter the cold cycle again.
This has happened many times during the history of the Earth.

If you look at Mars it is in the cold cycle this is why the seas on mars have disappeared i.e. the water is under the crust (between the Crust and the Mantel). Soon Mars will enter the Hot cycle again and the seas will return on Mars.

Keep an eye on what’s being discovered on Mars as we are about to see Mars change i.e. the return of The Martian seas...

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Damn! More bad news! First it's Nibiru, then it's Elenin, and then it's something else and something else and something else. No wonder everybody thinks it's the end of the world--it actually is!

Guess I'll go dig out that Bucket List....

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

there is No End just one chapter ending and another one starting...

After we get through these next few years no more disasters for about another 1,000 years...

These are natural changes nothing to fear, but to learn more about our real selves and the programs we are experiencing.

The seas will go under the crust and you and I will survive and regarding population growth it is then no longer a problem…

Just Imagine all that land which is covered by water at present. 4/5 th’s of the earths surface isn't it…

Trust LIFE... Not the Primate, in other words the flesh...

edit on 26-3-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:16 PM
Well, I did NOT expect this to tie into our celestial position, so that was interesting.

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